If you could be anything you wanted to what would you be?

Milkman said:
Secret government death squad. Seriously, how cool would it be to knock off dictators and political dissidents and leave no trace? Democracy? Due Process? Bah! :p

Either that or Bubb Rubb: "And tha whistle goes Woo Woooo!"
ahhahhaha...look at my avatar =)
I'd like to be an explosion, cause my life would be super exciting and fun and then its over before I can even get sad.
CyberSh33p said:
I'd like to be an explosion, cause my life would be super exciting and fun and then its over before I can even get sad.

I laughed at that.
o/` I'd rather be a hammer then a nail, yes I would,.
I'd rather be a sparrow then a snail, yes I would,.

But if I could have been anything in the world, it would have to be Wilt Chamberlin's wang.
MarcoPolo said:
I would be a cat. Theyre so lazy...

either that or a banana....or maybe both....banana cat...hmmm....

a bannana flavo(u)red pussy???
The seat of a cycling maching in a sexy females only gym :)
Totally relaxed and not have to be worried about anything.
I would like to be a whale or something, explore the ocean for a change. Whales are nice :)
[corny but true answer] Happy. [/corny but true answer]
And Spud just had to do it...

Hmm... I would definatly want to be carefree... That would be THE best...

Extremely rich would be a top choice too...

God would be nice... I would like having my own little world to watch after... Manipulate... Enjoy it's neverending show...

Which is why Black and White is such a good game.
ThomasToad said:
I would like to be a whale or something, explore the ocean for a change. Whales are nice :)

Maybe you should be an armor plated whale, because as a whale, your ass will be hunted!