If achievements existed back in the early days...

Redeem Childhood for 12 Dollars - Sell your original gameboy and Pokemon Blue and then immediately regret the decision forever

Quake II: beat the entire game on hard with only the blaster

Half-Life/Half-life 2: Beat the entire game on hard with only the crowbar, except when rpg's and grenades are absolutely needed.

Those two were fun.
Abe's Odyssey/Exodus - Save all the Mudokins without ANY dying.
But dude, this game was based on teh movie! - bought movie-based games before realizing they all sucked
Half-Life/Half-life 2: Beat the entire game on hard with only the crowbar, except when rpg's and grenades are absolutely needed.
um...there're only three weapons in HL2 that you need: crowbar, grenade and the Gravity Gun.
Watch the crowbar speedrun at Youtube.
Super Mario Brothers - Complete the game without losing any lives while not skipping any levels.
Winning a game of Alpha Centauri when it first came out.

I made the mistake of starting a very hard game, painting myself into a corner and saving it there. It took weeks of work to win from that point... it was way harder than any of the retro games I'd struggled to finish before then.

delusional said:
Quake II: beat the entire game on hard with only the blaster
This achievement fails. Quake II was the easiest fps ever, if you exploited the stupid AI.
DeusEx - Killing Gunther and Anna using the power of speech alone.