If Halflife 2 comes out late november when at the earliest does it have to go gold?

well if it takes 2-3 weeks to go gold to shelves then i would say yes or early Nov
You mean latest? .... I'd imagine it would have to go gold about 2 weeks before...thats just a guess...stranger things have happened...
there is already a thread exactly like this already......... i can't see it at the moment...... but I know I already answered this question :-P
there is already a thread exactly like this already......... i can't see it at the moment......

Beacuse it was deleted.
and.. yay november.. (i hope)
It could be gold right now. They just haven't announced it.

Think about it.
I'm pretty sure Shellshock 'Nam went gold the same day it went on the shelves. It's pretty unlikely Half-life 2 will do that.
Eon Blue said:
It could be gold right now. They just haven't announced it.
I would have thought it'd be good PR. They'd want to announce it to get us all frothing at the mouth again.
Eh, GTA San Andreas comes out in 2 weeks, that and CS:S will hold me off for a while
Personally I think they should just print the game on regular discs but a bunch of people yelled at me on another post so I'll just :stare:
I think (ME not everyone else :p) that VU might have already been manufacturing the disks and when they get enough finished they will announce gold. Just my thoughts on this.