If HL2 doesn't come out on the 30th then at least we'll have...


Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Halo on PC!!!!

hahaha Halo probably won't even be able to hold a candle to HL2, but it's a new game at least right? :LOL:
we will also have the benchmark but still i want to real thing not some benchmark :\
Nah thanks, already played the hell out of Halo on xbox.
Nah thanks, already played the hell out of Halo on xbox.

Yeah so did I but it never had online support. Now I can have 8v8 CTF at the Blood Gulch whenever I want, I don't have to go to a lan for it!
Originally posted by Ki||tacular
Halo on PC!!!!

hahaha Halo probably won't even be able to hold a candle to HL2, but it's a new game at least right? :LOL:

That's what I was thinking.:cheers:
I think the benchmark depended on them actually releasing HL2 though.
No thx, I already have my Super Mario Bros.
Ive waited long enough and spent so much money for this game, and ive even taken my vacation time from work for it, so i really hope is comes out somehow.
Yeah.... All gabe has to say is "its not going to be out on spet. 30" or "it is going to be out on sept. 30"

Holy crap.
Halo went gold like a week ago, don't get yuor panties in a bunch hahaha :upstare:
Originally posted by Ki||tacular
Halo went gold life a week ago, don't get yuor panties in a bunch hahaha :upstare:
Whopp-de-fukcin'-doo, sailor!
I think he's joking. Halo went gold like a week or two ago. It will ship on the 30th and be available on the 1st of Oct.
Yeah, it went gold... but it's still delayed... some... dog... thing... ate... a lot of stuff... things got screwy... etc...
thats like saying.

'man sometimes id like to stick a gun in my mouth and go, BANG! BANG!'

but that can't happen, beacuse you wont be alive to make the second shot
the guy in fight club lived through a gun shot taken inside his mouth :O
Originally posted by poseyjmac
i think you have to die first, and THEN go to hell.

OR u could just laff at the south park quote...
Originally posted by Letters
Yeah, it went gold... but it's still delayed... some... dog... thing... ate... a lot of stuff... things got screwy... etc...
you almost made me pee myself... I think I need a nap and less sugar...
Also there is a game coming out called UFO:Aftermath, if anyone loved x-com you will prolly know what this is. And you will want to play it. It comes out around the 30th as well.
i dont like the look of halo much on PC, hell with the idiots who say "b-b-bbut the mouse and keyboard" just shut up, its fun on console.
its better on a pc. I've also got the beta and it just plays better on pc, though it seems to tax the system a lot considering a lot of it looks quite washed out and low detail by todays standards. no online co-op? whats the point without it...
anyone who says that the BETA plays better that the xbox version is a moron. I have the beta and bot oh boy does it feel like a BETA. it feels pretty bad really, I hope they made some major strides in the programming before they made it go gold. Otherwise we are going to be sitting around waiting for patches.