IF you could be a product or a service, which one would you be?


The Freeman
May 16, 2004
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I'd be porn. I always liked porn, I don't know why.
a dildo!

*for women only*

i definitively wouldn't like to be a toilet tough!
I would be broadband internet. I'd experience all the porn going through me, PLUS I'd be able to watch online game matches, TV shows, listen to music, read hilarious pictures and chatlogs, and possibly route internet traffic such that a five-year-old on the Playskool website accidentally hacks into teh Gibs0n.
I think i know, it's called a sex drive.

no, no, it's called the Devil, you need to be exorcised!

Funny story: last night I was working at the hotel and all the TVs were ****ed up. So we were moving this guy around different rooms trying to find a tv that worked because he really wanted to watch the football game. Anyways, I am checking the tv in the 7th floor suite and the tv only shows porn, really hardcore porn immediately when you turn it on. We moved him to that room.
I'd be an internet provider service. Fastest speeds for the lowest prices, and I'd prevent the FBI from tracking your usage unless you were involved in CP.

I'd be called Razinet.
If I were a product, what would stop other people from being products? And if everybody's a product, who's there to be the consumer? We'd all just be leading meaningless lives, sitting around and rotting.

That said, I'd be a pair of Doc Martens. Steel toe.
I'd be internet, like Razzy said. Freenet. Fastest (Faster than Raznet) for Lowest (Cheaper than Raznet). And I could watch all the pr0n you download.
I would be broadband internet. I'd experience all the porn going through me, PLUS I'd be able to watch online game matches, TV shows, listen to music, read hilarious pictures and chatlogs, and possibly route internet traffic such that a five-year-old on the Playskool website accidentally hacks into teh Gibs0n.

And that.
period blood or full of cock all day... erm, nothnx.
I'd be internet, like Razzy said. Freenet. Fastest (Faster than Raznet) for Lowest (Cheaper than Raznet). And I could watch all the pr0n you download.

And that.

You'll be the next AOL... promising great stuff and delivering a steaming pile of shit. Although, it does come on a shiny, overdecorated silver platter.
IF you could be a product or a service, which one would you be?

product: lingerie ..and only the small sizes

service: bikini wax

sooooo you wanna be the thing that all the unwanted hair from women's nether regions end up on? mmm nice.
gross. as much as i like vaginas, i wouldn't want to have my head in one.
/me watches ailevation get stuffed into a really, really ugly fat woman who can't get any.

-Angry Lawyer
I could tell you but that would mean I'd have to kill you ...shensationally of course

shhhh our hetairian overseers are listening