If Godzilla attacked...


Sep 1, 2003
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What would you do if Godzilla suddenly came out of the ocean and attacked your city/town?

Would you..

-have hot steamy sechs with it
-nuke it
-shoot at it with a water pistol
-make friends with it
-do nothing
-or some other crazy thing...

I myself would run toward it while still keeping a few city blocks away from it. That way, Godzilla would keep on going on its path of rampage while ultimately moving farther away from me. Our paths would never cross.

It's so good, it's GENIUS!
No no no... you're supposed to stand there going "aahhh its godzilla!! we must flee the city!! ahh!" and run around screaming with your hands in the air.
spookymooky said:
I think I'd try to watch, but end up getting killed...

That's what you get for not having enough wit to think up a signature.

bliink said:
No no no... you're supposed to stand there going "aahhh its godzilla!! we must flee the city!! ahh!" and run around screaming with your hands in the air.


Actually, we're supposed to run around squealing in high pitched voices "GODZILLA!!!!" and then always find ourselves being stepped on by him and then winding up 3 minutes later being crushed again by a falling building.
Them asians are tough!
Shens said:
I myself would run toward it while still keeping a few city blocks away from it. That way, Godzilla would keep on going on its path of rampage while ultimately moving farther away from me. Our paths would never cross.

It's so good, it's GENIUS!

:eek: You must have really long legs If you think that you can keep pace with Godzilla.
I would probably stay in my house and let Canada's army (with all 500 members and their potato guns) handle the situation.
Datrix said:
:eek: You must have really long legs If you think that you can keep pace with Godzilla.
I would probably stay in my house and let Canada's army (with all 500 members and their potato guns) handle the situation.

That is not what I meant...

Crappy diagram:




Shens said:
That is not what I meant...

Crappy diagram:





My God! That is genius!
it wouldnt be able to hit me because of my shield of sexyness :D:D

(yay im back from bali!)
Shens said:
That is not what I meant...

Crappy diagram:





Did you just misspell your name?
Have hot steamy sechs with it.

I mean damn...that thing must be at least 5 or 6 stories big! :O
i would becoem friends with godzilla and then ride on his back
I'd prob climb on top of godzilla's head, probably wouldn't be able to feel me climbing up it's spiky things, then i'd ride on top going "WOOOOO WOOOOO" until i died
i'd perform crazy frog for it and whatch it shrivel into a non existent mass.
I think as long as we didn't use toy helicopters on string to attack it like the Japanese, Godzilla would be in trouble.....
I would catch Godzilla's tail to swing myself onto his back.
If there are soldiers on its back, I would either shoot them off with arrows or push them off with my bow. Then I would use my blades to cut the harness off so that everyone except me would fall off.
Then I'd nimbly sprint to its head, line up three arrows for a triple tap to the cranium.
He'd come crashing down and I'd jump off and look very pretty.
I'd film it all and market it to losers for some big bucks!

I'd feed it a peanut or give it a bottle of vodka so it can be my beeeeest frwend in the wurld! ^^

Either that or run. :|
To get to me, Godzilla would have to move through the longest distance possible from the sea in England practically. I figure I'd go find my scuba gear and hide in my pond until he passed.
i would tell it to shut up so i can study.

*goes back to study after 5 minute breack*

note: i posted here to cellerbrate the reduction of test subjects(11 - 8). because they were my worst subjects, i wanted to be happy.
"I say, thats just not cricket. Right-oh, lets be having you Mr...Godzilla is it?
"Put the kettle on dear, this sharnt take a minute"
I would distract Godzilla with shiny things. While he is mesmorised by the prettyfullness of tinfoil and spoons on strings I would trap him in a cage of somekind. Then sell him, for billions!

Or, alternatively, run away very quickly while screaming :)
I would pull out my BFG 9000 or BFG 10000, then get headshots & make it fall on the homes of all the people I hate.

Hey I'm only trying to be imaginative...
i think i will sumon other cheesy japan movie monster to fight him so me and my cat can flee.

-### HlPwNs ###- said:
i think i will sumon other cheesy japan movie monster to fight him so me and my cat can flee.


But then you met a giant octopus on your way.....
This thread is so immature :( i feel like im 5 again. If godzilla was attacking a city, i'd run up to him hand him a packet of chewitts and he'd go back into the sea without a word. Simple as.
/dances I wanna chewitttt chew it, i wanna chew it! great song :)

CREMATOR666 said:
But then you met a giant octopus on your way.....
Please dont talk about them creatures...*shivers*