Ideas for next GTA game, what do you want?

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And what about the cars? The game is called grand theft auto after all.

Zombie apocalypse doesn't fit at all into the GTA style, no matter how creative you get.

ITT people dream up games that are based on GTA's engine and sandbox environment rather than an actual .

That said I wish there was a zombie mode cheat code ala knut's description.

I'd like to see a list of requirements that qualify an idea as a 'legit addition to the GTA franchise'. If stealing cars is the only one, then I'm pretty sure it works.
How is stealing cars from people on the street going to fit in a zombie infested world? I mean, maybe right at the beginning of the breakout when things transition from normal to chaotic. But that doesn't sound like what knut or virus were describing.

The world of GTA has common elements that exist in all the games. A thriving city full of pedestrians, cars, cops, etc. A zombie apoc world simply doesn't fit into that, and trying to bend things to come up with lame replacements to fill these elements (derp there's like a zombie cop force that arrests you for killing people derp) is just trying too hard.

But Rockstar can go ahead and make a zombie game with their gta engine, just don't call it gta.
I wouldn't want a zombie game that has absolutely no (or even not very many) surviving people, and even if it would be less common, you could still steal cars from people. But mostly I was referring to the fact that there would be empty cars everywhere. I wasn't serious in claiming that a zombie game could really be GTA, I was just trying to point out how vague an idea GTA really is and many of the ideas in this thread are just random locations to have similar gameplay. Also, you are gay.
How is stealing cars from people on the street going to fit in a zombie infested world? I mean, maybe right at the beginning of the breakout when things transition from normal to chaotic. But that doesn't sound like what knut or virus were describing.

for the record, that isn't what i meant. i just wanted a cheat that mad pedestrians beat you up, and then it spiraled into a spin-off idea that i'd like to rockstar to do something seperate.

But Rockstar can go ahead and make a zombie game with their gta engine, just don't call it gta.

regarding the spin-off, this is what i meant.
I know what you meant all along Knut and I agree, but when Virus started talking about how the game should try to be like GTA with people giving you missions, I got the impression that he was suggesting there should be an actual GTA: Zombie Apocalypse game, as if it could really pass as an addition to the GTA franchise.

As for you Sheepo, I never said the game wouldn't have any survivors. But that doesn't mean they're just going to be driving around all over the place like they would in a normal city, and stealing empty cars is not at all the same thing as jacking someone's car. It would hardly even be considered stealing in an apocalypse environment.

There are large themes in GTA that go beyond individual acts of stealing cars or killing pedestrians. You are placed into a city that is meant to feel like a real, normal city. Filled with people who have normal lives. You are the element of chaos, you can choose to start shooting innocent people on the street, or steal someone's car and start crashing into other people or running down pedestrians. There's also the theme of starting out as a nobody and slowly working your way to respect, money, and power, by doing jobs and stuff for people. Missions. This hardly seems fitting in the zombie game. The people who have survived are fighters, they don't just go hiring other people to do 'jobs'. Placing the player in a zombie apocalypse world puts totally different themes into play.
It could work if it were a world like the movie Fido, where zombies are essentially commodities and vapid slaves. It wouldn't quite be a "proper" zombie game, but you'd have a realistic world, and the zombies could be a source of tension and latent antagonism.
Would be great if it took place during the Depression in Chicago or New York.
L.A. Noire could scratch that itch.
I want a little bit more variety in the guns, the AK-47 and the M4A1 have been in almost every GTA game. I wouldn't mind an AN-94 or an AK-103, maybe a flamethrower. Oh, and a little more realistic gore, not that leaking paint-esque gore.
All I want is for the game to return to its cartoony roots. I want a stylised game, maybe even cel-shaded. Excessive realism just bogs this series down.
Realism, though - has made its mark. At times the game play feels way too much like the Sims (ya know, like the activities in GTA4).
Make it so two stars the cops dont try to KILL YOU even if you're just standing there unarmed. Need to be able to bust you on foot if you go idle.

I never played GTA4 (only Vice city and SA) so I dont know if that was fixed or not.
They need to make running while fleeing a talent that you have to be good at. Some sort of rhythm thing as you move, I guess kind of like RDR horse riding, but improved.

That way there's a chance cops could catch you on foot and tackle you, busting you at those low level stars.

It's true that it's annoying as hell that they set out to gun you down for the most minor offenses.

Dogs... dogs would be great as well. Imagine evading a K9 unit.
>Killing dogs in a video game and expecting it to get released without controversy.

>Then again it is GTA

Yep, people are weird. Smashing grandma to death is okay, but harm a single hair on a dog and you're satan.

Even on shock wesbsites like ogrish or theync people act like that!
Dogs are completely innocent. Grandmas are viscous, foulmouthed ****bags.
Make it so two stars the cops dont try to KILL YOU even if you're just standing there unarmed. Need to be able to bust you on foot if you go idle.

I never played GTA4 (only Vice city and SA) so I dont know if that was fixed or not.
GTA4 did it pretty well IMO. At 1-star they try to bust you on foot as much as possible until you draw a gun on them or persistently run off. If they catch you, Niko puts his hands up, after which you can either let them bust you or opt to run off by hitting shift (on PC) in the few seconds it takes before Niko goes down on his knees. They immediately try to shoot you in that case. 2-stars, I'm not exactly sure what they do... they probably do shoot you pretty easily, but I think that's fair enough considering that police hummers start to roll up at 3-stars.
All I want is for the game to return to its cartoony roots. I want a stylised game, maybe even cel-shaded. Excessive realism just bogs this series down.

No no no, I love the 'realistic' look in GTA IV.
Yep, people are weird. Smashing grandma to death is okay, but harm a single hair on a dog and you're satan.

Even on shock wesbsites like ogrish or theync people act like that!

Call of Duty had dogs, and Farcry 2 had zebras and gazelles. I cant see it being a horrible ordeal so long as its not a K9 genocide thing.