If I can do this with HL1.. imagine the possibilitys...


Jul 8, 2003
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After reading the tutorials RoxXx gave me on making movies out of demos, I decided to create a movie showing off a game I partialy emulated using complex scripting of the Half-Life 1 entities. If I can make this in Half-Life 1.... who knows what I will be able to do with the new accessibility of the inputs and outputs of the brand new highly configurable entities in Half-Life 2!

Could I create a map where people could actualy play classic 2d games online in a virtual arcade?? O_O

I mean, I doubt a marble maddness game would be too hard to create for instance!

Download the movie of my map here: www.angelfire.com/clone/adam321

Note: The site gives me very limited bandwidth. So if it runs out, and says some error about exceeding a limit, just try again in 30mins to an hour. It resets my limit every hour. (If anyone could host it, that would be great! )
Heh thanks. It's something every true fan always wanted to do. I won't mention what it was, let them see it lol.
Wow you're the one who made that HL2 techdemo thing in HL1? GENIUS! :D
Originally posted by Adam

I mean, I doubt a marble maddness game would be too hard to create for instance!

there is a marble madness mod for ut2003

its called marble mania
Ill ****ing pwn you all in mario 64. ALL OF YOU
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
Ill ****ing pwn you all in mario 64. ALL OF YOU

Hah! Thats if you can find my secret room with the nuke all button!
Originally posted by Adam
Hah! Thats if you can find my secret room with the nuke all button!
Only if NOClip is enabled... :p
A while back, I created a king of the hill map using only entities - quite a challenge. The gameplay was just like Perfect Dark's, in that there are several areas around the map marked as "hills", and the active hill is randomly selected (using a func_beam). func_wall_toggles highlighted the current hill, and many game_text entities provided the countdown. All in all, there were about 450 entities, and I had to invent a schematic representation, much like that used for logic gates, in order to keep track of them.

I never released it because there were a few issues I couldn't solve, like the fact that a game_zone_player entity would trigger for dead players, allowing a corpse to "hold" and possibly capture the hill. So, I coded a mod version instead. But if you'd like to see the original rmf, maybe I'll post it tomorrow morning when my mouse is working.

My point is that I agree with you Adam, and can't wait to see what kind of scripting options HL2's entity system will bring! And nice work on that hl2 techdemo map, btw.
Originally posted by Physicles
A while back, I created a king of the hill map using only entities - quite a challenge. The gameplay was just like Perfect Dark's, in that there are several areas around the map marked as "hills", and the active hill is randomly selected (using a func_beam). func_wall_toggles highlighted the current hill, and many game_text entities provided the countdown. All in all, there were about 450 entities, and I had to invent a schematic representation, much like that used for logic gates, in order to keep track of them.

I never released it because there were a few issues I couldn't solve, like the fact that a game_zone_player entity would trigger for dead players, allowing a corpse to "hold" and possibly capture the hill. So, I coded a mod version instead. But if you'd like to see the original rmf, maybe I'll post it tomorrow morning when my mouse is working.

My point is that I agree with you Adam, and can't wait to see what kind of scripting options HL2's entity system will bring! And nice work on that hl2 techdemo map, btw.

Yes, as a matter of fact, I just remembered that an arcade map was already done by someone named Duckhunt for TFC. (His name choice is coincidental...lol..kinda weird)

That king of the hill map sounds fun. Hopefully bugs like the kind you mentioned won't exist in HL2 when we fully take advantage of the new system, although even if it did, they patch it up super fast now since HL2 is tied in with Steam.
The modding possibilities of HL2 excites me. alot... ohhhhh Hl2 ..wweeee
Well, that wasn't really a bug, that was just the way the entity was coded. It would be a simple fix in the SDK, but modifying the DLL would defeat the purpose of creating that map out of entities, which is for the map to be mod-independent.

Is that Yes your post began with in reference to the rmf file? (I'd quote, but again, my mouse isn't working)
oh man i love that funhouse map.

i wont give away the password, adam, dont trip
You can download some of my maps at www.phatmat.net (sry)

Be warned that these maps were made years ago, and probably are missing some files and whatnot, as they were meant to run on a specific server side modifyed TFC server called 'TheSillyZone'.

Most of my maps listed begin with my first name. In example AdamNintendo_b1

Although not all do.

(Edit: Oh and the startrek map is not publicly released even though it's my own creation built from scratch, for obvious reasons.)
if the vid is not bigger than 10mb i could host it, but i am unable to get it right now...
WOW nice can someone please host this stuff I would LOVE to mess around with it alot