If u could play only one game for the rest of ur life , what would it be?

CS.. as long as I get CS:S when it comes out :)

I've been playing CS for 3 years now, and it's yet to go old to the point where I want to quit. I see no reason why it shouldn't last awhile yet
Gran Turismo 3: A Spec... Ive been playing for months and ive done only 13% of the whole game. :O
Synthos said:
such a damn good game, except it flopped because they didn't put that extra "zing" into it
Holy crap! Yes!! Oni was such a fun game!! The fighting system was awesome!! Oh well... if only it had multiplay...
residnet evil 2

i like 1-3 but code veronica and the erest sucked asss, a lot. the one that came on the game cube: zero? a pale dude controls leeches that attack ppl.

i juts got outbreak, ugh online is kinda fun, but there is no unified story, and they messed the livker up and made is sissy. FOR CHRISTS SAKE MAN, NO THE LICKER. the new moth is cool thouhg
Call of Duty. Short, Short Singleplayer, but multiplayer kicks ass.

OT, i hope they keep making add-on's like MOH, becuase UO looks great.
SC! I'm not sure if I replied in this thread.. but SC!