If you could add one weapon to HL2 what would it be?

I'd add a gun which let's you utilize the physics to the max. Like, you could maybe pick up them and move them, and then it's dependant on weigh and stuff. And hey! I was thinking while I'm on it I might as well make the objects throwable...
Six Three said:
SETTLE DOWN SIX THREE its steal someones avatar day and im tierd of you'res so i got mine again
What about a...erm...uh...damn, we've already thought of everything :p
The Writer's Journey 2nd edition by Christopher Vogler to beat zombies with. :bounce:
Oh and bruce Lee DVD 's rofl. :cheers:
Frosty207 said:
What about a...erm...uh...damn, we've already thought of everything :p

Everything huh...

A pencil
Ultrasound projector
Old records as frisbees
Portable machete with can opener
An automatic pencil rail gun
Thermo containers with hot scorching coffee
Bolt cutter
supersoaker flamethrower
Fire extinguisher
C4 + masking tape + Snark
Flamethrower ,i don't know if this is in game allrdy , there is that incinetary (sp?) rifle thing that seems to set ppl a on fire (tunnels vid) aswell as disintegrate ppl
A pistol like one I saw in a movie once. Big, chunky thing, that spat out what was basically a small rocket, which would follow its target, then explode on impact.
cyborgguineapig said:
Everything huh...

A pencil
Ultrasound projector
Old records as frisbees
Portable machete with can opener
An automatic pencil rail gun
Thermo containers with hot scorching coffee
Bolt cutter
supersoaker flamethrower
Fire extinguisher
C4 + masking tape + Snark
I knew someone was going to give me a list :p

I'm sure we could come up with an infinite amount of things, but I'm just not creative ;) Or maybe I was just being too lazy...
6 megaton shell (nominal yield) thermo-nuclear artillery strike. yup, that should just about do it.
Anti-Tank rifle. Like the one in Dino Crisis 2. I loved that gun.
CR0M said:
6 megaton shell (nominal yield) thermo-nuclear artillery strike.
Yeah, would be interesting to see what that would do to 2 headcrabs in a narrow corridor.
i would like to see a portable version of the gauss gun return. half-life 1 + 2 are the only games that i like the experimental/alien type weapons.
Bananas. And banana peels.

Maybe a flu thrower... I really have no idea.
One of those smart guns from Aliens.

Aliens had the best guns (Nice use of a handy cam as well). The Pulse rifle / flame thrower combination was great.

My addition however would be a vacume gun. Sort of like a shot gun but it punches a 2 meter deep cillinder of nothing in to anything. Like a people whole punch kind of thing.
yes = flame thrower

better = banana peel... watch those combine do ragdoll physics while STILL ALIVE!
I want BA from the a-team, he can build you a tank from paperclips.. so yeah.. he would be a perfect weapon.
1) High Powered Laser Beam Cannon
2) Pocket knife (with accesories)
3) Ultra-Hitch Pitch Ray Cannon
4) BFG10K <thats the actual name
and 5) A wooden spoon
Whiner blaster.
Anyone who whines incessantly in MP games gets blasted right off the server into banned land.
-That Blame Gun from Mystery Men, good wep + good comedy of combines fighting.
-A gaint Pencil sharpener, force it on enemies head or arm ect n sharpen , like a gullotine (sp?)
-A conker on a peice of string! swing that bad boy at combines :p
-A bag of pebbles to throw
....im out of ideas tbh.....OOH tennis racket and balls, serve a few at enemies,that'll hurt ;)
Every Worms armaggedon funny weapons suitable for a FPS ;)

Seriously, bring me a revamped crossbow and dolars to put in the female zombie bras :D
MacGuyver's ghetto tailpipe rocket launcher, that would be oh so super sweet fine
A weenie little pistol , but when u shoot it , a massive Graboid from the Tremors Movies comes up from the floor n eats the enemy!! =-)
The magnum from HL. Hopefully it will be in HL2. The one that was super accurate but the site on it was so small and light you couldn't barely target anything with it. There was another magnum in Opposing Forces with a laser, but wasn't accurate. How about a magnum in HL2 like the really accurate magnum seen in HL, but with a decent site(xhairs if you will) and a laser like the magnum in Opposing Forces!
Janet Reno said:
The magnum from HL. Hopefully it will be in HL2. The one that was super accurate but the site on it was so small and light you couldn't barely target anything with it. There was another magnum in Opposing Forces with a laser, but wasn't accurate. How about a magnum in HL2 like the really accurate magnum seen in HL, but with a decent site(xhairs if you will) and a laser like the magnum in Opposing Forces!

There's a .357 in HL2, don't know about the crosshair though because it was disabled in the vids.