IF Valve lost to Vivendi.. would you..


Jul 16, 2004
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lets say Valve and Vivendi's courtdate went ahead (first was about a month ago and it got prosponed) so lets say they had that courtdate and Vivendi won, meaning they get all of Valves money (so every valve guy is pretty much pennyless).

But valve still keep hl rights, WOULD YOU DONATE $10-£5 to them to get them on their feet again?
Or do you think they got themselves into the mess and should dig their way out etc..?

(i know its a dodgy sorta court-settlement but its hypathetical)

Trinityxero said:
if i had a job yes i would donate to them

but its $10 £5, cant you spare it for such a great company?! imagine no HL3!
if valve lost and i was some way of geting to the VU | HQ i would spray paint hl2 all over thare doors
Ofcourse not, its a fking company for crying out loud. You got any idea how much money they are making on us? Do I ever see a donation from their side when I am in trouble?
Clavius said:
Ofcourse not, its a fking company for crying out loud. You got any idea how much money they are making on us? Do I ever see a donation from their side when I am in trouble?

BUT they're pennyless (after the fictional courtcase) and there wont be a "valve" if you dont donate.
That's not the way the case works...
Vivendi is fighting for rights to Half-Life 2...complete rights I suppose means that they could argue they deserve more of the steam sales and potentially (With complete rights) could hand the Half-life title over to somebody else to make additional games (Just imagine Half-Life brotherhood of steel)

What I'm thinking is **** Vivendi, when big money get's involved then publishers turn everything to shit. It's always gimme gimme and pump out games, faster! More mainstream!

By the way, I hate Eidos, Activision and Interplay as well...there's a long shit list for each of 'em.
chriso20 said:
BUT they're pennyless (after the fictional courtcase) and there wont be a "valve" if you dont donate.

I guess Valve would be pairing up under a new company. That or they would get private investments(from gabe and probably more).

So i don't even think a donation would be needed.

But if iwould be donating it would be for their ideas, not for valve.
ok forget Vivendi, just think of it as Valve go bankrupt...
chriso20 said:
ok forget Vivendi, just think of it as Valve go bankrupt...


Because it would do no good anyway and if I'm donating money charities could use it more.
However... very unlikely, but IF this scenario happened: VU games screwed Valve to get the rights to the game so they could keep the money to themselves and the only rights Valve had left was selling the game on steam i would:

Only buy the game off steam and keep away from the store release.

If VU games got ALL the rights to the game and Valve were completely screwed i would simply not buy the game at all! A total boycott of VU games would be my cource of action. If i could not buy the game from Valve i would see if i could download the game instead of paying VU games for it.

Simple! If VU games goes ahead with a lawsuit i will boycot VU games if they choose to take such steps. That will not happen in the near future. But IF ... i would take a cource of action described above, and everyone else should too.

As for donating money to a company? Are you mad?
Don't bite the hand that once fed...

Besides this whole court stuff is so ambiguous, I think Vivendi just want their share of the pie and valve didn't really pencil vivendi into their whole steam sales thing.

So ruben, you're basically saying that you're a complete fanboy, or do you know all the details of why these court hearings are being held?

Cos, and forgive me if I'm wrong, I don't think anyone really knows what exactly is in discussion.
No, I wouldn't. I had to stop donating to OXFAM becuase money was tight. If I can't help the starving third worlders I certainly can't help VALVe.
Cabb said:
Don't bite the hand that once fed...

Besides this whole court stuff is so ambiguous, I think Vivendi just want their share of the pie and valve didn't really pencil vivendi into their whole steam sales thing.

So ruben, you're basically saying that you're a complete fanboy, or do you know all the details of why these court hearings are being held?

Cos, and forgive me if I'm wrong, I don't think anyone really knows what exactly is in discussion.

Nah... i dont know whats going on, i just read (fast) that VU games is bringing Valve to court, and when a big corporation brings another corporation to court its about two things; rights and money. So i presume they want the whole pie. I dont know if this is true. So i described a couple of fictitious scenario`s. I dont really care ... im sure there is a reason ... but IF (however unlikely) VU games wants ALL teh rights and ALL the money and wants to screw Valve... i would take the boycott approach. Im going to buy the game off steam anyways.

If the fictitious scenario would seem to be true in the future an dthe resulting scenario is that Valve is compeltely screwed i would boycott VU games. Simple.

This is all fictitious. And the likelyhood of this happening is very slim IMO.

As for being a fanboy ... if that equals being really excited and wanting to play this game ASAP then yes. If it equals reading all the news in minute detail and understanding and reading everything about Valve and worshipping Gabe as a god? Then no.
charity starts at home.

id prefer to donate money to help australia's homeless. third worlders can suck my balls and so can valve. i already bought their game, what else do they need? a complimentary blowjob for the honour of being able to play it?
Well if Valve went down so would the Steam servers. Now in the case that the publisher wins total rights (which won't happen) They'll either completley **** up steam, create a fuxored net client or totally forget about it all together.
A) Vivienda wouldnt take all the money (only a slice of steam sales)
B) Valve would still make money from their game catalogue (mainly HL2 + HL + CSS)
C) Donations wouldnt work - youd have to fund a whole new game development which is millions of dollars.
D) Anyone remember when idiots were on about donating money to Valve just after the leak? :lol:
No, I don't give a damn thing about Valve or Viviendi! I just want the game, and I've already paid for THE GAME! So I want it now! Right now!
Oh, I'd donate...but, instead of being a "contributor," I'd prefer the term "stockholder." And, of course, when Valve came out with HL3 and made their big money, I'd expect a return on my "contribution" (also known as my "investment").