If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

On second thought, I couldn't stand to live there... too hot.
I was talking about Australia, but thanks, I'll keep that in mind ;)
Bad^Hat: Maybe you can tell me how New Zeeland is like. I've always been facinated by NZ, I don't know why, it just semms awesome. Maybe also beacouse it's more or less on the exact opposite side of the earth from Sweden. :E
See, this is one of the reaons we say Kiwis talk funny :P ...

And if you're scared of Aussie heat, you should come down to Melbourne, where you can't see the sun for 3/4 of the year...
la côte d'azure

probably not literally on the coast, but up in the hills a bit.
Norway....oh, I live here! Well...then it seems I am content then.
I'd like to live on an insignificant spec of private land somewhere in the Caribbean with the chick from Lost.