If they make Alyx playable...


Aug 1, 2003
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Well Gabe said they was going to make Alyx playable (IN HALF LIFE 3)

ok i think they should make alyx playable YES, BUT not in HALF LIFE 3!!

They should make her playable in HALF LIFE 2 ADDONS!

in half life it was only GORDON

in half life 2 ONLY GORDON

same should happen with all the half life's.

But the addons they can use any character....IE

Shepard Opposing force
Barney Blue Shift

changing a character in original wont make it as good. Keeping it gordon the whole way in the original is the best, beause it seems like just One Huge Level.
I don't think Gabe's confirmed playing Alyx in HL3, I doubt he will release info like that.
seriously he did (read it in a Pc gamer Mag)

he said that they want to make alyx playable....*Well if they DID* then i dont think she should be in hl3........she should be in a addon. That would be SWeet as
As long as they don't mix the characters in one game.
The nice thing about HL is that you stay Gordon (or Shephard, or...) throughout the entire game. This makes you much more focused on the story.
don't be SILLY

see, we can all type with RANDOM CAPITALS

It depends on the STORY surely ? Since we don't know the STORY and how ALYX progresses through the game. If there is a story there, then they could make an addon, if not, just let it be GORDON and the rest could develop :)
very true.

would like to see the back ground of alyx. that be cool (but in a addon pack)

i think alyx would only work in an addon, not the origional game. its like "who am i, i was just freeman but, these arent his hands!??!"
do u mean like start a campeighn whily only being alyx, or switch between alyx and gordon?
Gabe probably won't say anything about Alyx being in Half-Life 3 because she'll probably be dead in Half-Life 2.
commando said:
seriously he did (read it in a Pc gamer Mag)

he said that they want to make alyx playable....*Well if they DID* then i dont think she should be in hl3........she should be in a addon. That would be SWeet as
They didn't "confirm" it as such. They hinted that they were thinking about making her a playable character and, as in the manner of all journalists, magazines seized upon it and made it look gospel (it's more interesting that way).
However I think (or at least I'd like to think) that they will make her a playable character but far more likely as an expansion (I'd see it as taking the form of a mini-prequel). They have said that they're already thinking about how they can expand the HL2 universe and I'm sure she's a major part of that.
It comes from old rumours that the female character, which turned out to be Alyx, would be playable in HL2. PC Gamer just moved that speculation over to HL3. PC Gamer is known for being one of the mags with the least accurate HL2 info... IIRC, Gabe's only ever hinted at Alyx being playable in expansions.
Brian Damage said:
It comes from old rumours that the female character, which turned out to be Alyx, would be playable in HL2. PC Gamer just moved that speculation over to HL3. PC Gamer is known for being one of the mags with the least accurate HL2 info... IIRC, Gabe's only ever hinted at Alyx being playable in expansions.
Wasn't it PC Gaming world who recommended that for further info people should visit www.valve.com?
Alyx = add-on pack. It's a pretty obvious way to go about an HL2 expansion.
AJ Rimmer said:
Wasn't it PC Gaming world who recommended that for further info people should visit www.valve.com?

I never get PC Gaming World, so I wouldn't know.

[EDIT]: On second thought, it can't be, 'cos that address sends you to a website about liquid piping systems :p ...
If i was playing as Alyx i think i'd need more control of my hands and a third person view, errr.....ummmm... yeah
If I get to play alyx I'm gonna jump into a meat grinder many times (in the game as alyx)
Brian Damage said:
I never get PC Gaming World, so I wouldn't know.

[EDIT]: On second thought, it can't be, 'cos that address sends you to a website about liquid piping systems :p ...
Yeah, I know, that's why its funny, PCGaming world linked to www.valve.com
AJ Rimmer said:
Yeah, I know, that's why its funny, PCGaming world linked to www.valve.com
Now THAT'S funny.

Playing as Alyx in the default SP would ruin the feeling that I AM Gordon. Like someone said, "One Big Level"
one thing is that we dont know all the characters of the histoty right?
maybe are more characters
Sorry about my noobish question, but whats IE? ^^"
I know that IE is also Internet Explorer :p
I heard that Valve are thinking about making Half Life 2 extra levels, set in between HL1 and 2, in which some you play as Alyx
I think they almost as well as said Alyx would be part of an addon for Hl2, not the main character of Hl3. I remember it being stated along with the "We will be working on a few things before Hl3" e.g Source ports of the old games and addons for hl2
Dowie said:
I heard that Valve are thinking about making Half Life 2 extra levels, set in between HL1 and 2, in which some you play as Alyx
That would certainly make sense for it to be in between - as would an extension of Barney's story. Good lord! It really is the best idea for an expansion pack.
Play4Fun said:
Sorry about my noobish question, but whats IE? ^^"
I know that IE is also Internet Explorer :p

i.e.- 'id est'- that is to say

And I agree that Alyx should only be playable in an expansion, perhaps previous to the events in HL2.
alyx = maincharacter ? No Way !
in the first rumours of hl2 they said ,the player would be able to switch between gordon and another female maincharacter (which turned out to be alyx). and wasnt that wrong too ?

i dont no about hl2 but it was fun 2 play as Mona in the 2nd max payne :afro:
i think it would absolutely suck if you switched between characters in HL2, but i do agree that it would make a good expansion.

and i also think it absolutely sucked that you switched between characters in max payne 2
Farrowlesparrow said:
I think they almost as well as said Alyx would be part of an addon for Hl2, not the main character of Hl3. I remember it being stated along with the "We will be working on a few things before Hl3" e.g Source ports of the old games and addons for hl2

yeah.. we are so anxious about HL2.. imagine the hype afterwards for an expansion? :eek:
i don't know what the popularity of Opposing Force is here.. but that was a damn good expansion.. and it could only get better from here on in :thumbs:
I'll be really pissed if you play as Alix, plus if we played as her, Gordon would have to speack.
Yeah Opposing force was almost as good, if not as good, as Hl for me :) Everything about it was fun, especially revisint some scenes. I can't imagine what it be like doing likewise for Hl2.

Adrien, playing as Alyx, you may not even see Gordon. She doesn't seem to know him when you start Hl2, so if they did an "in between" you may hear of Gordon, but not actually meet him.
i would hate the idea of an expansion for alyx. ive heard her talking in hl2 ,would be annoying if she couldnt talk anymore :)
eber said:
i would hate the idea of an expansion for alyx. ive heard her talking in hl2 ,would be annoying if she couldnt talk anymore :)
Quite a good point :)
Adrien, playing as Alyx, you may not even see Gordon. She doesn't seem to know him when you start Hl2, so if they did an "in between" you may hear of Gordon, but not actually meet him.

Good point, and I'm sure that will surely happen. And whily we are here, is Shepard an IP of Valve or Gearbox ? I really want Shepard to appear man.
1. adrian shepard is from Gearbox .
2. and HELL YEA i want him to come back !!
Adrien C said:
I'll be really pissed if you play as Alix, plus if we played as her, Gordon would have to speak.

And If Valve's making expansions to Hl2 for example Blue Shift 2 . We would play Barney , but that would mean , that Gordon will speak in it . I see nothing bad in it . After all , we won't be playing Gordon in that time .
As stated before, we may not even see Gordon in the expansions (they may be set before HL2), and even if we did, I doubt VALVe would break the "Gordy never speaks" rule...

But yeah, bring Shepherd back!