

Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
I have an idea for a game.
A RTS like Command & Conquer but with people also as comandoes (Like Tanya) playing it as an FPS. That would make for crazy multiplayer games.

Ahem. Sorry.

Yes, it would be fantastic. I wonder if anyone is working on a game just like that, right now........
Pi Mu Rho said:

Ahem. Sorry.

Yes, it would be fantastic. I wonder if anyone is working on a game just like that, right now........
are you paying people to post these random hints? :p
Ha! If only they could see what I can see right now....
ríomhaire said:
I have an idea for a game.
A RTS like Command & Conquer but with people also as comandoes (Like Tanya) playing it as an FPS. That would make for crazy multiplayer games.
Go play Natural-selection.
Natural Selection is a "lite" RTS (with no offence intended to the NS team).

I believe what riomhaire was suggesting was a conflict in a similar style to C&C, controlled RTS-style by some players, with the others running around in the middle FPS-style. Somewhat larger in scale and scope than NS - kind of what C&C:Renegade should have been.
Pi Mu Rho said:
kind of what C&C:Renegade should have been.
I had too high hopes for that game. ;(
Like renegade but with customisable characters, not just generic comandoes. You could be shooting at someone and then recognise them. Like in a MMORPG.
You could also give the comandoes units to order like Unreal or Republic Comandoe.
I'm sure that somebody, somewhere, is working on something remarkably similar to what you're describing.
Pi Mu Rho said:
I'm sure that somebody, somewhere, is working on something remarkably similar to what you're describing.
I hope so. I also hope it's good.
I'm fairly certain that it is...
I'm sure it'd have large, expansive maps, with ample room for large battles yet cleverly designed to allow for intense FPS play too.

Savage is like that, Savage was pretty cool too except no one plays it. Natural Selection was an awsome game until they changed it and completly ruined it. Natural Selection was my favorite online game, and it was just a mod. It was much, much better than CS and DoD. Pi, are you going to link to your mod that you are shemlessly advertising?
Let me fly the kirov airship, and I will endorse your idea.
Foxtrot said:
Pi, are you going to link to your mod that you are shemlessly advertising?

I'm not working on a mod. I work for a commercial game developer...
My brother brought up a much better idea a few days ago when I showed him the screenshots of Comdemned. He thinks someone should make an FPS where all you do is escape from a mental institution. There are so many ideas that are sprung from this one idea, it's crazy.
Wasn't there a game a few years ago, can't remember the name, but it was set in the future and you controlled a hovering fortress where you built tanks, men and aircraft, and you could command them in 3d like any other 3d rpg, but you could also take control of any of the vehicles? It wasn't Incoming, it was an apocalyptic world.
Razor said:
Wasn't there a game a few years ago, can't remember the name, but it was set in the future and you controlled a hovering fortress where you built tanks, men and aircraft, and you could command them in 3d like any other 3d rpg, but you could also take control of any of the vehicles? It wasn't Incoming, it was an apocalyptic world.
Urban Warfare or Urban Combat was like that.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Ha! If only they could see what I can see right now....

Pi Muh Rho's lost it. Either that or he's taking the piss. Or the answers really obvious. Or he think's he is some sort of god.

Reminds me of Bob page from Deus ex.... :eek:
I couldn't really drop many more hints than I already have.
Pretty much, Pi is working on some project which he can't talk about as it's gotta be kept under wraps, and now this threads come up which is basically describing the game Pi is working on?

Something like that anyway :p
I'm not at liberty to say. I've seen it happen too many times that a developer says something on a forum, and it gets treated as the official line of their employer (even to the extent that offhand remarks have been posted as news)
So, hints about my current project aside, I keep that side of things seperate.
The hints didn't hit me hard enough :p

Well now, you've got me interested. Your not by any chance wearing a blue suit with black, slicked hair and carry a grey briefcase?
That game concept is one I've always loved.

Remember Machines? Now that was a fun game :D I really wish it could have been taken further with other games. It would have been so fun if starcraft had had that ability(especially thinking about the user made maps which have come out)...Ah well, theres always Pi I suppose :p
Pi Mu Rho said:
I'm not at liberty to say. I've seen it happen too many times that a developer says something on a forum, and it gets treated as the official line of their employer (even to the extent that offhand remarks have been posted as news)
So, hints about my current project aside, I keep that side of things seperate.

Electronic's Red Alert 3 renegade you're making, isn't it? :p

Or total annihilation 2.
No, it's definitely not EA. I won't ever, ever have anything to do with them. Ever.
Pi Mu Rho said:
No, it's definitely not EA. I won't ever, ever have anything to do with them. Ever.


I mean who would want to join a meglomaniac company intent on little more than churning out every last penny from the consumer. The only thing they care about from the consumer, or the fans, is thier money.

The games crap? Who cares, we know people are going to buy it. Hey, add 2005 to that would ya?

Erm, sorry, this isn't meant to be a rip EA thread :p.
He works for DICE! Teh game is Battlefield 2! (Or you work for Truma Studios?) Am I close?
It's not Dead 6, it's not DICE.

It's something that hasn't been publicly announced yet, but it is in development.
Pi Mu Rho said:
It's not Dead 6, it's not DICE.

It's something that hasn't been publicly announced yet, but it is in development.
What timeframe would we expect this announcement to be in?A couple years?
Wan't there a Russian studio making an rts-game with fps-elements? I thought it was Wartime Command, although when reading the FAQ they write nothing about being able to control your character in first person.

For the record: I'd buy an rts with fps-control.
Tr0n said:
What timeframe would we expect this announcement to be in?A couple years?

That's dependent on our beloved publisher. It won't be at E3 time, so probably later this year.
Pi Mu Rho said:
That's dependent on our beloved publisher. It won't be at E3 time, so probably later this year.
Ok for my next question which I hope isn't gonna go to far in making you give more hints than what you already have given (which is what I'm trying not to do) but...

Graphics and physics wise is this game you're working on up to par with hl2/doom3's if not better?