If you could add one weapon to HL2 what would it be?


Party Escort Bot
Aug 16, 2003
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If you could add one weapon to HL2 what would it be?

I would add a sort of Sonic weapon. I'd call it the Sonic cannon or something. Whenever you press the fire button, the gun would emit a high pitched sound and fire off a shockwave that blows back enemies 30 or 40 feet and shatters glass and other fragile objects. Which weapon would you add to Half-Life 2?
FoB_Ed said:
If you could add one weapon to HL2 what would it be?

I would add a sort of Sonic weapon. I'd call it the Sonic cannon or something. Whenever you press the fire button, the gun would emit a high pitched sound and fire off a shockwave that blows back enemies 30 or 40 feet and shatters glass and other fragile objects. Which weapon would you add to Half-Life 2?

That sounds like the weapon from Minority Report... :rolling:

I would probably have a flame thrower.... hmm. Source flames... :farmer:
Harpoon Gun for shits and giggles. For extra giggles alternate firewould leave a rope attached to the discharged harpoon so u can drag or swing the enemy's corpse and you please.

1. FlameThrower
2. Samurai acid tiped Swored (cuts through everything, especially the combine)
3. A automatic Laser Rifle
4. Some kinda booby traps (grednade in a glass bottle with the pin out on a door handle so when u open the handle bottle falls, breaks, trigger of nade is released, combines + wood from door go flying, or punji sticks helz yah)
5. A whip mabey
6. Double uzis (pwnage matrix style)
7. Acid shooter (melts through everything)
8. A portable version of the STRIDER's laser bean cannon shoots a hole through everything even mountains.

and thats all i kan th1nk 0f
the 'beamer' from planetside (don't ask me why)
Or a dodge ball cannon! dodge ball dodge ball dodge ball oo dr.quin ur in for it now muahahha!
how about martial arts? using punches and kicks fused with the physics to send combine flying. That would be sweet.
Hl2Fan1687 said:
how about martial arts? using punches and kicks fused with the physics to send combine flying. That would be sweet.

The Specialists 2 :naughty:
That nerf gun that can shoot a foam missle out of the bottom to trick the enemy. I can remember many a time i was fooled by this black sorcery.

O, and a machine lazer gun, with blue lazers, but its smaller than a machine gun....
maybeeeeee, a SMG.....
im not crazy, it would look cool.
The coolest gun ever would be the "Disruptor Cannon" or something to that degree that was in Unreal 2. It fires a mini black hole and a mini neutron star that rotate around each other and suck anything in a certain radius into the black hole. It also has a cool effect of spaghettifying those who get sucked in, making the effect even neater. I want that in HL2. :)
booogerhead said:
The coolest gun ever would be the "Disruptor Cannon" or something to that degree that was in Unreal 2. It fires a mini black hole and a mini neutron star that rotate around each other and suck anything in a certain radius into the black hole. It also has a cool effect of spaghettifying those who get sucked in, making the effect even neater. I want that in HL2. :)

Black Hole guns are old and borrrrring :(

White Hole guns are new and cool :naughty:
booogerhead said:
The coolest gun ever would be the "Disruptor Cannon" or something to that degree that was in Unreal 2. It fires a mini black hole and a mini neutron star that rotate around each other and suck anything in a certain radius into the black hole. It also has a cool effect of spaghettifying those who get sucked in, making the effect even neater. I want that in HL2. :)


*Rafa 5.0 looks in his dictionary*
imagine having a wooden fence and completely shredding it into nothing within seconds after loading it with hundreds of holes. Not to mention all the fun with the physics u could have just completely destroying things.
A warp grenade.

When set off the grenade creates a spherical hyperspace field about 3 meters in diameter. Anything within that sphere is instantly accelerated to FTL speeds. Effect on enemies is two fold; first, whatever is within the field is taken out of combat and second, terror is incited by the silent carnage of people, and sometime parts of people, disappearing suddenly.
i'd like the psy gun they had in the hl2 tech demo...
a grappling hook gun would be fun...
1. Whip to slap combine in the ass
2. Laser gun
3. Poo gun (combine will get stick in Poo)
4. Egg gun (shooting eggs at the aliens
5. Sonic Cannon
6. Big Ass Triple Barrel Shotgun :)
I would add a gun that shoots a bad thread onto a already cluttered forum.
bricks, throwing bricks... i want to throw a brick at Dr. Kliener after he says something all "i'm teh 5[V]4|2T!!

Dalamari said:
I would add a gun that shoots a bad thread onto a already cluttered forum.

calm down, in all your posts i've read you're all "i hate my mom! i haven't reached puberity and i'm crying about it!' about stuff... just relax and have a good time... if the mods see something wrong with the thread, they'll get rid of it... it's not your job to judge
An energy sphere that stops time in a 30 feet radius... for about 5 seconds, giving me plenty of time to drink my coffe before going back to the fighting.. :thumbs:
A cat that attacks your enemy...and you carry it in your back pocket....and if it stays in your pocket long enough it dies.......then gordon gets sad.......I'll shutup now :|
The H&K XM8.

Modding should be possible, and also besides the standard mod-packages. It should have some high-tech mod-packages, and have some abillity to customize it.

And if possible, the possibility to change barrels, for other bullettypes.
FISKER_Q said:
The H&K XM8.

Modding should be possible, and also besides the standard mod-packages. It should have some high-tech mod-packages, and have some abillity to customize it.

And if possible, the possibility to change barrels, for other bullettypes.

Sounds like a good CS:source model/skin/hack whatever they call them.
i would have gordon have a full alpinist equipment. no more 5 mile detours to get on the other side of a door like in surface tension. i'm sure you all agree :)
A Zorg Systems ZF-1...

"Voila: the ZF1. It's light, the handle's adjustable for easy carrying, good for righties and lefties, breaks down into four parts, undetectable by X-ray, it's the ideal weapon for quick, discreet interventions. A word on fire power: Titanium recharger, 3000 round clip with bursts of 3 to 300, with the replay button, another Zorg innovation, it's even easier. One shot... and replay sends every following shot to the same location. Then there are the Zorg oldies but goldies: rocket launcher; the always efficient flame thrower (my favorite); our famous net launcher; the arrow launcher -- with exploding or poisonous gas heads (very practical); and for the grand finale, the all new ice-cube system!"
haha, that gun was just the shit. it should have done a lot more ownage than it did in the movie, probably because bruce didnt get his hands on it :D
lol been laughing my ass off reading this thread

gordon should have a toaster that shoots toast at the combine

better yet... i hope somebody makes a mod with a bunch of crazy weps for Hl2 (ie... sandbox trap, chinese finger trap of death etc...)

lol@cat weapon that is in pocket
This rifle-launched door-breaching grenade it'll blow a door right off it's hinges :cheers:

would be shweeet for HL2/CS:source

The only drawback to the Simon is it's high penetration power. The Simon was design to break through all types of conventional doors including barricaded steel doors. When the Simon is being used against a light and not barricaded door, the door will slam in very strongly. Thus, if there is a hostage right behind the door, or even a few meters behind it, he is going to take a major hit, most probably a lethal one.

:O well there would still be 3 left to rescue
TheUnkillableDot said:
Sounds like a good CS:source model/skin/hack whatever they call them.

I'd like a mod with these features.

You can have a cs like gameplay, you will have some standard weapons.

Besides them, you will be able to go into some kind of sandbox mode, modify and test weapon configurations.

And you can do several things to enhance the weapon. Of course this will have to be balanced in rate of fire, costs and also something that analyzes and saves the weapon automaticly for people picking up a unknown weapon.

And of course being that it is 2 factions, enemy weapons might have to get a modification. Since there should be some faction specific items.

And it should also be possible too make bad weapons, however they will work accordingly.

Like an explosive bullet in a barrel way too big for it. Chances are that it will detonate in the weapon. See that would be fun :D

Buying some kind of handgun with an explosive bullet, make the barrel bigger. then drop it for an enemy, which at it's first fire will make the weapon explode and likely kill him.