If u had a question u could ask any of the Half life 2 developers


Jan 27, 2007
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If u had a question u could ask any of the Half life 2 developers what would it be?

I'm not sure of what I'd ask, prob something along the lines of 'define the gman?'

Apologies in advance if anyone has already posted this type of thread.
Will you be releasing a new ten set arsenal of weaponry to shut the gun nuts up and give halflife2.net some peace?
Can you tell alyx I fancy her? ;)

Great thread btw
Who is the Gman.
or the sequence of headcrab DNA.
How Lamarr was debeaked.

(See how the model is kinda different than the headcrab.mdl.)
What Combine spaceships look like. Their firepower figures, etcetera.

It's lovely being a scifi geek.
Why not?

And what the other Combine cities are like. Whether the citizens work in factories or just laze around everyday. Whether the Combine have satellite infrastructure. What the ecosystem of Earth is like today. Where they're growing the food. There's a lot of questions you can ask.
"could you tell me the WHOLE half-life story, answering every question about every character (especially the Gman) and leave out no blanks?"


"runs off crying"
Imagine the emptiness when you know it all. No mystery left

The thing with mystery is that it's fun up to a point, after that it just gets terribly annoying if you don't get some answers.
Could you clear up the whole Vortigaunt-Nihilanth-Controller-Grunt hierarchy please?

Who were the g-man's employers during the events of Half-Life 1?

And BTW achilles_d, I think that Rambler has claims on Alyx.
Rambler has claims on every women known to exist at the current time
No he does, he came on, wrote a poem about her and everything, he has very strong feeling for her...
u think I'm going to give up the fight for Alyx's heart over a poem? :frown:

I salute him for his efforts anyway...
Wouldn't matter, he has a thousand over girlfriends too, and he gets laid every 2 seconds
Anyway...on topic?

I'd want to know the entire history of the combine, or when I could come to their offices to play Portal & TF2? :)
"could you tell me the WHOLE half-life story, answering every question about every character (especially the Gman) and leave out no blanks?"


"runs off crying"
That's exactly why I asked the question I did. It's all written down and if I know where it is, they can't refuse to answer me. All the knowledge would be mine!
what is the meaning of half life???????????

I can tell you that.
"The half-life of a quantity subject to exponential decay is the time required for the quantity to decay to half of its initial value. The concept originated in the study of radioactive decay, but applies to many other fields as well, including phenomena which are described by non-exponential decays."

See there for more details.
That's exactly why I asked the question I did. It's all written down and if I know where it is, they can't refuse to answer me. All the knowledge would be mine!

What if it's in a locked room, eh? Eh? What'll you do then?
The thing with mystery is that it's fun up to a point, after that it just gets terribly annoying if you don't get some answers.

Let's just say they should answer more than they raise from now on, or else it will get annoying. Just one little hint/fact about for example G-Man would satisfy me. One little piece of information can help putting large pieces of the puzzle together.

But be honest with me, how many people really want the whole puzzle laid before you?
I'm not really sure if i would want the 'box full of pieces'. The games would either be less appealing or more...
I'll tell you one thing , they can prolong all the mystery for as long as they want, but when the Half Life series finally ends they'd better had answered all the questions raised. Cause if they don't and they leave certain story elements in mid air then I'll be damned if I ever take interest in a story developed by Valve.
How the hell did you let OP4s go to Gear Box?

How did you do that howling thing with the mawmen?

If I light YOU on fire, will you scream in what sounds a lot like tribal tounge?
I'll tell you one thing , they can prolong all the mystery for as long as they want, but when the Half Life series finally ends they'd better had answered all the questions raised. Cause if they don't and they leave certain story elements in mid air then I'll be damned if I ever take interest in a story developed by Valve.

I doubt we'll get all answers