if a tree falls, and noone is there to hear it, did it make a sound?

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Some might say: yes it made a sound because the laws of physics work regardless of human perception. Sound waves are produced even if you are not there to hear them.

However, sound, by definition, is the sensation in the ear of vibrations travelling through some medium. If there is noone there to sense those vibrations, then there is no sound (re-read the definition of sound).

It's just a semantics problem disguised as a metaphysical problem designed to fool you. In reality, the sound waves are produced, but the person asking you the question is fooling you because you are too dumb to know the definition of sound.

But what if there is a sound recorder, did the tree make a sound in that case? :)
Ok, this is more of a bulletin than a thread.
kelt'ar said:
It's just a semantics problem disguised as a metaphysical problem designed to fool you. In reality, the sound waves are produced, but the person asking you the question is fooling you because you are too dumb to know the definition of sound.

It's a rhetorical question (ie. one not even to be attempted to be answered).

Or if you disagree: What is the sound of one hand clapping?
bgesley426 said:
It's a rhetorical question (ie. one not even to be attempted to be answered).

Or if you disagree: What is the sound of one hand clapping?

Actually, if a tree falls in a forest, and no one is around, the tree doesn't exist
bgesley426 said:
Or if you disagree: What is the sound of one hand clapping?
LiquidToast can clap with one hand... it sounds a lot like regular clapping
It's actually rather disturbing...
OvA said:
haha wtf

Very nice source btw

LMAO. I don't know if its bullshit or not.

I don't really care. Whether trees make different sounds or not when they are not in my divine presence, I could care less. heh.

Actually, if a tree falls in a forest, and no one is around, the tree doesn't exist

That's because you have your tree distance slider down, noob. Crank that baby up!
another good question: if kelt'ar says somthing really stupid and nobody hears it, is he still an idiot?
Well, if what you said is true, then one could also say that when a tree falls, everybody hears it, it's just so soft to some people that they don't notice it.

IE some rice eye in malaysia.
1. Of course it makes a sound. sound isn't "sound", it's energy, physically as real as the tree itself. It's like asking whether the world disappears when you close your eyes or not, in which case, you can dabble on forever and ever.

2. One hand can't clap. Clapping is the sound that's made when two objects are, well, clapped together.

I heard trees make a different sound... because they are not human stressed at the time of their collapse.

Do a search on Human Stressed Trees.


seriously, wtf lol :D
CrazyHarij said:
2. One hand can't clap. Clapping is the sound that's made when two objects are, well, clapped together.

Collision of ones finger and ones palm.

A sound, however minute, is still a sound.
CrazyHarij said:
1. Of course it makes a sound. sound isn't "sound", it's energy, physically as real as the tree itself. It's like asking whether the world disappears when you close your eyes or not, in which case, you can dabble on forever and ever.

2. One hand can't clap. Clapping is the sound that's made when two objects are, well, clapped together.

seriously, wtf lol :D

But "sound" is a word used to describe the sensation we feel when perceiving a particular range of certain frequencies of vibration. If we are not there to sense that vibration, is that vibration "sound."

The Phantim is not a physicist, just a smarta$$.
kelt'ar said:
Some might say: yes it made a sound because the laws of physics work regardless of human perception. Sound waves are produced even if you are not there to hear them.

However, sound, by definition, is the sensation in the ear of vibrations travelling through some medium. If there is noone there to sense those vibrations, then there is no sound (re-read the definition of sound).

It's just a semantics problem disguised as a metaphysical problem designed to fool you. In reality, the sound waves are produced, but the person asking you the question is fooling you because you are too dumb to know the definition of sound.

But what if there is a sound recorder, did the tree make a sound in that case? :)
If I ask the question in another language the answer you took time to think up is ruined because the semantics issue goes out the window.
'Shit, I just got served'.

Zen said:
What is the sound of one hand clapping?
If you are talking about 'only' one hand clapping, that is a physical impossibility because clapping by definition requires two hands. It's like saying 'what is the sound of one man killing (nobody)' - the answer is that there isn't one, because such an action doesn't exist.

If you are talking about one hand clapping against the other hand, then the sound is approximately 'clap'.
What's red and invisible?

No tomatoes.
Metaphysics should be banned by law.

Its like 'reality is relative' and 'if you think this and everyone else thinks the same thing then it is real' and also 'INGSOC DOUBLETHINK'
But "sound" is a word used to describe the sensation we feel when perceiving a particular range of certain frequencies of vibration. If we are not there to sense that vibration, is that vibration "sound."

semantics, semantics and more semantics.. i'd say yes, that vibration/disturbance/ is still sound because the vibrations and what we interpret as sound is the same.

the reason we think of sound as "sound", is because the vibrations reach our ears and is dechiphered by our brain as an audible sound source, in this case there's no human around to hear it. but it still made a sound.

if it didn't make a sound, it would be dubious whether there really was a tree at all, because they're both equally governed by the laws of physics. a tree is as real as the sound it makes. have you ever listened to a heavy bass tune with a good subwoofer and "felt the bass"? that's the low frequency soundwaves physically passing through your body.

there's even extreme low tones that can be used as weapons because they rupture the internal organs. there's been loads of experiments done with this.

lots of movies use low unaudible tones that cause shivers down the back and create a feeling of uneasiness in strong or dark scenes. the movie irreversible for instance used this.

the same tones are said to figure here and there, particularly in "haunted" houses. they could pass through you anytime from a source miles away.
Pi Mu Rho said:
What's red and invisible?

No tomatoes.

LOL wtf. I woke up at 8:30 in the morning today, all groggy and grumbly. I read this and laughed.
Sound is really just alternating current.

Yes there is a sound, OP's definition of sound is rather munted, there's a sound ffs, it's just not heard.
kirovman said:
Did anyone think to ask the tree?
Let me get a "damn right" for my lovely friend kirovman here!
Falling Tree said:
Of course I made a sound you IDIOT! I was yelling for hours, and what do you lot do? You have a pointless debate about whether I make a sound or not, while I'm lying here horizontal, in agony. **** you guys.

That's quite conclusive.
CrazyHarij said:
2. One hand can't clap. Clapping is the sound that's made when two objects are, well, clapped together.

seriously, wtf lol :D

I can clap with one hand. It's pretty easy, your open and close your hand so that your fingers collide with your palm. It's no more tricky than learning to snap your fingers or whistle, which most people have learned to do as a child.
That's not clapping. You can establish this fact by doing the 'association test'.

You see a man doing what you described. Do you immediately think 'aha, he's clapping!'? No! Clapping is a fundamentally dualistic action! It cannot be done with one hand!
I hate that question because there are 3 answers to it.

yes it makes a sound because someone is there, No it doesn't make a sound because no one is there, and yes it makes a sound even if no one is there, because the laws of physics says so....and if you wanna get really smart, you can say "Yes it makes a sound even if no one is there because people will see the sound vibrations on a seismograph 200 miles away anyway."
Nothing makes a sound if i'm not nearby. The world revolves around ME!
Your definition of Sound is wrong, that is the definition of one of the 5 senses which is HEARING.
Ravioli said:
Your definition of Sound is wrong, that is the definition of one of the 5 senses which is HEARING.

sound [sownd]

1. physics acoustics vibrations sensed by the ear: vibrations traveling through air, water, or some other medium, especially those within the range of frequencies that can be perceived by the human ear.

2. sensation of vibrations: the sensation produced in the ear by vibrations traveling through air, water, or some other medium
VirusType2 said:
I can clap with one hand. It's pretty easy, your open and close your hand so that your fingers collide with your palm. It's no more tricky than learning to snap your fingers or whistle, which most people have learned to do as a child.

It's realy more of a fap fap noise.
kelt'ar said:
sound [sownd]

1. physics acoustics vibrations sensed by the ear: vibrations traveling through air, water, or some other medium, especially those within the range of frequencies that can be perceived by the human ear.

2. sensation of vibrations: the sensation produced in the ear by vibrations traveling through air, water, or some other medium
I already posted links to many of the accepted definitions of sound. You have to ignore everything that disagrees with your opinion for this to be true.
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