If Valve has nothing new to offer at E3...

Last year I shared all the videos from E3 on my FTP and made 4000 people very happy ;) So if I will get them early the ftp will be up and running again. :)
Don't you think too much videos kinda ruin the experience? I didn't think so like four months ago, but now as the release date is getting closer, I'm getting suspisious. I don't want to hype the game to crappiness - that's what happened when I waited for the first Lord of the Rings DVD: it wasn't as good as I had remembered. Now isn't that awful!

I think I'm gonna quit the HL2 community and get a life, so I'll forget everything about HL2, and play only like five years old games, so when HL2 finally arrives, it'll shock me!!
I'd imagine creating a map would have the crowd totally enthralled.

"And now i'll place a crate on this walkway"

*awed silence from crowd*


Last years E3 demo had the crowd clapping, oohing, ahhing and generally showing signs of "omfg'ness". I think it's unlikely they'll get the same response this year. The response will be probably consist of uncomfortable silences and the odd cough.

"And here you get to see how realistic the characters look"

*cough cough*
I wish that they have something new and cool. :)
I'm looking forward to having any new info. ATM my uber machine is out of action (possible HDD failure! :O) so I couldn't play it anyway.

I hope they don't rude the community by showing the same material that they showed last year. Knowing valvE they wouldn't do that but you never know!

I agree with spiffae, I think they'll have something playable this time, hence the two booths. Either that or they will have two different presentations, one for HL2 and one for a new, never before seen project. CS2/TF2 perhaps?
Mr-Fusion said:
I'd imagine creating a map would have the crowd totally enthralled.

"And now i'll place a crate on this walkway"

*awed silence from crowd*


Last years E3 demo had the crowd clapping, oohing, ahhing and generally showing signs of "omfg'ness". I think it's unlikely they'll get the same response this year. The response will be probably consist of uncomfortable silences and the odd cough.

"And here you get to see how realistic the characters look"

*cough cough*

then they click a button and the screen goes blank......

slowly appearing is the word "Gold"

and bikini clad girls walk on stage pushing a cart with like 400 copies of HL2 on it.

oh and the whole event is on live web cast so we all see it too.
noticed that Valve have a 2 stalls booked for E3 2004

Valve Software Kentia Hall 7625
Valve Software South Hall 1200

not long to wait now (less than a month) then we'll see :)
JavaByte said:
noticed that Valve have a 2 stalls booked for E3 2004

Valve Software Kentia Hall 7625
Valve Software South Hall 1200

not long to wait now (less than a month) then we'll see :)

One of them is a meeting room.
so what will that be for you reckon, maybe a press only type thing or for Gabe and co to change thier shirts?
JavaByte said:
so what will that be for you reckon, maybe a press only type thing or for Gabe and co to change thier shirts?

I'd guess it's for press meetings probably, but that shirt idea sounds quite kinky too...
:), its an office terminology thing* (as if you didn't know)

I think so too from what i know of E3 space is always used for events and people make their own arrangements for shirt changing :p

*For those who give a damn what it means is:
A room for private meetings and to freshen up etc. normally a room like that is setup for visitors from other companies to use before a meet (for instance)
Well Valve shares a booth with Vivendi this year, but I can't say anythiong cause Pi| is evil
Remember boys and girls that Valve an ATI are in bed right now and are linked because of last years situation.

On May 5th ATI will be announcing the new X800 Pro Graphics card based on R400 chip, within two weeks the X800xt will be launched, this is all happening around the same time as E3 (May 11th) We will definitely see some new good stuff guys thats my gut feeling.
Well, just in case some of you don't know, one of the conferences (the "real" E3, not this phony floor show stuff lol) offers a sneek peek at 3 upcoming games, and Gabe is going to be presenting there. I don't know if any of the other E3 goers here (assuming there are some) have conference passes, but I do, and will be eagerly awaiting the stuff there.

Admittedly, I will be giving my info to halflifesource and halfliferadio, since I am dedicated over there. I know our sites and this one have had troubles in the past, but let's try to put that behind us and focus on the glory that is HL2. If you ask politely, I may even try to send some stuff over this way. I know that sounded pretty conceited (at least, it did to me :/), but I think that would be a nice way of showing more unity between us. I never have forgotten how much a fag/noob/whatever I was called after my Valve visit last October, but if we can put all that stuff behind us, I'd be willing to help out the HL2 community.

(Of course, all this could backfire on me and bring up old wounds, but what the hell, I put it out there heh).
RblDiver said:
Well, just in case some of you don't know, one of the conferences (the "real" E3, not this phony floor show stuff lol) offers a sneek peek at 3 upcoming games, and Gabe is going to be presenting there. I don't know if any of the other E3 goers here (assuming there are some) have conference passes, but I do, and will be eagerly awaiting the stuff there.
Don't forget your spy camera.
This time I'm definitely taking a camera, and trying to find a decent voice recorder too (damn being a student on a very limited budget :p)

did you visit Valve after Spitcodfry.?

i was away for a while and cant remember.?
GOoch said:

did you visit Valve after Spitcodfry.?

i was away for a while and cant remember.?

I believe he was one of the people who went to VALVe (HLRadio) and came back with a detailed CZ report.. I believe
no m8 Spitcodfry went to valve and got pics of gabe him with a crowbar and other stuff..nothing to do with cs as far as i can remember m8.
GOoch said:
no m8 Spitcodfry went to valve and got pics of gabe him with a crowbar and other stuff..nothing to do with cs as far as i can remember m8.

..we're talking about RblDriver here :p
When i read the blurb at the end of my PC gamer about new HL2 content, and then went online and read the forums about it possibly being fake, a dream was realeased in my head. In this dream, for some reason, PC gamer was online and i was reading it, and then i got to the section about HL2 and all that was there was one box that said "click here to see new HL2 stuff!" I clicked on it and the link didn't work. Then i woke up.
i dunno if this has been covered but we have confirmation there is new stuff at E3 from Gabe, nuff said
New stuff before e3 and at e3.. Doug said..

But why don't they say that there will be new info AFTER E3? :O Will they release hl2 at e3? :p
if there new stuff b4 E3 they will have to be quick i starts in less than 3 weeks !!!
Yes, I did go after Spit (durn him, he beat me to them lol), and yes I was the one from HLRadio who came back and said I played CZ. And yes I do think that event was overhyped, but I had fun dammit, and intend to have fun at E3 this year lol.
By the way, is iD software gonna show off at E3? If not, maybe Doom3 is gonna be released before the end of May at the latest!
according to the most recent sales projections Doom3 will most likely be pushed into the christmas holiday season.
Dougy said:
I think the best thing they will anounce at E3 is that Hl2 is infact Gold.
all the recent events have made me optomistic.
1. CS:CZ released
2. final binks released
3. Magazines report "playtests"
4. NDA on the magazines
5. PC Gamer says "Soon"
6. Valve start to answer emails again
7. Valve revealing new Info will be made available before and during E3.
8. Hl2 Box Art is finalised
9. "Grand master status" Rumour
10. people invited to Valve HQ.
Or i could be hideously wrong...... :sleep:
I love what you've said I really do and I really want it to be true, but all this negativity recently has worn me down. I've begun to despise (note that this is a stronger word than hate) the smug bastards who pour criticism on Valve many times a day, spread vicious conspiracy theories based on no evidence. But also Fragmaster's post with all the things he said and I don't doubt he was privy to some inside information and with what he said and what the Valve-haters have said I'm not sure what I believe anymore. I want to be positive, but it's getting to the point where I'm beginning not to care and hate the waiting.It's too much.
I believe Valve will present something awesome or of great relevance at e3 - I haven't the slightest idea what that might be - otherwise I don't see the point in their turning up. But I just want my faith restored that has been (against my will - you bastards) somewhat eroded of late. I'm so weary of all these different things flying around this forum and throughout the internet.

And if LucasArts don't announce that the cancellation of Sam & Max 2 (and subsequent second-to-last nail in adventure gaming's coffin) was all a big, sick joke I will hunt the people who made that decision down and bury them alive.
1) Don't count on any details about 1| TF2 & 2| CS2 because they clearly said that first comes HL2.

2) Anyone ever noticed that there haven't been a lot of games who have -so- many vids released before the game itself ships? You should really think about that. There are like a total of 12 - 13 (dunno exactly) movies released about HL2. I don't know many games who've done that. And yes, some smartasses like yourself will come up with a few games who did ( i expect this in the 7 post after this one ^^) but it won't be the majority of the games.
Abom said:
Just recently they said that they'd be unveiling something new at E3, so you need not worry anymore.

If its true and confirmed, you should post this as news
flupke said:
1) Don't count on any details about 1| TF2 & 2| CS2 because they clearly said that first comes HL2.

2) Anyone ever noticed that there haven't been a lot of games who have -so- many vids released before the game itself ships? You should really think about that. There are like a total of 12 - 13 (dunno exactly) movies released about HL2. I don't know many games who've done that. And yes, some smartasses like yourself will come up with a few games who did ( i expect this in the 7 post after this one ^^) but it won't be the majority of the games.

tbh, I have never seen a developer making 1280*800 res movies, btw if you would look at all the movies in a row, you would have like... 25 mins of actual gameplay

beats the trailers of Far Cry :burp: