idea for site


Nov 24, 2004
Reaction score
this has problably been said before but if you make a new section----named SCREENSHOTS then it would make a lot of people happy :afro: :D
Think theres a topic in the Art & Design section
Theres also the famous "Interesting Poses" thread for all your garrysmod.. creations
no just a brand new forum section with JUST screenshots

and there could be subsections like c:ss screenshots, garry's mod screenshots, half-life 2 screenshots, and so on

screenshots are pretty dull though, garrysmod gets away with it cause you can do a lot. But regular screenshots will just be repeats of older stuff, CS:S will just be lots of one shot kills or explosions blowing ragdolls about. HL will just be lots of the same killing lots of combine.

Maybe a few "omg look at what this ragdoll/physics item/object did!"

a section devoted entirely to that, bit silly.. BUT, having a random screenshot section on the main site, that changes everytime you refresh, that could be ok.
Hmmm....a screenshots section? :O Might be good for organizing stuff, y'know ....
the only reason i suggested it was because it would get the screenshots out of all the other sections :thumbs:
JeanPaul said:
the only reason i suggested it was because it would get the screenshots out of all the other sections :thumbs:
Yeah we thought that with the other sections, but mods are continually moving threads out of the wrong sections.

It'll just end up causing arguments, a newbie would post some screenshot he thinks is cool, that the others will have seen tens of times before, result, flame and close/warn.