if you could look into your future, would you?

I would be to scared that all I see is a waste land....kinda like planet of the apes.
I would be to scared that all I see is a waste land....kinda like planet of the apes.

you know, even though I specifically said "within your lifetime" your response still fits ..it'll surely be a wasteland and if you have offspring ..well fill in the blanks :P

Anything unrelated to me directly, I would see.
Of course I'd look. The way my life is going right now, I'd be surprised if it turned out good in the future.
The risk is simply to great. You could as you said save somebody you love but what if by saving that person you change things for the worse. An example: The person you save many years afterwards has a child that turns out to be the next Hitler D:

Oh come on. Youve watched too many movies. The chances of that are like 156 billion to one. The most probable outcome would be that they live the rest of their life peacefully, happily, and then die of old age. Their children would grow up normally and be normal people.

Seriously, whats the chance of another hitler? Its chances are all-the-worlds-population-up-to-when-hitler-was-born to one.