If this is real, the the creators must be on crack-List of all the ranks


Jun 8, 2005
Reaction score
I saw this at the planetbattlefield board. there is no way it can be real.
To advance to PFC: 500 total (+500)

To advance to Lance Corporal: 1000 total (+500)

To advance to Corporal: 11,000 total (+10,000)

To advance to Sergeant: 21,000 total (+10,000)

To advance to Staff Sergeant: 221,000 total (+200,000)

To advance to Gunnery Sergeant: 421,000 total (+200,000)

To advance to Master/First Sergeant: 4,421,000 total (+4,000,000)

To advance to Sergeant Major: 8,421,000 total (+4,000,000)

To advance to Master Gunnery Sergeant: 88,421,000 total (+80,000,000)

To advance to Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps: 168,421,000 total (+80,000,000)

Ok, so, if the best person in the entire world gets 12,000 points per week, it would take him 14,035 weeks to advance to Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps. That's 270 YEARS!!
That's completley real.

On a side note, does any body know if you get another unlock after lance corpral?
sinkoman said:
That's completley real.

On a side note, does any body know if you get another unlock after lance corpral?

Why did they even do it after sergent. It seems like it would be a waste of time because no one will ever even get to staff sergent without cheating.
There would be another Battlefield game before anyone reaches any of those.
The Corporal rank points seems about right, but I know there's more ranks than that. I remember seein screens of a guy that was ranked "Warrant Officer" or something. I can't find it now, but I'm sure they wouldn't only have like 10 ranks...not to mention those ranks don't make sense.
Mr. Redundant said:
yeah.... IF YOU SUCK!!

all you noobs, Im gonna have mine in about 194 years, MAX.. oh yeah baby.

I am sure they made the ranks extreme to make sure hardcore players wouldn't get the top rank right away, they want everyone to stay lower ranked for a while and I bet they will later lower the amount on the higher ranks.
its just so stat exploiters and cheaters can get to the top ranks while the rest of us are stuck at corporal.
When do i get the unlocked weapons, i thought it was at lance corporal but it isn't :s
Razor said:
When do i get the unlocked weapons, i thought it was at lance corporal but it isn't :s

It is Lance Corporal. Check in BFHQ to see if it even registered yet. That happened to me, I got it in a server, saw the message, left the server, and it never registered. I even logged out and back in like, five times. Luckily for me though, I just needed three more points to get to LC, so I just went into another ranked server and got it again.

Mr. Redundant says that if you leave a server before the round is over, it's a win or lose whether you will get your points. He says that the servers take shots of the round and everybodys score every so often, and then relay those back to BFHQ, so if you leave before the next shot, you won't get your points.
Glirk Dient said:
I am sure they made the ranks extreme to make sure hardcore players wouldn't get the top rank right away, they want everyone to stay lower ranked for a while and I bet they will later lower the amount on the higher ranks.

Wouldn't 10 years for a really good player be good enough?
Wait if that's true, then to be Sergeant Major I'd have to revive 168 billion soldiers.

Actually, judging from how often people die, that shouldn't be too hard...
Didnt they say it would take about 6 months for hardcore players to reach the top rank/s?
Ugh, I can understand the Corporal being correct, although I doubt about the rest of the ranks.
I dont understand this at all lol!!!!!

Seriously Whaaaa?!

Maybe its a new anticheat strategy.

They just ban people that get to the higher ranks :P
What is the whole point of the higher ranks, is it like a role playing game where you get better aim or more sprint energy or you get tanks with slightly better armour?
Razor said:
What is the whole point of the higher ranks, is it like a role playing game where you get better aim or more sprint energy or you get tanks with slightly better armour?

Better weapons for infantry, which you play 90% of the game.
I think the whole "unlock" system is retarded, to be honest. I don't like having to play a certain amount of games where I perform to a certain standard to get what I paid for in the first place.
Kangy said:
I think the whole "unlock" system is retarded, to be honest. I don't like having to play a certain amount of games where I perform to a certain standard to get what I paid for in the first place.

100% agree. I paid £30.:flame:
Exactly. It's like the people who made BF2 are somehow too stupid to realize that unlocking stuff by completing impossible goals is not challenging. It SUCKS, and it's NOT FUN. I'm surprised we aren't looking for keys, and navigating jumping puzzles in BF2.
Dalamari said:
Better weapons for infantry, which you play 90% of the game.

Well, i am sticking with the Spec Ops as i believe it has the best all round aspect. I can take out tanks, if i can get within spitting distance, i can take out troops at close and medium ranges, i just struggle at long distances, that's all.

I am getting slightly annoyed with the m95s taking me out, so it might be a toss up between the g36 and the m95 for me.
I've got the Lance Corpral rank but it didn't tell me I could unlock any weapons.
mortiz said:
I've got the Lance Corpral rank but it didn't tell me I could unlock any weapons.

Did you log out/log in again?
Once you reach Lance corpral, next time you log in, it will ask you which weapon you want to unlock.

I love the Medics unlock. M95 next time for me.
How many points do you have to get to unlock a second weapon?
Gunner said:
First time you paid for anything so suck it up biatch.

for a fact, I paid for HL2 and SC3 so that makes it the third game i pay for. ;)
Glo-Boy said:
Exactly. It's like the people who made BF2 are somehow too stupid to realize that unlocking stuff by completing impossible goals is not challenging. It SUCKS, and it's NOT FUN. I'm surprised we aren't looking for keys, and navigating jumping puzzles in BF2.

Well, I didn't find it challenging. Just because you can't get your unlock five hours after playing doesn't mean that it's IMPOSSIBLE. Only took me two days to get to lance corporal. I found it to be lots of fun.

I think somebody's just a little upset that it's taking/took him longer to reach LC than he expected :angel:
When i was playing at darquin oilfields there were at least 3 guys doing the kill one guy and let his buddy revive him routine.

That pissed me off so much that i had received two free kills and one team kill with some c4, but it was worth it. :E
I hate all of the cheaters!! I keep running in to the guys who are doing the status boosters!!
Its funny cause my buddy's account randomly has all weapons unlocked on most servers, including ranked. He hasnt ****ed wit his account at all either. it makes me sad, cause here i am with my doa 12, and he gets his pick of any of the unlockable weapons lol.