Ideas for next GTA game, what do you want?



Since GTAIV re-visited Liberty City, though it was completely different, where would you like to see the next GTA game set?

What would need improving?
What was just too much?
What made GTA IV so great that should stay?

My List-
-Back to San Andreas (I want those auto tuning shops again)
-Keep the vehicle physics
-More weapons
-More vehicles, use both old models and new models
-Bring back the Taxi side missions
-Bring back the ability to fly jets/planes
-Less boats
-More difficult missions
-Actual Internets
-Keep the TV, maybe add more shows though
-More comedians at the comedy club (lots of material, but I only saw two comics saying everything so far)
Some hot coffee.
Female protagonist.

Then lesbian hot coffee.
I wouldn't mind a protagonist that's customizable. I get the storyline would have to be more tailored and interchangeable, then, but I'd like to be able to choose his upbringing (or her upbringing, for that matter). Probably a terribad idea, but it sounds interesting on paper.

I'd like a city that grows. You know how they have construction sites? What if you really spent 80 days in-game, which is what my first play through was, the buildings got finished, another was torn down.

Seasons would be great, too. Holidays could be hilarious.

I'd also like to see robberies and more crimes. It could be a fun dynamic if you could hold up stores, and as you're about to do it, some other idiot has beaten you to it.
I wouldn't mind a protagonist that's customizable. I get the storyline would have to be more tailored and interchangeable, then, but I'd like to be able to choose his upbringing (or her upbringing, for that matter). Probably a terribad idea, but it sounds interesting on paper.

I'd like a city that grows. You know how they have construction sites? What if you really spent 80 days in-game, which is what my first play through was, the buildings got finished, another was torn down.

Seasons would be great, too. Holidays could be hilarious.

I'd also like to see robberies and more crimes. It could be a fun dynamic if you could hold up stores, and as you're about to do it, some other idiot has beaten you to it.

Those two sounds fun. I could see that in a future instalment. Beeing able to comit smaller crimes like robberys in stores sounds like a cool feature, and i could see it in future installments.
I donnu about the whole "protagonist that's customizable" thou. Maybe have a say in the sex, and have a unisex name, like in jedi academi, but that whould kinda mess up the atmosphere, maybe i don't know.
But I like the linearity in the story with gta. It's not a RPG.

Also, a better multiplayer system
More things to do that actually tie into the free-roaming nature of the game. IV had a great open world design, but in terms of gameplay mechanics it was pretty linear...

Also, bring back the side-missions (taxi/cop/ambulance/fire), but better. The police computer in IV is crap.
When has any game set in the future been good?

(except maybe Battlefield 2142)
I like the building idea, just look at the road in Algonquin that has a friggin crane in the middle of it, that ****ing road was always in the way.

@Geogaddi- A better multiplayer system is a must, but props since this was R*'s first real try. A Co-op mode would kick so much ass though.

@Tenacious- you only get one star IF you shoot within the vicinity of a cop or kill someone.
I think we already danced this dance!

I'd like to see GTA: Near Future Russia.
Immensely corrupt government. Brutal intelligence agencies using powerful corporations as tools. Rogue journalists. Ex-communists. Apperatchiks. The CIA. Isotopes. Old warheads. Chinese secret service. St Petersburg. Snow. Chechnya.
I just thought that a very interesting setting might be Cuba and the tip of Florida during the late 50s and early 60s. It'd be a time when the Batista government, propped up by corrupt corporations, the US government and the mafia, is beginnning to fall to the popularist Castro. One presumes that the player could get involved either with the campaign to overthrow Batista, or with the American efforts to keep Batista in power, and then to overthrow Castro. Fifties hot rods, JFK on TV, missiles, jungle, stretches of sun-bleached road, mafia casinos and hotels, speedboats, drugs trade to the mainland via the CIA, rigging the Florida election so JFK gets votes, the Bay of Pigs...all fictionalised, of course.

Again, like with the proposed 'russia' scenario, what is cool about this is that it strays into pretty explicitly political territory, which is where things get particularly interesting. After all, Rockstar has never been shy about equating government with organised crime rackets.
Dance it again, bitch!

Originally Posted by Koola Mena
yeah i like it. You last a day and a half game time if you're not on your feet.

also, i wouldn't like to be in chechnya D:
Get rid of the boring baby sitting missions and add more variety to the ones we do get. Greater emphasis on driving, fighting and sandbox goodness (this is gta after all) would also be welcome. Lastly, multiplayer needs a complete redesign. It should have been the coolest thing ever - instead it's so broken and tacked on that it's more frustrating than fun.

Oh, replace the crappy lock on system with the one from Crackdown and add co-op.
GTA4: vice city

VC was the best of the GTA3 series
What are the extra content for the Xbox gonna be?
A lock-on aiming system that aims at the person blowing my face off in front of me and not the guy across the street drinking his coffee.
...but we'll look forward too and start playing again when it comes!
This month's XBM has a great idea...
We should totally be a righteous, corrupt cop! WOO!
-Or the 30's. Windy City... Motor City. Streamliner-train connecting both levels.

Horse-race tracks, 'numbers' rackets.
Burlesque/Vaudeville acts. The Opera...
Blimps. Wooden inboard/outboard speedboats.
Art Deco... Golf-courses.
Walkie-talkies. AM-radio.
Harleys (some with sidecars) and Harley Earlesque vehicles.
Crusading DA's, 'Fifth Columnists'.

-but I'll be fine with modern-day Sydney, Singapore, Soho, Strelzau, wherever.
GTA: Some Time Russia.
You are a newbie in the Ultimate Russia political fraction. The election time is near,so you must exterminate the opposition.Spray over their tags and ads. Kill their men. Do whatever you want. An you'll become a deputy.
Yep, London's areadymade...

'N as a Yank, I'll expect the game to scold me for entering vehicles on the left-side, and forgetting to drive on-the-left-side of streets, roads, etc...

UK-cops carry guns, don't they ?