If u could play only one game for the rest of ur life , what would it be?


Sep 24, 2003
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If u could play only one game for the rest of ur life , what would it be? it has to be a game that is out today , so no hl2 :P , for me it would defintly be WARCRAFT 3
Dragonrealm's. It's a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game... text based, no graphics, very well done and been out for over 10 years. It's like being in an interactive book with other players, and a mechanics system in place to make things in the game world work without the player seeing any of the calucations or anything.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and i've been playing it for a bit over 6 years.
Starcraft ... or tetris ... tetris if I had to play the bad starcraft AI
You can probably play Soldier of Fortune II for ever because of it's new Random Mission Generator.
spider man 2... cause it'll take the rest of my life to get 100%

seriously? i'd have to say UT 2k4 or CS
Ultima Online. Before it got screwed over.
I'd have to say UT2k4 or Tribes 2.
The game where I fool around with my girlfriend, I don't think I'll ever get tired of that :) (that smiley just doesn't look right).
I hate to say it, but Diablo II. :P

Haven't played that shizz in like a year now... go me! :D
:dozey: Well, I currently do not play MMORPG's that often... although only ONE game for the rest of my life would have to be Final Fantasy 11. Sure you could pick a game like Half Life 2, CS, whatever... I feel MMORPG's have a lot more things to do, keep you interested longer.
WOuld have to be Red Faction (multiplayer mostly).

Very moddable, and it was the first major online FPS that I actually got talented at.

I'm suprised most of you havent said Half-Life 1
One game for the rest of my life... hmm... C&C Generals: Zero Hour
such a damn good game, except it flopped because they didn't put that extra "zing" into it
Would probably have to be something like Tetris or Mario Brothers...something that will never ever get old and is good for both a quick diversion and marathon session.
Silent_night said:
If u could play only one game for the rest of ur life , what would it be? it has to be a game that is out today , so no hl2 :P , for me it would defintly be WARCRAFT 3

Well Its pretty obvious which game I would choose....

Morrowind! :)

No but serously I would, its capable of being modded and improved on a huge amount, in ways other games simply can't do, and is unlikely to get old any time soon. As technology improves, so can all the resources (they've already begun) It can go on forever and has what I have to now admit defeat and agree with, an unlimited sized map. Any other game would long outlive its fun value. MW will just keep going.
If The Sims 2 was out I would pick that, because It'll never get boring cause you keep getting new sims to screw around with, might be good, or HL2

but none of those are out right now I pick Crimson Land, Its some 2d shooter thing but like a thousand monsters come at you and you get guns like flamethrowers and assault rifles and all those, and these things called perks, if you get enough kills you can get a perk which gives you little powers like fastshot and radioactive man :burp:
UT 2004 its fun, modable and the editor is 100x easier than worldcraft.
Diablo 2! However id probably go insane after dieing on hardcore so many times and probably end up mutating into diablo himself in a rage.

So id say opposing force online probably , may not be a great game but has a long long lifetime.