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Jul 16, 2003
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This might be an uneccessary (sp?) topic but I think this piece of machinery bloody deserves its own thread :p
All I can say is: :eek:

Think this could handle D3 & HL2? I don't think you would need to upgrade in a while (couple of freaking centuries) either!

And the price tag is quite good too. Some catch eh? i think I'll get 2 so I can have my own LAN :E

Also, there's a funny remark at the bottom of the specs page... Sort of.

I wonder how State-Of-The-Art this machine really is. I mean if you count the secret supercomputers at NASA and such. Hmm.

Anyone have any links to similar monster-computers?

Edit: Okay so it's a server but what the hell? ;)
A 2GHz PC with a 9800pro could beat that...because that is a SPARC server CPU.
Not even sure it could run it. I don't think it's a X86 CPU.
Yeah got that straighten out for me by a friend :D Don't know much about "PCs" (which this clearly isn't). But it sounded pretty neat :p
notice that the os is "Solaris 8 Operating Environment (10/01 or later)"


But I think Asus is right.
anything can run on solaris as long as youve got a vm of some kind, though i think the open source market for solaris is pretty limited. the SPARC cpu should be theoretically capable of running hl2. same principle as a mac running age of empires. ive only used solaris once, but from what i've seen its a very good alternative to linux for running servers.

edit: yeah as i think about it.. you should be able to throw freebsd on that bad boy, fire up winex, and play hl2. with a lot of ram. assuming its got an agp slot.
wine probably wont, winex may. it sure ran hl1 well enough. guess ill see when it comes out.