If You could have HL2 Right Now...

What Would You Do?

  • I'd Wait

    Votes: 47 65.3%
  • Give it to me Now!

    Votes: 25 34.7%

  • Total voters


Jan 16, 2004
Reaction score
I'm wondering if you had the chance to make Valve finish up whatever they are working on, and ship the game tomorrow, or if you would wait for the Full Final Product.
I'm also in favor of waiting.
I'd wait... They can't release a half finished game ffs..

But it'd be cool if they release a demo level or something..
CrazyHarij said:
I'd wait... They can't release a half finished game ffs..

But it'd be cool if they release a demo level or something..

I agree with the demo part, I think their should be a little mission showing showing of the effects, and also to see what the game will look like on your card.
yea, but havent they said they won't release a demo? at least not before the full game?
Hmmm I would wait. I think most people would.

You know why?

I think its because those who have allready played the "beta" are willing to wait because they have had their fix and the rest (like me) who havn't downloaded due to not wanting to are willing to wait because we didnt download the "beta" for the reason that we were willing to wait for the beter product anyway!

I think the only people who would'nt wait are those who actually couldn't get their hands on the "beta" but wanted to.
Oh and a few other people who: "JuSt CaN't TaKe It AnY MoRe!!11"

Oh and "beta" means illegal stolen files that some idiot called a beta when in fact it isnt even an alpha. ;)
Wait. An unfinished glitchy product would get on your nerves so quickly you'd wish you waited.
I would wait for HL2, but im sick of waiting for the SDK. The community needs to get to work and the SDK needs to be released, you can easily patch an SDK if it has bugs.
The reason I havent d/led the "beta" is because:

1) I've read the reviews about it, and most people seem to regret getting it,
2) It's Illegal

I also agree with Chewcky, We need the SDK, that'll shup us up for a while ;)
Damnit I should have read the post before voting. I voted for "Give it to me Now" only because I didn't realize he meant as is/unfinished. So change one vote to Wait.
I didn't read the thread, I only read the poll. Voted for give it to me now :LOL:
I can't really give an honest answer to this poll without knowing what stage the game is at. HELP ME!!!!

If it's Condition-Zero finished finished but they're just holding it up due to legal problems with the distributor, steam etc....i'd say release it.

If they're currently playtesting it to weed out bugs during the game (IE, Headcrab can walk through Vent at grid referance 21A 45B)....i say release it. I can personally put up with bugs like that.

If they're re-writing huge chunks of the code which will take another 6 months, and completely re-working parts of the game i say release it.....wait. No i mean i can wait!!

What would be really great is if Valve actually said what stage they are at. I can't pinpoint that right now. On one hand they say the SDK is coming soon. That would indicate the game would be released at least 1-2 months after. On the other hand, this is Valve...and Half-Life 2. Valve dislike releasing games.
I think they should release a non-playable techdemo that includes a build of the engine so you can run it and see how well it works on your system
I should read the post before voting... I voted give it to me now as if the game was finished now.. :)
Why not just release a techdemo single level with a manipulator, the pistol , some enemies and a heap of junk.. That'd keep me busy for a long time.. I can't see why they can't do that?

Ok, maybe without the manipulator if they want it to be a special moment the first time you get your sweaty paws on it..
I just want the crowbar, a small room and one zombie!

Oh and some water. Cos that water is frickin cool! :thumbs:
in favour of the in engine tech demo. voted gimme now because as far as i knew the game was practically complete and was only being held back due to the source code leak and the relevant changes this required of the game.
if, for a common as muck games player like me, the game was ready in early October then i say gimme it now and stop faffing with the code. RANT
I'd wait,

and am waiting for the final game!

Stop slagging the beta though, half life was'nt put back because of a stupid beta (which is technically the closest you'll get to a demo). It was because of the source code! I think the beta's free publicity anyway and the games gonna sell way more because of it and the whole fiasco.

Is this an american site? I have probably already guessed that, don't you guys get mad and use guns, damn - Get out of their Valve, you don't wan't an unhappy american customer. :sniper: :sniper: :dork:
Im in favor of a small map with a couple of enemies, the pistol, crowbar, manipulator and a pile of garbage. This would keep me busy for atleast 2 weeks!
Brass_monkey said:
I'd wait,

and am waiting for the final game!

Stop slagging the beta though, half life was'nt put back because of a stupid beta (which is technically the closest you'll get to a demo). It was because of the source code! I think the beta's free publicity anyway and the games gonna sell way more because of it and the whole fiasco.

Is this an american site? I have probably already guessed that, don't you guys get mad and use guns, damn - Get out of their Valve, you don't wan't an unhappy american customer. :sniper: :sniper: :dork:

actually, if im not nistaken, its british, so stop slagging of what you dont know :thumbs:
that pesky narcoticts agent informant... don't have a problem with the U.S anyway, just needed to vent a bit of frustration. Its intimidating posting your first at a new forum :sniper: :afro:
Not sure why anyone would want an unfinished product when, even at the most, the game will be out within the year. People are already going to complain about waiting, just imagine if the game is half done to boot!

I'd wait even if it were 3-4 years away....I don't want to play a half-assed game and I'm very patient. If this were my liver and I needed it for a life saving operation than I would want it more, but it's not.

How many games have been released half-done JUST to get them out? Too many in my eyes...let Valve do it right and finish what they need to.
Brass_monkey said:
that pesky narcoticts agent informant... don't have a problem with the U.S anyway, just needed to vent a bit of frustration. Its intimidating posting your first at a new forum :sniper: :afro:

Brass Monkee, That Funky Monkey!!
jonnyapps said:
in favour of the in engine tech demo. voted gimme now because as far as i knew the game was practically complete and was only being held back due to the source code leak and the relevant changes this required of the game.
if, for a common as muck games player like me, the game was ready in early October then i say gimme it now and stop faffing with the code. RANT

quote Valve: The leak DID NOT affect the release date of HL2, it would have been delayed anyway.

for the millionth time!!!! *violent swearing*
I'd wait. No sense in getting a half-finished, buggy product and swearing at the monitor because the game locks up every 5 minutes.
Why wait? It is not a "half-finished Product." The game has been in the works for nearly 6 years, and the fact that it might have been out last september says to me that whatever they're doing now is a bonus and in no way will determine whether or not the game will be playable.