If Valve put up HL2 on Ebay today how much would it go for?

deltron zero

May 27, 2003
Reaction score
If Valve put up HL2 on Ebay today how much would it go for? Would you bid on it?
i don't have an eb account :(

but if i did.....65 is probably the highest i'd go
Odd topic. It would probably hit up to $300 tops but you never know.
you guys are nuts if they put a single HL2 up it would go into the thosands easily
If Roman Abramovich wanted it then he would just pay £30 million for it and you would all lose out.
Personally I wouldn't (couldn't) pay more than £100 or something.

But I suspect there are lots of crazy people out there so it would go for a couple of thousand or something.
Quite alot I would think, as it would be the first HL2 box to be sold. Thats got to be worth abit extra.

edt: Myself, I would'nt buy it for more then a box would normally go for, but Im sure others would.
McFly.. Would you REALLY play $10,000 for it? :-O

But eh.. who knows how much it would sell for... at least $50,000 I'd say.
I wouldn't pay anything over $60.. since the person who gets it would probably immediately leak it.
If it was the only copy, hehe, thousands. :LOL: I wouldn't bid though, unless it was Buy It Now ;)
it would definatley get spammed with a load of ridiculous bids. i saw a copy of doom 3 on ebay going for $20 million :naughty:
If one man has it ...EVERY ONE HAS it. Although I don't doubt it would be expensive. People are stupid and desperate.
Wildhound said:
Why's that?
you would have to have balls of steel or just be extremely stupid to put up a few million dollar bet, not knowing whether you will get outbid or get the winning bid
DrunkPanda said:
you would have to have balls of steel or just be extremely stupid to put up a few million dollar bet, not knowing whether you will get outbid or get the winning bid

Balls of steel? Why, because Mr Ebay might call round to my house and he's got some really muscular friends?
"Balls of steel? Why, because Mr Ebay might call round to my house and he's got some really muscular friends?"
DrunkPanda said:
"Balls of steel? Why, because Mr Ebay might call round to my house and he's got some really muscular friends?"

Forgive me for not soiling myself. :p
You can always win a bid and tell the person selling it that you wont't pay, and they can't do much about it.
I think he means hl2 the franchise . . .
well i saw some guy walk into my comp usa today and just say "hey i want a x800" and the guy just buys one...and later i saw him looking at some ghetto old truck game...so if people spend it like that then i would think people would spend 400 for it..
What if gabe and everyone there decided to not sell HL2 through retail stores or steam but only through ebay? They would only sell 1 copy at a time. Then how much would you buy it for!
I'd have to agree. IF people were bidding on D3 copies on the 31st for $100, I bet a few month early HL2 release could EASILY pull in $1000.
Assuming all factors are legitimate and it was the only one, I'd bid up to $260 USD...if it was the only one ever...I'd probably bid as high as $800
wonkers said:
If one man has it ...EVERY ONE HAS it. Although I don't doubt it would be expensive. People are stupid and desperate.

I wouldn't share it. It would just taunt everyone with screenshots til the official release :D
i would give my soul

btw, i love your avatar poseyjmac! every time i see it i laugh! is it a ninja turtle puppet or something?
that'd be funny if VALVe put a single copy of HL2 on ebay and smeone paid 50,000 for it then the day after the person got it VAVLe release HL2.
I wouldn't bid on it. I'll wait for it to come out and get it for 50$ instead of thousands...I mean seriously, its only a couple of weeks for cryin' out loud...

Plus it could be a fake if "VALVe" put it up. Someone could make an account "VALVeStudios" when its some 30 year old fat bastard trying to see how much he can get for his demo CD he got from buying CZ...