Idle Hands

Dec 19, 2004
Reaction score
Giant robotic hand......of dooooooom!...(and other cwazy contwaptions)

This more than likely goes in the "interesting poses: everything garrys mod" forum...but, I already created that monster and would rather make another...more or less pertaining to anything robotic and autonamous in nature...(yes must be made in garrys goddamn mod) like for instance, the hand I made...which isnt automated yet...but will be soon...and I'm also making a "mech" type of machine...driveable of course...I'll post some screens soon.....when I actually finish it...until then...enjoy my right so to speak


  • SpreadEm.jpg
    83.3 KB · Views: 425
  • HadToBeDone.jpg
    80.7 KB · Views: 403
  • InnocentUnsuspectingLamarr.jpg
    83.6 KB · Views: 389
  • MakeLoveNotWar.jpg
    72.2 KB · Views: 381
  • YupItsAhand.jpg
    63.1 KB · Views: 388
yep...'twas fun to make too...I'll try to get the savegame file all can enjoy the pleasures of a right hand...
I especially liked the second one. :thumbs:
That's the coolest thing I've ever seen.
It belongs in the Garry's mod thread that you made.
That's the coolest um... one of those I've ever seen. :thumbs:
If you think it goes in Garrys mod, then you had better put it there. I wouldn't be surprised if you got a warning off this.
Danimal said:
It belongs in the Garry's mod thread that you made.

Dude.....whatever. Obviously if he wanted to put it in there he would have. Chill.

The arm-chair moderating around here is getting out of.....hand, no pun intended.
looks pretty cool! :D

i love the "unsuspecting lamaar" one... :thumbs:
HeadCrabMolester said:
This more than likely goes in the "interesting poses: everything garrys mod" forum...but, I already created that monster and would rather make another...more or less pertaining to anything robotic and autonamous in nature...(yes must be made in garrys goddamn mod) like for instance, the hand I made...which isnt automated yet...but will be soon...and I'm also making a "mech" type of machine...driveable of course...I'll post some screens soon.....when I actually finish it...until then...enjoy my right so to speak
That does look cool, but you probably could have added it to the main thread and it wouldn't drop off the list as quickly then and be forgotton.
As the unreal tournament announcer would say, "H-H-H-HHHOOOOOLY SH*T!"
Fckin awsome! :thumbs:
heh...well, thanks guys...'twas a bitch to make let me tell you...I'm havin' a bit o' trouble with "mechanizing" the damn know, move by itself...or by remote, etc...mostly cus it's so big...weight and all that...takes me like 20 thrusters to get the tip of the finger to thats using a pulley and slider combination...I'm thinking of just weldin' thrusters in key places on each finger joint...and binding them to my keyboard...and controlling it as such...sorta like the hollywood folk do for their animatronic what-not...-shrugs-...time will tell...oh and I like the giant gun idea...I might take you up on that idea, systemshock2...

As for putting this in my other thanks...the idea was to start a new one involving mechanical inventions...and specifically other threads' such a cluster **** of random (no offense but mostly crappy...except for a couple funny ones) bullshit that me actually getting anywhere with my idea is abysmal...hence the new to shamelessly raping the half-life 2 engine...physically....ha!..-slaps knee-