if there is one wish you could be granted...what would it be?

You selfish ****s.

How about something like for Cold Fusion to be developed within a month, or for first contact with benevolent aliens who'll teach us all kinds of new greener advanced technologies.

Hey, if I ever get my wish fulfilled, the advancement of science is definately one of my priorities.

And then alien invasion. By that I mean humanity starts invading aliens.
For those that haven't seen those shows, I can't blame you. Mostly before my time even. But one show I saw really sticks in my mind. It goes something like this:

A man is granted 3 wishes. The things people wish for - money, power, even health

Think everything would be great if you had these things? Well, here is what happens:

You wish for loads of money. You become paranoid and obsessed with your money. You fear for your life from people who want to take it from you. Everyone seems like a beggar begging for some change. You are filled with greed, and filled with the burden of guilt for having more money than you could ever spend, while people on the street are starving to death in the very spot they stand. People you know lose their homes but you "can't help everyone", you think to yourself, clutching your money tightly to your chest.

You no longer have any real friends. People no longer see you as a person, but as someone they can use. You aren't even the same person anymore. You have come to hate yourself. Your wife takes the kids and leaves you. You have lost the only things in life that really mattered to you. But it was too late to get them back. You might have lots of money, but you are an empty shell, and everyone knows money can't buy true happiness. Not without the other things that make life great.

How about wishing for health? Maybe you live to 140 and you have to watch everyone you've ever known and loved suffer and die. Maybe you are too feeble to even feed yourself. Maybe you'll never die, but just become more and more wretched and dependent on people that wish you would just die.

You can see where this is going. Use your imagination. There is always a catch.
In such stories the only way to 'win' with a wish (if they present one) is to use it for entirely altuistic means. While making sure you word it so the genie can't be a little bitch.
In such stories the only way to 'win' with a wish (if they present one) is to use it for entirely altuistic means. While making sure you word it so the genie can't be a little bitch.
Yes, that's usually how the story goes.

Come to think of it, I might have seen that on Tales from the Crypt. However, they 'borrowed' that tale from Twilight Zone I believe, who borrowed it from somewhere else. The tale is probably very old.
Which is why you should hire a lawyer to make the wishes for you. Very careful use of words so there are no loopholes.
I would wish that no one ever got a wish again.

too dangerous, mang
I'd wish for KineticAesthetic to have a bigger penis.
I'd wish for a smaller penis. Thing's a curse man.
I'd wish for a smaller penis. Thing's a curse man.

If that's what he's wishing for, then he must not be doing too well.

So, why not help him out... :p
You selfish ****s.

How about something like for Cold Fusion to be developed within a month, or for first contact with benevolent aliens who'll teach us all kinds of new greener advanced technologies.

It's a cookbook!
100,000,000,000 pound sterling.
Subsequently ruining Britain's economy. Way to go Monkey.

Uhm I don't know, I'd keep my wish for a while and only use it when it's absolutely necessary.
I like the save game / undo idea. Being unjailable would be pretty nifty, too.

But I think I'd be altruistic, and end religion.
Subsequently ruining Britain's economy. Way to go Monkey.

Uhm I don't know, I'd keep my wish for a while and only use it when it's absolutely necessary.

Stop thinking rationally. You're ruining this thread.
Stop thinking rationally. You're ruining this thread.

Correct, and while we're at irrational wishes, I want an olympic sized swimming pool filled with chocolate cream.
Some ridiculous sum of money where I can easily spread it amongst close friends and family and live comfortably for the rest of my life.
I like the save game / undo idea. Being unjailable would be pretty nifty, too.

But I think I'd be altruistic, and end religion.

What does unjailable mean? Simple rewind, pause, fast forward time travel ability would be nice.
How do you not understand what unjailable means. Un-jail-able.
Pfft... Telekinesis > Teleportation
For real. You could use your telekinesis to fly and wouldn't need to teleport.
Well yeah, if you particularly want to break a whole bunch of laws, but I really can't think of any laws I'd like to break for the sake of breaking them, and any crazy scenario where it would be useful would probably involve me using my wish on something else.
Knowledge beyond what man can ever acquire.
With the wisdom to use it well.
Well yeah, if you particularly want to break a whole bunch of laws, but I really can't think of any laws I'd like to break for the sake of breaking them, and any crazy scenario where it would be useful would probably involve me using my wish on something else.

What the hell man? If you had guaranteed immunity you could be one rich bastard. Just watch out because immune doesn't mean invincible
I would wish to have the ability to alter the entire physical being of myself and others.
That I had a normal left leg, instead of this pain ridden club footed atrocity.