If it isnt in Source can we add it?


Sep 22, 2003
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What i mean by this, is that if valve doesnt use something like per pixle hit detection or any other type of video/game enhanceing thing would it be possible to add it as a mod to source?

Just to clarify, Half-Life had limitations and such which is why they didnt use HL for HL2... With the source engine being updateable does that mean that if we wanted to we could really add any thing we wanted to? I know things like the special lightin that Doom3 uses would cause the FPS to goto crap but if we wanted to add it to Halflife2 would it be possible?

I dont know alot of C++ or codeing in general which is why im asking. I make maps :). I got some friends that goto devry and are really into programing. I have been talking to them about some mod ideas i have had but havent asked them about this stuff yet.

I dont know what Half-Life 2 in terms of limitations are for the systems. I know that the max players is 256 although 128 will be what the feel as optimal to run at. As for graphics and lighting systems and such i have no idea what it will have or possible have added to it.

So if i where to pose the question in one sentance....

If it isnt in Source can we add it to Source as a mod?
It really depends on what they include in the SDK as to how far you can integrate with the engine to add more stuff to it.

I know it was theoretically possible in HL1 for example to write such things as your own renderer from scratch and disable the one in the HL engine, but that's obviously not ideal, as you want to be extending the existing renderer, not going from scratch.
Based on the limited knowledge I have, I'd just add more dynamic shadows on characters. Per-pixel hit detection just seems excessive.

You don't have per-pixel hit detection!
That would require the hit detection to be different for clients running at different screen resolutions. You're thinking of per-poly hit detection.
Pi Mu Rho said:

You don't have per-pixel hit detection!
That would require the hit detection to be different for clients running at different screen resolutions. You're thinking of per-poly hit detection.

Wouldn't that only hold true for multiplay?

I think the point he's trying to make is that he wants to know if it is POSSIBLE to do per pixel through modding the source. I remember having quite a good time seeing my group placements in SOF2, hehe.
if I play low res the the character model will take up more pixels than if I play High res.

If models had to be pixel perfect in terms of hit detection (assuming that we all play at the same res) then you could basicly say good bye to good looking, working, different custom models.

By pixel hit detection most people just mean uber 1337 hit boxes.

edit: oh heheh yeah sorry, it would only be bad for multi play ;)
I don't believe it's possible to add features (read: write new code to add something that's not in at all) to the engine with the SDK, is it?
I know you can if you have the engine license.. but the SDK and license are two entirely different thinbs
True there. Still for the amount of processing speed we have available to modern gaming rigs, I would think it possible for it to compensate. At any rate, it was a valid question, and I like decent discussion for a change. :)
Why would you waste your time adding to source just so valve can profit from your efforts?
A lot of people wasted their time adding to HL1, and some of them are now Valve employees. Basically all the new cool goodies we see in these games are the result of some guy sitting around going "Man, this would be cool if it did this... wonder if I can code that in?"

Anything that adds new, or just different, content is good in the long run.
My point exactly. Id love to work for valve although my map makeing skills are definatly not where they would need to be. Its something that i will be working on when Hl2 comes out. I plan to dedicate myself to makeing Good single player and multiplayer maps. Ever since i got a taste for 3d modeling i have been working alot on improveing what i do.

For most of the maps that i would love to make good lighting and shadeing would be needed. I want to use the idea doom tryed to convey by makeing DM more than just a point and click. Although i fear with the ammount of detail that i would want to put in these maps that it A: Would need a fast PC and B: Would take very long to do. The first map i will make for halflife 2 if all goes as planed will be a factory or something like that. I want to use valves physics to the point where people will load up my maps as benchmarks :)
My biggest disadvantage to working for valve would be id have to keep my comments to my self. Sometimes some of my topics are off the wall and i am sorry for that. I just post what ever is running through my head at that time sometimes and will try to work on that.
*back on topic*
What sparked this topic is that unreal 2k4 now has some starter mods for adding new lighting and such like that. People are takeing the original game engine and giveing it a update. Where as most of it doesnt work all to well so far becuase it only works to a certin distance they are improveing it.

I want to be useing source 3 years from now to look back and go wow... I made a differance :)
I dont know if this news has been posted but i was just scaning through hl2worlds fourms and saw that they have a way for makeing reflective surfaces in hl2. :)
Per-Poly hit detection i think would add a new level of realism. I hope someone mods it.(Of course with the bullet holes in the body as well, like FC)
mayro said:
If it isnt in Source can we add it to Source as a mod?

when i first read this question i thought u were asking whether modders could convert HL1 mods into source mods.. to which i would say no for obvious reasons.

Shuzer said:
I don't believe it's possible to add features (read: write new code to add something that's not in at all) to the engine with the SDK, is it?
I know you can if you have the engine license.. but the SDK and license are two entirely different thinbs

ur reply makes sense...especially from a legal standpoint... i mean im sure Valve doesn't mind pple modding but adding whole new features? surely u would need to talk to Valve first.. no?
They say to all questions about the features in the game, "you can mod it in" So I don't know what the deal is anymore. I dont want HL² to be a single empty room with a manipulator and a big message on the wall, "you can mod the rest in"
EVIL said:
They say to all questions about the features in the game, "you can mod it in" So I don't know what the deal is anymore. I dont want HL² to be a single empty room with a manipulator and a big message on the wall, "you can mod the rest in"

A lot of the features people have asked for are a bit extraneous to the game HL2, so rather than wasting time putting in features for no real reason, they state that is possible if you do the work to put it in yourself.
EVIL said:
They say to all questions about the features in the game, "you can mod it in" So I don't know what the deal is anymore. I dont want HL² to be a single empty room with a manipulator and a big message on the wall, "you can mod the rest in"

I'm quite sure I heard someone else say that before you, Shuzer maybe.. can't remember. The thing is that alot of the things we ask in emails and such really doesn't fit to the whole design path hl2 follows, and there are a lot of design choices already made that disable this and that, which source is capable of.