IDF Rifleman


Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
We're going to start player modeling soon, so obviously we will have 10 character concepts similar to this one for modeling purposes, thought you all might like to see too.
I assume that "We're" is Promised Land?
yep. thus all the "promised land" tags on the image itself.
That's a lot of pockets. It's looking like a lot of detail will be going into those models. I'll have to take a closer look at the "Promised Land"
My only quibble is that his feet in the side view appear too thin around the ankle to me. Excellent stuff though!
Very realistic and detailed concepts, I like them alot.
Looks pretty awesome. I hope at least half of this ammount of detail will show up in the final product. Good luck.
is this the israeli/palestinian mod?

if so ...that's a controversial tightrope you're walking. Almost bordering on bad taste ...sorry just my opinion

but the drawing is nice
we've had the argument before. if youd bothered to read the 'about' section on our website i doubt youd think the way you do. after speaking with gabe, and other members of valve were no longer concerned about controversy as our current design document stays true. they actually suggested we add suicide bombers to the hamas side (which we wont have).
gh0st said:
we've had the argument before. if youd bothered to read the 'about' section on our website i doubt youd think the way you do. after speaking with gabe, and other members of valve were no longer concerned about controversy as our current design document stays true. they actually suggested we add suicide bombers to the hamas side.

I did read the about section of the site. It's not what you plan to do with's just that this issue brings up so much bad blood between people. I sympathise with both sides but I wouldnt want to cheapen their struggle by playing a game based on it. It's all fine and dandy Gabe's given you support but it doesnt change my opinion. Not to worry I'm sure I'm the minority here. All in all it looks good but it's just too imprinted in my head to play a game based on the atrocities commited by both sides. I'll give it a shot when it's released but I dont know ... just cant get the image of so many innocents killed out of my mind

I dont think I'd play a game based on say the invasion of Fallujah, sometimes politics and games dont mix well
Yeah, we (E-Force) saw and discussed about your mod, it will be truly a hard road to take, their are a lot of people out there that don't really like Israeli people and the conflict especially, I would personally advice you to take neutral ground, don’t favor any of the sides, just be neutral. We truly wish you good luck guys and hope you will accomplish it.
gh0st said:
thanks for not hijacking the thread.

sorry that wasnt my intent. Certain topics tend to stir emotion. Your team are certainly talented enough and I'm sure you've thought this thru but IMHO it's a topic that is best left alone. Out of curiosity have you asked anyone of the represented nationalities what they thought about the mod?
Email1 said:
I was looking in your promisland site and realized that you were looking for
someone thats an Arabic speaker , well i am Lebanese and can speak Arabic
perfectly , i can help out if you want. I also used to do some mapping for
counter strike using worldcraft , so i might be able to help out in their as
well. So if you are interested just let me know.

Email2 said:
Hi I am a Palestinian. I know and speak Arabic fluently as well as English.
I would love to help you out and do sounds/voices for you.

Email3 said:
am an 17yr old Israeli.
I can speak English with an American accent or with an Israeli accent
and I can speak Hebrew with an Israeli accent or with an American accent.

I would like to help you with the Promised Land mod in any way possible



-information gathering

HL2 member said:
Subject: Point of view of Israeli
I Really want to help you guys in my point of view
I can help in many disciplines,
as i wrote in my post , I can hep you about kind of weapons, details , Battle
areas ,missions that has been, Stories , Ideas , and things that wont make the
game too political.

i dont feel like going through anymore, there are quite a few. there are also quite a few israeli's on our forums. give it a rest please, the only people who have ever issued any negative remarks are from these forums, and those people have been few. and i sure as hell didnt make this thread to try to justify anything.

anyway, back to the art...
i dont think some of them fully grasp the situation:

"I personally think that there should be a class on one of the teams that has a guy that can jsut like sprint extra fast and suicide bomb... That would be flipping sweet. "

- forum post

anyways ...did you draw the concept art? It's quite well done
no, one of our concept artists did. my drawing would be a stick figure covered in my own drool.
that took him maybe 2-3 days.. so we should have one tomorrow or the next day. this time it will be a Hamas class, and ill post in this thread.
Just to state my opinion, I think Controversy is a good thing imo, add suicide bombers, don’t listen to what other people say. Censorship is stuff the ****s up any form of art, so please keep things on the edge and raw. That’s the only way to keep peoples attention fixed on your mod.

Anyway, good concept... I have a feeling the proportions are slightly off but that’s forgivable. And yeah, post the Hamas class to.
I personally think that there should be a class on one of the teams that has a guy that can jsut like sprint extra fast and suicide bomb... That would be flipping sweet. "

Some people are so stupid, I'd like to see him say "Flipping sweet" when a suicide bomber runs at him..
heres the next.. the Hamas "Militant". the idea is to have them blend in somewhat well with civilians, while still being apparant who the threat is.
the new concept art is well done but it's a bit underwhelming in comparison to the rifleman. He doesnt look like he's a member of hamas ...he looks like he just stepped out of Counterstrike. I dont maybe I expected something along the lines of a PLO uniform know the checkered scarf covering the face, loose clothing and concealed weapons
the idea is to make him blend in as well as possible with other civilians.

he isnt a member of the PLO, why would you wear a Hamas "uniform" while your fighting? makes you an obvious target i think.
what a nice suprise! an actual model sheet...havent seen one of those for a mod in quite a while :D

top dollar!
LOL I WISH THAT WE ACUTLLY HAD SUCH EQUIPMENT! very not realistic... i live in israel so i know.
btw, if you want i can help you on subjects such as sound and GFX.
What the hell? They got that equipment from actual IDF photographs. John, am I correct?