Identifying Implants in US workers

CptStern said:
so I havent been corrupted by this tainted world? armaggeddon isnt coming because of people like me?

purgatory is like a celestial waiting room ..complete with annoying muzak, uncomfortable chairs, and outdated fishing magazines

Greatgat: tha Hicks guy needs more exposure in north america

I hope your version is correct. The pictures of people burning in purifying flames kind of freak me out.
oh come on it's just a fairy tale ..even catholic theologians dont take much stock in the idea that hell is "fire and brimstone".
CptStern said:
oh come on it's just a fairy tale ..even catholic theologians dont take much stock in the idea that hell is "fire and brimstone".

Well, all I know is that it's pain.
If you want to be all funadamentalist about it it's actually a very large pool of sulphur. LOL. Hell anyway.
CptStern said:
and you know this to be 100% true?

Well come on man! In the bible it says it sucks bad. It's hell! Not a land of donuts and candy.
ya well the bible says a lot of things did you know that according to Leviticus eating shelfish (lobster) is considered an abomination?

"And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you: They shall be even an abomination unto you; ye shall not eat of their flesh, but ye shall have their carcases in abomination. Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, that shall be an abomination unto you." - Leviticus 10-12
CptStern said:
ya well the bible says a lot of things did you know that according to Leviticus eating shelfish (lobster) is considered an abonimation?

"And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you: They shall be even an abomination unto you; ye shall not eat of their flesh, but ye shall have their carcases in abomination. Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, that shall be an abomination unto you." - Leviticus 10-12

Ok well the bible really needs to be interpreted correctly. The book was written over a thousand years or so and a long time ago, so some of the ideas are a bit outlandish. That is why some old Catholic ideas have been done away with.
madog said:
Ok well the bible really needs to be interpreted correctly. The book was written over a thousand years or so and a long time ago, so some of the ideas are a bit outlandish. That is why some old Catholic ideas have been done away with.

Like all the Old Testament and most of the New? :rolleyes:
CptStern said:
oh come on it's just a fairy tale ..even catholic theologians dont take much stock in the idea that hell is "fire and brimstone".

I wouldn't say that about all of em. Hell is a place of supreme suffering, for all eternity. No matter how many "I'm sorries" you say, will you ever get out of it.

I can't even imigine it. Eternity is a ****ing long time.
Raziaar said:
I wouldn't say that about all of em. Hell is a place of supreme suffering, for all eternity. No matter how many "I'm sorries" you say, will you ever get out of it.

I can't even imigine it. Eternity is a ****ing long time.

And that's the ****ed thing I find with this religion. No person is beyond redemption. At least not of biblical proportions where you suffer agony for all eternity.
Raziaar said:
I wouldn't say that about all of em. Hell is a place of supreme suffering, for all eternity. No matter how many "I'm sorries" you say, will you ever get out of it.

I can't even imigine it. Eternity is a ****ing long time.

catholicism allows for redemption of sins ..if you were to go by catholic theology alone (and not fiery sermons meant to scare 8 yr olds into flying straight) very few people would actually go to hell, most go to purgatory. Even the hardest of criminals can walk thru the pearly gates as long as he is absolved of sin during last rites
madog said:
Ok well the bible really needs to be interpreted correctly. The book was written over a thousand years or so and a long time ago, so some of the ideas are a bit outlandish.

no it's not ..because christians use similiar passages from Leviticus to condemn homosexuality:

"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination." - Leviticus 20:13

why is one passage valid but the other isnt?
You of all people should know, Stern... No double posting!

it was in error, but thanks for pointing that out .....
CptStern said:
it was in error, but thanks for pointing that out .....

Any chance to ride you is a welcome one...

Exactly. Whenever somebody pulls the fire and brimstone gays are condemned to hell thing, I ask them if they've been eating kosher lately. Both strongly spoken about in Leviticus.
CptStern said:
here catch

..whoops I still have the pin :O

Heh. I find it funny you make me out to be some sort of religious whacko/nutjob. When i'm the furthest thing from the truth. I am religious, yes, but my life doesn't revolve around it, and its only between me and god.
Raptor Jesus went extinct for our sins!
Do they realise that implanting RFID tags in people is about 10 times LESS secure than using RFID keycards?

For one, you can "skim" the data whenever you come close to the target employee.
Two, you can hide/secure a keycard- not an arm however.

Its a publicity stunt
Erestheux said:
I don't see this being so bad, if its kept for super-high security jobs only.

it starts with that...but where does it end?
CptStern said:
isnt there something in the bible (somewhere in the middle) that identifies implanted tech as the sign of the coming armaggeddon?

we need a christian in here STAT

"in ye future tyme when men have carts that fly and drive without donkey, there will come ye tyme when employers will implant microchips in ye workers, thus foreshadowing the events of the armageddon and the rebirth of Christ"

There we go Stern, right there in black and white :(.

But implanted tech could mean anything from a pacemaker to a false limb.