If you could be anything you wanted to what would you be?


Companion Cube
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
I'd be either a rock(because I'm so stubborn) or a nuke(because I'm so destructive), please post yours :D*Bored, sorry admins, if this count as spam please do delete is.*
I would love to be a wolf, I love the way the packs work together and care for each other. :)
Danimal said:
I would love to be a wolf, I love the way the packs work together and care for each other. :)
Ever heard of a family?:p Just kidding.
I got that, I also have an annoying little sister :D
I would probally be water, because it matchs what I'm like.
Danimal said:
I got that, I also have an annoying little sister :D
Does she torture you by forcing you to listen to hiphop music constantly?;(
Lets just say that she sings it more than plays it, she is performing in Disney land soon (17 hours on a plane -_-)

Wolves don't listen to hiphop though :D:D:D
Cool, my brother sings it too ;( He built a recording studio out of his own room, mixerboard, sound isolated, you name it lol.

Wow, Disney Land?:O Is she famous or something? Can I have her number?;) Jk :)
Gargantou said:
Cool, my brother sings it too ;( He built a recording studio out of his own room, mixerboard, sound isolated, you name it lol.

Wow, Disney Land?:O Is she famous or something? Can I have her number?;) Jk :)

She is 11 :|

She is kinda famous, she will be more famous later in life...
Danimal said:
She is 11 :|

She is kinda famous, she will be more famous later in life...
Oi!! A bit young for me, but it was just a joke anyway ;)
My sister performs in the Jonny Young Talent School, I know it was a joke too...
I really get freaked out by these kidstars, here in Sweden we got this like 9 year old rapper that first appeared in an Ikea commercial now making albums with adults, can't wait for the music videos, lol, he looks like a dwarf!:D
bliink said:
I would like to be a god :)

Although being a god would be cool, I believe if you were leading a religion you would have alot of responsibilities in the miracle department...
WySiWyG said:
Wet? Just joking with you.

He meant (And I know that you are joking):

To be water you can take any form, if water was poured into a cup, it would take the shape of the cup. If the water was poured into a jug, it would take shape of the jug. To be water you are free flowing and take whatever form you are placed into :dork:
Danimal said:
He meant (And I know that you are joking):

To be water you can take any form, if water was poured into a cup, it would take the shape of the cup. If the water was poured into a jug, it would take shape of the jug. To be water you are free flowing and take whatever form you are placed into :dork:
Man, that was deep :) What've you been smoking?*Hands over a few dollars secretely*
I'd like to be me....
Danimal said:
He meant (And I know that you are joking):

To be water you can take any form, if water was poured into a cup, it would take the shape of the cup. If the water was poured into a jug, it would take shape of the jug. To be water you are free flowing and take whatever form you are placed into :dork:

Yeah, but water also passes through all sorts of organisms' bodies... and gets sewage dumped into it... and has to endure being sucked up into the sky and then falling from a height of possibly several miles... and gets put into huge machines as a coolant, and... eurgh... gets old peoples' dentures put into it.
Danimal said:
He meant (And I know that you are joking):

To be water you can take any form, if water was poured into a cup, it would take the shape of the cup. If the water was poured into a jug, it would take shape of the jug. To be water you are free flowing and take whatever form you are placed into :dork:

aaaaaah. all I could think of was wet lol.
Danimal said:
He meant (And I know that you are joking):

To be water you can take any form, if water was poured into a cup, it would take the shape of the cup. If the water was poured into a jug, it would take shape of the jug. To be water you are free flowing and take whatever form you are placed into :dork:
Bruce lee. ;)

And yes you got what I was trying to state right...heres your cookie.

Edit:Also...water can be calm one moment and be a raging torrent the next.Kinda like my attitude...damn my temper. :(
I still want to be a wolf :|

EDIT: Im an antlion gaurd, w00t.
An unrestrained, unrestricted Genie! That way I could cast infinite wishes, and thus basically have anything I could ever desire.

And my wishes wouldn't be those stupid AD&D wishes, where if something can go wrong it will go wrong and requires the most precise, perfect wording. Instead, my wishes are perfect themselves, never needing such crap!

Hah :E
I would wanna be some sort of dude who could control everything, like Neo or something. Just change my bank balance at will, change people's feelings and such, ANYTHING!

Or Jimmy Page would be cool to be....
Yes. Well done you have spotted my flawless ability to want to be homosexual. Damn you Raziaar!
pr0nking said:
Yes. Well done you have spotted my flawless ability to want to be homosexual. Damn you Raziaar!

You will never win, superman!
I asked a friend the question "If you could be anything you wanted to be what would it be?"

And he replied:

An altered human to be the best at everything

So, he wants to be perfect while I want to be a dog that eats raw meat :|