if you built a robot...

Farrowlesparrow said:
Heh, what about the grey goo theory (which apparently can't happen but everyone is scared of because 'scientists' say it will happen...I don't know eh)
I wouldn't want to "take over the world". I would use the nanobots to terraform mars into my own paradise.

what's grey goo
Gray Goo is a apocolyse theory that Nano Machines might reporduce exponentially and unconrtollable expanding in ever increase numbers devouring all matter to continue the reporduction process eventually eating all life and most of the planet.
that's impossible because to reproduce nano-machines need resources just like every other animal in the world, and if they decide to eat animals animals will develop immunity. maybe if a nano machine would be built that attacked immune systems like HIV, but hw would it spread? i really dont think that's possible
benson said:
Sunny was the only NS5 not programmed with the three laws of robotics, though.

But it was the only one who threw the old man out the window!
Right. You silly peons have obviously not grasped what's important yet, so I'll repeat:
Ex-ter-min-ate! Ex-ter-min-ate!
actually the scientist who proposed the grey goo theory just recanted his theory a couple of months back.

actually i'd rather have a neural imput than a robot. I'd love to be able to have an ipod in my brain. that way i could have a soundtrack for my life without the headphones.