If Godzilla attacked...

bliink said:
No no no... you're supposed to stand there going "aahhh its godzilla!! we must flee the city!! ahh!" and run around screaming with your hands in the air.

No, your supposed to go like this:

"Japanese Man 1: RUN! IT'S GODZILLA!
Japanese Man 2: It looks like Godzilla, but due to international copyright laws - it's not.
Japanese Man 2: Though it isn't.
[Japanese Man 2 Winks at Camera; both scream and run away]"

I'd kick it in the nuts and then run like hell.

In reality i would go and run into a forest nearby and hide in it, and wait for the military to bomb it.....call me a coward but what else could i do?
short recoil said:
.....call me a coward but what else could i do?

you could be a patriot and try to slow it down by letting him step on you!! saving your fellow citizens a few seconds so they can get away ;)
Harryz said:
No, your supposed to go like this:

"Japanese Man 1: RUN! IT'S GODZILLA!
Japanese Man 2: It looks like Godzilla, but due to international copyright laws - it's not.
Japanese Man 2: Though it isn't.
[Japanese Man 2 Winks at Camera; both scream and run away]"


LOL, I remember that scene :D
CptStern said:
you could be a patriot and try to slow it down by letting him step on you!! saving your fellow citizens a few seconds so they can get away ;)
Yeah, i guess i could get my 1976 ford transit campervan up and running (weighs 1.5 ton) and then drive it full pelt (82mph) into its foot, killing myself but hurting it slightly.
short recoil said:
Yeah, i guess i could get my 1976 ford transit campervan up and running (weighs 1.5 ton) and then drive it full pelt (82mph) into its foot, killing myself but hurting it slightly.

Thats like a child ramming its toy car into you. It hurts a little, but all it makes you want to do is grind the child into a fine paste and smear it across the road...

Or maybe thats just me.
i would capture him with my pokeball :afro:
How about I try vaporizing the thing with my cremator vaporizer-thingy gun? :D
short recoil said:
Yeah, i guess i could get my 1976 ford transit campervan up and running (weighs 1.5 ton) and then drive it full pelt (82mph) into its foot, killing myself but hurting it slightly.

that's the spirit! :thumbs:
Id let it eat me or walk over me. But if i had a good day id just build a big 3D cage in 3ds max and also use one of my Cheese King's hambugers ( made in 3D ) to get him in the cage :) Then i would lock him, feed him and call George Bush and ask if mr.zilla in on the Americas Most Wanted list and of course id ask what they give if zilla was captured.
Thats like a child ramming its toy car into you.

robably wouldn't be able to feel me climbing up it's spiky things, then i'd ride on top going "WOOOOO WOOOOO"

I'll get him to eat Bush

[/QUOTE] :O sexual innuendo!!
I'd personally just loot various shops and perhaps take a small chunk out of godzilla with a knife and see how it tastes in a sandwich
Fat Tony! said:
I'd personally just loot various shops and perhaps take a small chunk out of godzilla with a knife and see how it tastes in a sandwich

Mmmm... scaly.
Dalamari said:
Well, with our luck, Bush will befriend Godzilla and use him in Iraq.

"We're trying to make the american people understand that it is not understandable to understand that we have befriended a dinosaur."
I'd shoot him once or twice with a XC 25k (DFDC) Fusion Cannon, just to see what happens. Alternatively I'd summon Obligatory Robot Nemesis to do my dirty work for me, or perhaps just resort to my private nuclear arsenal.

What? Everyone in Carlisle owns at least three nukes these days. I'll admit that it's all because that whole "home defence" stance went awry, but hey, now everyone just talks crap instead of resorting to violence :D
Edcrab said:
I'd shoot him once or twice with a XC 25k (DFDC) Fusion Cannon, just to see what happens. Alternatively I'd summon Obligatory Robot Nemesis to do my dirty work for me, or perhaps just resort to my private nuclear arsenal.

What? Everyone in Carlisle owns at least three nukes these days. I'll admit that it's all because that whole "home defence" stance went awry, but hey, now everyone just talks crap instead of resorting to violence :D



You'll just make him impossibly stronger.
:sniper: ITS GOJIRAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH.!!!!!!!!CHING CHONG!!!!!!!!!!
I just be quiet in front of he and scream he


and then hit he whit my super uppercut fist and send him fliyng to venus
Pffft. I'd just kick that ****er in the throat.
Change into a hunter/warlock and control it, to make it my ally.

Oh wait...we're not...playing World of Warcraft.

*smacks head* Stupid Reality.
You'd need to be pretty high levelled to tame Godzilla, it says to me he is level ??.
Whats with all the hostility, couldn't we just have a nice party?
Maybe get a few party hats out and sing a few party songs.
maybe even play a nice game of pass the parcel.
baxter said:
Whats with all the hostility, couldn't we just have a nice party?
Maybe get a few party hats out and sing a few party songs.
maybe even play a nice game of pass the parcel.
Oh, that's right. He wasn't constantly attacking Tokyo because he's a crazy monster, he just wanted to PARTY. :rolling:
Maybe if he got invited to a party now and again he won’t feel the need to go violent rampages.
Pass the parcel is therapeutic
You know what's therapeutic? A nuke. Right on Monster Island. Great therapy.
Haha, you're right besides I bet he doesn't even know any party songs
Not like he could sing them anyway...he'd just keep making that same damn sound over and over. "reeeeeeeeeeee"
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Oh, that's right. He wasn't constantly attacking Tokyo because he's a crazy monster, he just wanted to PARTY. :rolling:

There so should be a godzilla flash:
Godzilla smashes the buildings down and people shout "damn Godzilla, i hate him for destroying everything", the godzilla says in a disco stu voice "heeey I just wanna partttty!", then he jumps up and starts to disco dance with the disco lights and stuff. Ah what a great sketch that would be :p
I'd hit him with a crowbar until he notices and steps on me.

Or I would make fiends with it! muhahaha

But then that bastard Charlotte would come and ruin the whole plan and Godzilla would die somehow :(
No dont hurt him I love him HE IS MY BEST FRIEND HE'S........OH DEAR SWEET MOTHER THIS SON OF A **** IS EATING ME HE'S...........................SPLAT...HOW COULD YOU....WITH MY FINAL WORDS I HAVE ONE THING TO SAY TO YOU....**** YOU GODZILLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....
I just think it is nicer and more civilised to have hats.
well what you should do is....Just avoid standing near any Taxis - my friend has a theory that in most (if not all) disaster movies, taxis are likely to crash, burn, be thrown, stomped on and any numerous bad things...
most likely I'd summon King Kong and then get a video camera.
Yes,if only everyone would understand the importance.........Of PARTY HATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You have made a fine point
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
You know what's therapeutic? A nuke. Right on Monster Island. Great therapy.
It's really more of a peninsula.