If my computer doesn't have Internet, can i play HL2?


Jun 16, 2004
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I was wondering because my friend can't afford internet right now but really wants to get HL2... can he buy it in the store and then install it on his computer and play it (although i think he'll still hafta run it in steam... just in offline mode), or will he hafta be ONLINE and create an account with steam first on HIS computer then he can go in offline mode forever after that? I'm confused on how that is gonna work, it would make more sense if to play HL2 Multiplayer content (CS:S and other ports) online is when you would hafta go online with steam.

Anyone have any idea about this? Because there are a lot of people out there who don't have internet y'know. I didn't for about a year till i got a slightly better job.
there's an offline mode for steam, so, yes
Well heres something that i always thought of doing.

They have dial up services here in the UK where you connect to a server and it's charged on you're phonebill(something like 10pennys a minute) So you just connect for maybe 5 minutes and then disconnect.
To activate offline mode, you had to login at least once, so try and get a 1 month dialup plan (or u might be able to find like a 7 day trial) and log into steam once, after u have installed hl2. Or if ur lucky, you might not need steam to play hl2 sp.
Kyo said:
Just buy the standalone HL2 with no MP version.

Welcome to last month.

Theres no such thing amore, when sierra died, that died with it.
I'm also interested in this...

What if a PC doesn't have internet and can't sign-in to be able to use offlien mode?
That PC ca'n't play HL2 SP!? That would suck!
Valve have already said that Half-Life 2 bought from a store, and installed onto a computer will run standalone, meaning it mustn't be verified over Steam or anything. But when the person trys to play online the game from then on will require a login/offline mode.
Yeah, and what if I wanted to play a friend direct Ip to IP but not on "public" servers?? How about then? This might be a possibility for me, but probably mostly LAN gaming.
phllp_w said:
And MP LAN games will work without Steam too, right?

Dont you need to use steam to play lan halflife right now?
i was under the impression that steam needs to verify even over lan
I was playing halflife without steam over a LAN before STEAM was invented. I have it loaded on my computer now, but haven't played LAN with it recently. It's got the latest patch too. Should test, but I thought STEAM was just one way to deliver games and to verify a game while people played on the Internet....

I can't imagine Valve requiring you to have an Internet account to play via LAN. Possibly via Direct IP, if that were even an option (Hope it is). At any rate, I wouldn't play online anyway. Just waiting for the Gold announcement now....

I could have sworn I saw an official mention that the game was about 6 weeks away. Can't find it now though... W'ell see.
if hl2 wont run if you arent logged onto steam, then valve would've made one serious **** up...sp means SP not SP and steam at the same time.

tho i highly doubt that they would force you to join steam (which you dont anyway..or atleast i havent) to play one of the most...sorry...THE most anticipated game ever.
look people, valve isn't that stupid. HL2 requires no internet, whatsoever. They wouldn't screw over the peoples. They have thought of everything. As far as Lanning goes, i doubt you need anything but a unique CD key for that too. They are very user friendly as far as internet/no internet goes.

BTW steam is imbedded into HL2, so you don't have to worry about having to go out and get it, it gets installed as HL2 gets installed.
I have always been under teh impression that you NEEDED steam to play Halflife 2 at all?

Anyone have a link to some official info to state otherwise?

- Echo
If its anything like CS:CZ you won't need Steam.
chibizerov4 said:
Really? I never knew that...........no one told me............i feel left out :(

Ahh. You poor thing. Feeling left out? ;(

You want me to comfort you? :naughty:

There has been offline mode for quite a while actually, never had any use for it though..
Yeah great. Just remember to hit the right exit button... argh.

look people, valve isn't that stupid. HL2 requires no internet, whatsoever. They wouldn't screw over the peoples. They have thought of everything. As far as Lanning goes, i doubt you need anything but a unique CD key for that too. They are very user friendly as far as internet/no internet goes.
Well that's one opinion.

Here is mine: Bullshit!

EDIT: Fixed quote to use tag :)