if you could look into your future, would you?


May 5, 2004
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If given a glimpse into your future would you want to see it? say a brief glimpse in 10 year increments till you said stop

what if you looked ahead and saw your wife killed in a car crash but didnt know any specifics? what if you looked 10 years ahead and saw nothing? ..because you've ceased to exist

my answer is no, too scared to see something I wouldnt want to see ..but I'd be tempted to see what my kids look like
It would be a paradox and we'd all cease to exist :p
lets try a little suspension of disbelief ..time travel is not feasible sooo..
I looked into the future and 1=0!!
meaning.... In Soviet Russia, future looks into YOU!!!
No way, I wouldn't.

An interesting thought I've just had: lets say for instance that you do find a way to look into your future and everything is fine, you have a wonderful family, lots of money etc. BUT... what if just by looking into your future you unknowingly change it... FOR THE WORSE!
it's possible ..you could become complacent, certain that you'll land that great job somewhere down the line and you might not try as hard
it's possible ..you could become complacent, certain that you'll land that great job somewhere down the line and you might not try as hard

Yep, exactly what I was thinking
If you looked into the future, Einstein would rise from his grave and murder you with zombie-esque rage.
Hell yeah I would. Do you know mow much money I could make betting on things?

/to the kids

"Hey guys, I bet you 40 bucks you mom is going to die in a car accident in 10 years from now... any takers?"
I would go into the future to see who wins the Super Bowl, World Series/Subway Series?, Stanley Cup, & World Cup. Then I would come back to the present to make a bet on the winners. :p

Or I could go to the future to see who attacks who to see how World War III starts & I would tell gov't people to so & so. Lets say if USA or any other country decides to attack Iran; I would go into the future to see what happens, what did we do wrong, what we did right. The gov't would pay me shitloads of money tell em all the info. whoops better not say that, they might be listening. :shh:
Yes I would.


I'll tell you after I look into the future.
Hayle naw.

I might not like and try to change it, only to end up making my future end up even shittier, yaknowaddimean?
No way, I wouldn't.

An interesting thought I've just had: lets say for instance that you do find a way to look into your future and everything is fine, you have a wonderful family, lots of money etc. BUT... what if just by looking into your future you unknowingly change it... FOR THE WORSE!

I think it not cuz well I dont know crap about time phisics or stuff like that but from what I hav learned from the movie 12monkeys is that time cant be changed right? so if you look in to your future and you see yourslef rich and them you worry if you will not get rich now is impossible cuz you see you will be rich so you are destined to that,unles you where looking a clone of you or something like that

btw I will be very tempted since the future is unknow and them making kind of scary but I will not
I would go into the future to see who wins the Super Bowl, World Series/Subway Series?, Stanley Cup, & World Cup. Then I would come back to the present to make a bet on the winners. :p

Hehe, I saw a movie once with 5 people that were sent back in time and one of them placed a bet on a football team to win. Well the thing is the news of his bet somehow was overheard by the football team itself. So by knowing that they were going to win they got so damn nervous that they lost LOL.

Or I could go to the future to see who attacks who to see how World War III starts & I would tell gov't people to so & so. Lets say if USA or any other country decides to attack Iran; I would go into the future to see what happens, what did we do wrong, what we did right. The gov't would pay me shitloads of money tell em all the info. whoops better not say that, they might be listening. :shh:

I smell a paradox here. OK you travel into the future see what they did wrong and go back to tell everyone. However if you tell everyone and the war never happens then you wouldn't have seen the war in the future in the first place and none of it would of ever happened.

Yep, time travel makes my head hurt LOL:P
Would the future you see be certain, or would you be able to change it?
That's what I want to know. If you could change it I'd definately look. Although technically anything you did see that was positive would probably not happen, so you might aswell not even bother looking since it would be so innacurate.
The best way to solve time travel problems such as this is to remember that the theoretical paradox could not happen to begin with because you cannot travel through time.
The best way to solve time travel problems such as this is to remember that the theoretical paradox could not happen to begin with because you cannot travel through time.

You might have a point there because while you are time traveling you are literary outside the "flow of time" so you're memory wouldn't change to the new "time line" where the war never happened. But there's no way to know any of this for sure until someone someday builds a time machine...
STOP IT!!! aaarghh I'm trying to make myself feel better by not allowing myself to be confused. NO TIME TRAVEL!!! Make Neptune happeh!!!

Also, does no one fear death by Einstein?!?!
What if you could see into the future AND change it for the better?

What if you could save somebody you love from some accident? You guys wouldnt even want the opportunity?
If popular fiction and Hollywood movies are anything to go by, messing with the timelime = bad! Would TV lie?!
What if you could see into the future AND change it for the better?

What if you could save somebody you love from some accident? You guys wouldnt even want the opportunity?

The risk is simply to great. You could as you said save somebody you love but what if by saving that person you change things for the worse. An example: The person you save many years afterwards has a child that turns out to be the next Hitler D:
Everyone in this thread should watch "The butterfly effect"

D: !!!
The risk is simply to great. You could as you said save somebody you love but what if by saving that person you change things for the worse. An example: The person you save many years afterwards has a child that turns out to be the next Hitler D:
Exactly. And the butterfly effect could cause another family member to die, or even you, etc etc.
What if you could see into the future AND change it for the better?

What if you could save somebody you love from some accident? You guys wouldnt even want the opportunity?
Hmmm.......Now that you mention it.....

*Thinks of Back to the Future movie's*

Speaking of which, is Christopher Lloyd still alive?
But if you did see your future, for something you didn't like, eh you get killed in a car crash. If you try to change that, how would you know that what you saw in the future wasn't a result of you trying to avoid it.
After all, you may have never been in that car crash.
Changing the future could wield another sequel to the Butterfly Effect and further Ashton Kutcher's career.

This reminds me watching the Family Guy movie earlier!


No i wouldn't look into my future...may check some other aspects, see if my family and friends are alive and well