If Aztec is Released, Today is the Perfect Day


Oct 3, 2003
Reaction score
I think that today will be a perfect day to release Aztec if it happens. Valve had all weekend (this close to release I'm sure most are working Sat, if not Sunday) to work on some bugs and add Aztec if it was going to happen. The HL2 preload makes it all the easier because they will already have to send out a large update, easier to do one than two. Anyways, thats my idea :x
I hope they release aztec as soon as possible. I'd much rather have aztec than dust.
represent said:
so i havent played yet but its still only dust?

Yes, and will probably be that way...

People, this isn't CS:S retail, it's a demo. Would you complain to Valve if they released a HL2 demo about adding more levels? Of course not.
People, this isn't CS:S retail, it's a demo.
SubKamran, this isn't a CS:S demo, it's a beta =P For most betas, their purpose is to find bugs and make sure it runs on most people's computers, etc. I think it would be wise to release de_Aztec, not only becuase it would get a bunch of people off their backs about new levels, but it would also present an opportunity to find bugs with the water and/or the level itself (example on Dust is you can skywalk still). While the water was already tested with the VST, who knows if it will react any differently to action around the water. It would also keep the community's attitude at a good level and most likely increase bug-reporting goodness. Anyway, I'm not sure if Aztec will come out or not, but I think it would be a smart thing to do.
There won`t be a new map for CS: Source, cant you people just stop whining about it?

They didnt release this beta to make us happy.
Besides they seem like an understanding company. They know they have pretty much stabbed us in the back over CZ for 40$ (+delay) and the extravagant HL2 yearlong delay. Hopefully they realize this will go a long way to calming the community. Besides we all love to dream right!

PS NOBODY is whining. Jeesh reread the topic/posts and you will see that. Is that all you people ever say!
I start school wednesday. finishing my masters. Yes. Today is perfect.
So far the game has not been a beta.What did we test?
it takes at least 2 maps to fully beta this game..
DE_Aztec or a de map with Water.
And Any CS map to test the hostages.(kinda a important this 1)
I expect bad Hostage AI for the 1.0 version of CS-Source seeing as its never been tested on a large enough scale..
Well have fun with that roofylake :rolleyes: . What are you getting it in?

I hear they are using the CZ bots for the first version of CSS. (not HL2 though)
Well if Aztec will get released today it will be awesome, but I doubt it tho but keep fingers crossed :)
seinfeldrules said:
Besides they seem like an understanding company. They know they have pretty much stabbed us in the back over CZ for 40$ (+delay) and the extravagant HL2 yearlong delay. Hopefully they realize this will go a long way to calming the community. Besides we all love to dream right!

PS NOBODY is whining. Jeesh reread the topic/posts and you will see that. Is that all you people ever say!

Stabbed us in the back? Jesus Christ...no one is whining :dozey:

VALVe owes you nothing, shut the hell up.
Stabbed us in the back? Jesus Christ...no one is whining
I think you need an attitude check kid. You seem a little worked up over a proposed release date of a proposed map. The chill pills are to your left...
I found out that Valve does owe me something!!

I post at steampowered.com offering people FREE tech-support though the forums!! Tech-support Valve would otherwise have to pay for!!

But i do it for free!! :D

Valve owe me big time!!
Morgue said:
SubKamran, this isn't a CS:S demo, it's a beta =P For most betas, their purpose is to find bugs and make sure it runs on most people's computers, etc. I think it would be wise to release de_Aztec, not only becuase it would get a bunch of people off their backs about new levels, but it would also present an opportunity to find bugs with the water and/or the level itself (example on Dust is you can skywalk still). While the water was already tested with the VST, who knows if it will react any differently to action around the water. It would also keep the community's attitude at a good level and most likely increase bug-reporting goodness. Anyway, I'm not sure if Aztec will come out or not, but I think it would be a smart thing to do.

People are acting as though this isn't a beta, "What? Bug reporting? You mean there's no other maps? THIS SUX!".

I agree with you though...it'd be nice to have two maps. I would have released both.
I can understand if valve doesn't release any more maps. Dust is a simple map really which is probly way its the one they released, So that the players can focus on game play issues and bugs over problems with the maps. I can already picture all the posts about crappy FPS due to the water effects or sounds lagging the server. Let them fix the netcode and pain in the butt commands like the triggers and earthquakes first.
They know they have pretty much stabbed us in the back over CZ for 40$ (+delay) and the extravagant HL2 yearlong delay.
First off, if you bought CZ at the release date and you didn't like it, that's your fault for not reading reviews. Second, would you really like it if VALVe released an unpolished and buggy game 1 year early, or would you wait 1 more year for an immersive gaming experience? VALVe doesn't owe us anything.

People are acting as though this isn't a beta, "What? Bug reporting?
Yeah, it is sad it's viewed this way, but we are making progress.
there is nothing to buy.
First of all, we were talking about buying CZ and being able to play CS:S. You were talking about VALVe owing us something because we bought CZ. Now, when you say there is nothing to buy, you lead me to think you are now talking about HL2. This would make your posts irrelevant, off-topic and ignorant. You should be shot you horrible, horrible person.

...Shot with a camera I mean, then we should post your picture on these forums so everyone can laugh at you and so children will point and spit at you in public places causing you to become a hermit and buy HL2 through Steam as well as order your food through Steam so people will not ridicule you at first glance.
order your food through Steam

Don't give Valve any ideas...

Although I suspect Micro$oft are already making developments in the sphere of downloadable hamburgers...
I WANT AZTEC........ I just want to sift threw the bugs for about an hour ..then play it for a week straight w/ out sleep :p
Question: Is it true that aztec will be released soon?
Valve's response: "No comments"

There you have it!
damn i wish they relased aztec instead of dust... that way ppl would have gotten sick of aztec by the time the game comes out and will stop voting it in every bloody round. such an awper map, such a crap map.

*waits for flames