If the Citadel was destroyed...

Humanity is ALWAYS evil. It's the default state of mind.
gabriel said:
well yeah of course, but really, we're talking about a REALLY LARGE scale take-over here. the entire freakin earth! i mean how many "evil" people would you need for something like that? i don't think the numbers quite add up there. the combine would never be able to keep the earth under control if they had to rely on humans to do it.
Crappy food, no sex, a miserable life, being beat on, but if you become a CP, you get good food, you get sex if you beat enough people, and you live a lot better. With no changes to you. A lot of people, would do that to watch out for nuymero uno.
r2000 said:
Crappy food, no sex, a miserable life, being beat on, but if you become a CP, you get good food, you get sex if you beat enough people, and you live a lot better. With no changes to you. A lot of people, would do that to watch out for nuymero uno.

They can have sex, they just won't get pregnant....
Samon said:
Yes they are, the facts are in half-life 2 and the walkthrough. Not to mention raising the bar. That picture is human, it's simply another human been upgraded with combine technology. Thats how it is, brainwashed and stalkerised. There's a picture of it in Nova Prospekt, even Breen confirms these facts. Combine soldiers - humans with combine tech. CP - Ordinary humans.

they must have screwed with all their heads in some way if only just a little. but anyway, i think we're a little off topic here
Ok to clear somethings up from the first page of this, if u take a look in your sdk you will find a model of a metrocop without the suit and stuff on, and it doesnt look pretty, it has that same metal torso thingy like stalkers, it has a whole bunch of holes in him, i am pretty sure they didnt volunteer and i am pretty sure that the whole on their heads isnt just there to make them look good it is deff where they implanted something or did some kind of brainwashing surgery, and the reason barney isnt messed up is prob because he stole a metrocop's outfit, i doubt he is an actual metrocop. Also for rogue threat or any mod to take place in another city called city 14 or 62, the planet would have to not resemble earth in anyform, according to hl2's official storyline in the strat guide, city 17 is the new name for EARTH, not just a place on earth but the entire planet, where u play in the game is most likely the main command center for the combine on city 17. Oh the strategy guide also disproves what some1 else said, they said that there are no aliens present, well apparently, striders and those helicopter thingys u see all the time are aliens, that are the way they are through forced evolution.
mikeandike22 said:
Ok to clear somethings up from the first page of this, if u take a look in your sdk you will find a model of a metrocop without the suit and stuff on, and it doesnt look pretty, it has that same metal torso thingy like stalkers, it has a whole bunch of holes in him, i am pretty sure they didnt volunteer and i am pretty sure that the whole on their heads isnt just there to make them look good it is deff where they implanted something or did some kind of brainwashing surgery, and the reason barney isnt messed up is prob because he stole a metrocop's outfit, i doubt he is an actual metrocop. Also for rogue threat or any mod to take place in another city called city 14 or 62, the planet would have to not resemble earth in anyform, according to hl2's official storyline in the strat guide, city 17 is the new name for EARTH, not just a place on earth but the entire planet, where u play in the game is most likely the main command center for the combine on city 17. Oh the strategy guide also disproves what some1 else said, they said that there are no aliens present, well apparently, striders and those helicopter thingys u see all the time are aliens, that are the way they are through forced evolution.

yeah i dont think any humans actually joined willingly either. free food and shelter but the only catch is you have to turn your back on the entire human species. who'd go for that? but how could city 17 be the new name for earth? how would you explain the train station schedule thing?:

i dunno, the combine might have enough tech to make a train that can travel through xen and onto an alien planet, all i know is that in the strat guide that came with my collector's edition said that city 17 was earth.
Reaper-X said:
If the citadel was destroyed does this mean the brainwashing (let's say it's using some sort of mind contol device) that the metrocops have to go through will stop working? They could regain their normal human thoughts/emotions and retain their combine implants? This could explain why it was so important to destroy the Citadel, then along with not being able to bring any reinforcements in, their forces on earth would be useless.

Umm... I thought they were a different life form that inherits traits from the species that they overcome therefore explaining the resemblance to humans.

...Why would any human join an alien race that wants to kill their planet and them?...Dr. Breen is an exception.
mikeandike22 said:
i dunno, the combine might have enough tech to make a train that can travel through xen and onto an alien planet, all i know is that in the strat guide that came with my collector's edition said that city 17 was earth.

I am not saying that i do not agree but if the strat guide is off on one thing it usually off on everything. O and the combine i thought were here to not only take us over but to take our natural resources therefore explaingin the citadel. The pic does support my theory that the combine do inherit traits from the lifeforms that they overcome. overall though the pic will stir some more theories up to look at. I dont know but its a worthy find u got there.
mikeandike22 said:
Ok to clear somethings up from the first page of this, if u take a look in your sdk you will find a model of a metrocop without the suit and stuff on, and it doesnt look pretty, it has that same metal torso thingy like stalkers, it has a whole bunch of holes in him, i am pretty sure they didnt volunteer and i am pretty sure that the whole on their heads isnt just there to make them look good it is deff where they implanted something or did some kind of brainwashing surgery, and the reason barney isnt messed up is prob because he stole a metrocop's outfit, i doubt he is an actual metrocop. Also for rogue threat or any mod to take place in another city called city 14 or 62, the planet would have to not resemble earth in anyform, according to hl2's official storyline in the strat guide, city 17 is the new name for EARTH, not just a place on earth but the entire planet, where u play in the game is most likely the main command center for the combine on city 17. Oh the strategy guide also disproves what some1 else said, they said that there are no aliens present, well apparently, striders and those helicopter thingys u see all the time are aliens, that are the way they are through forced evolution.

reread. the title
Combine solidier. IE overwatch. Overwatch soliiders, have been modified at Nova Prospekt. Otherwise Barney couldn't be a CP. CP's make small talk, and say things to each other, laugh, relax, in the streets, you see one being lazy. They're not required to do a whole lot of nasty things. Just beat up dissidents. Once again, i refer you to the SS. Doctor Mengele did horrific things just for the hell of it. As did the SS.
Alright you guys are over analyzing it it is just a game, i just told you what i know from the strat guide which isnt wrong you guys just chose not to believe it, the main question was would everybody return to normal after the citadel blew up, and the answer is no, as you can see from the pic i posted the people would have to undergo so major surgery to be back to "normal".
He moved, but not sure where from.

Mikeandike22, the point is to overanalyse. But we did stray from the topic.
mikeandike22 said:
Also for rogue threat or any mod to take place in another city called city 14 or 62, the planet would have to not resemble earth in anyform, according to hl2's official storyline in the strat guide, city 17 is the new name for EARTH, not just a place on earth but the entire planet, where u play in the game is most likely the main command center for the combine on city 17.

this is kind of late saying this, but i got some more info about this city 17 being the new name for earth business. city 17 is definately a city on earth, not earth itself. we know this because a.) the schedule at the train station and b.) one guy at the train station mentions "having enough" of Breen in City 14. breen is the administrator for the combine on EARTH, not for the entire universe, so if city 14 was it's own planet, that just wouldn't make any sense at all. just had to clear things up. *whew*
read the prima strat guide though,your crazy ideas cannot contradict what valve and prima wrote in the strat guide, and the train thing i have no idea how it works,but it could be possible to travel through xen in a train and goto another planet.
Trinityxero said:
dint breen move from C14 ? just a thought - nuthing better to say

He never moved anyway. The citizen was merely stating that Breen is in every city. (Monitors)
mikeandike22 said:
read the prima strat guide though,your crazy ideas cannot contradict what valve and prima wrote in the strat guide, and the train thing i have no idea how it works,but it could be possible to travel through xen in a train and goto another planet.

i'm sure prima just has their information wrong. it wouldnt be the first time. even if the trains did travel to different planets, 1. why would it be neseccary for the combine to relocate humans to other planets? and 2. why would breen be broadcasted on different planets?

it's completely bogus for different planets to be named city 17, city 14, etc. prima just missed the mark is all.
alright ur crackpot theories arent right just realize it.Valve tells prima wat to write, u cant sit there and tell me that the ppl who made the game are wrong and u who are some higher poewer because u own the game know the true secrets of hl2, u are the almighty, we must bow down to u because somehow u have come up with answers that are right, while the ppl who made the game and wrote the storyline are wrong.
mikeandike22 said:
alright ur crackpot theories arent right just realize it.Valve tells prima wat to write, u cant sit there and tell me that the ppl who made the game are wrong and u who are some higher poewer because u own the game know the true secrets of hl2, u are the almighty, we must bow down to u because somehow u have come up with answers that are right, while the ppl who made the game and wrote the storyline are wrong.

wow. chill out dude. i think youre taking this a little too seriously. i just have my own opinions that seem to make much more sense than what some strategy guide says. all i was saying is that strategy guides have been known to have wrong information believe it or not, and that's the only thing you are basing your argument on. so please, if you can convince me with evidence from the actual game, then i'll believe you. but as for now i have my opinions and you need to chill out.
You need to calm down thats for sure. But I will say the guide is not wrong. Everything in it is correct, the project was managed by Valve and all character bio's were written by Marc Laidlaw. Which makes them correct.

It is odd however that he does refer to Earth as being called city 17, but I think were misenterpreting it.
what is the exact quote from the guide that says that?
The Combine

Attracted to Earth by the dimensional rift caused by the Black Mesa incident, a galactic infection of catastrophic proportions launched an invasive force that overpowered Earth, catching the human populace (now called City 17) and the rest of the planet by suprise.

There we are.
mikeandike22 said:
alright ur crackpot theories arent right just realize it.Valve tells prima wat to write, u cant sit there and tell me that the ppl who made the game are wrong and u who are some higher poewer because u own the game know the true secrets of hl2, u are the almighty, we must bow down to u because somehow u have come up with answers that are right, while the ppl who made the game and wrote the storyline are wrong.

Dude did you even read the quote from the guide? obviously the words "and the rest of the planet" would mean that city 17 isnt the whole planet. Im not exactly sure what it is trying to say but i know that its not saying that city 17 is the name of the planet. and i would think that the game is a little more valid as far as proofs go than a strategy guide.
KoreBolteR said:
what if the explosion wiped out earth?

That would be stupid. The explosion itself only creates havok for the citadel and plunges it into meltdown...whcih destroys dear old city 17/
Hey, if the Citadel was destroyed, wouldnt they all be dead anyways? What with the interdimensional explosiony thingy... Not to mention. even if it was a NORMAL explosion, the tower would collapse and pretty much kill everyone in City 17 anyways...
Aldondamar said:
Hey, if the Citadel was destroyed, wouldnt they all be dead anyways? What with the interdimensional explosiony thingy... Not to mention. even if it was a NORMAL explosion, the tower would collapse and pretty much kill everyone in City 17 anyways...

That is what Aftermath is about, fleeing the city as the citadel goes into meltdown - destroying City 17
mikeandike22 said:
alright ur crackpot theories arent right just realize it.Valve tells prima wat to write, u cant sit there and tell me that the ppl who made the game are wrong and u who are some higher poewer because u own the game know the true secrets of hl2, u are the almighty, we must bow down to u because somehow u have come up with answers that are right, while the ppl who made the game and wrote the storyline are wrong.
No. Valve releases enough of the story to make the guide cool. The who. and what. We look at the why.
Are there going to have any new species we haven't seen HL2: Aftermath?
But yeah, HL2 is unique in that they don't tell you hardly any of the story. You actually have to do some digging in the game to find out. And even then, you don't know the whole story, so you have to use your imagination, coming up with some pretty bad-ass theories.
Dag said:
Are there going to have any new species we haven't seen HL2: Aftermath?
But yeah, HL2 is unique in that they don't tell you hardly any of the story. You actually have to do some digging in the game to find out. And even then, you don't know the whole story, so you have to use your imagination, coming up with some pretty bad-ass theories.

No we won't see a new species. We will see some new enemies though, Bullsquids etc. The story is mainly a focus on fleeing c17
Samon said:
No we won't see a new species. We will see some new enemies though, Bullsquids etc. The story is mainly a focus on fleeing c17
Yeah I think we'll see some of the old creatures from HL return like the houndeyes, bullsquids, possinly even gargs. I remember reading since the citadel is going into meltdown the barriers that were keeping all the alien wildlife outside of the city are now able to get in.
Dark Auro said:
Yeah I think we'll see some of the old creatures from HL return like the houndeyes, bullsquids, possinly even gargs. I remember reading since the citadel is going into meltdown the barriers that were keeping all the alien wildlife outside of the city are now able to get in.

Absolutley correct, though as long as it has a bullsquid I'll be happy :E
To be honest I never saw the attraction of houndeyes (probably all those years trying to kill hordes of them online in some of the clunkier SC maps). Mostly they're just misused (even in some parts of the original HL) although a handful of mods have managed to use them properly- i.e., not popping them up as lone individuals or endless packs.

Of course I'd love to see them return merely for old times' sake, and I'm sure I'd learn to love them unconditionally when their shockwave attacks meet physics-modelled objects. And, of course, I'd welcome an appearance from the headcrab-hunting bullsquids. But most of all- unlikely as it is- I'd love to see the Gargantua return... but that goes without saying :D

...unless they use the Citadel's destruction as some sort of plot device designed to kill 'em all off, in which case I'm going to cry...
I just want to see Garg, those crazy tentacles, and the Alien Grunts, and I can die content. :)
Then get Black Mesa: Source cause chances are none will be in Aftermath.