If you died tomorrow...


The Freeman
Dec 31, 2003
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what song(s) would you want played at your funeral?
Very tough.

Probably "Zero-Sum", or "Total Eclipse of the Heart" by Bonnie Tyler just because they're both sad if they're own way. And if I was in that casket, I would want everyone there (read: janitor) to feel as guilty as possible.
Thinking right now, but it'd have to be by Nine Inch Nails.

[edit] Probably "Adrift And At Peace".
Hmm... the most appropriate song I can find that suits my tastes is A Perfect Circle - Vanishing. But that might be rubbing it in a bit -

Into the air
Slowly disappear
No, no longer here
/\ nice lyrics thar...

something by explosions in the sky maybe, first breath after coma, i always loved 'run' by Snow Patrol as i had a death in my immediate family around the time they released this song and it was still quite unknown, the lyrics i could relate to at the time but it depends on your interpretation on them etc i guess.

Mogwai- Auto-Rock i love.
Mogwai - 2 Rights Make 1 Wrong.
Mogwai - Friend Of The Night.
Moby - God Moving Over The Face of Waters
Youth Group - Forever Young.
Sufjan Stevens - For The widows....
The Devlins - Waiting.
Strays Don't Sleep - For Blue Skies
Sigor Ros - Hoppipola then followed by Meo Blodnasir
Death Cab For Cutie - I Will Follow You Into The Dark, What Sarah Said, Transatlanticism
Hmm lets see. Probably a choose between:

Muse - Falling Down
Muse - Blackout
Muse - Hyperchondriac Music
Radiohead - Street Spirit (<--- was played at my brother's funeral 10 years ago, really moved a lot of people)
Clubbed to death - Rob dougan.

I'm going down all cyberpunk and matrix-style.
A Silver Mt. Zion - The Triumph of Our Tired Eyes
This Will Destroy You - Quiet
Dire Straits - Brothers In Arms

or possibly U2 - One Love
Don't worry, be happy. Don't worry be happy now.
(not sure of the order of these)
Carl Orff - O Fortuna
Cat Stevens - Father and son (not really if I died tomorrow though, thats more a future one)
Radiohead - pyramid song
The doors - indian summer
Pink floyd - goodbye cruel world
Mark lanegan - kingdoms of rain
Nirvana - Oh, me
The velvet underground - After hours
Antony and the johnsons - Hope there's someone
The Beatles - Across the universe
Blind melon - Change (!!)
Buffalo springfield - Expecting to fly
Gary Jules - Mad World
Jimi Hendrix - Angel
John Lennon - Love
Led Zeppelin - That's the way
Giacomo Pucinni - Nessun Dorma

And then, to finish it off, I would blast out Phish - Free

That may be a long funeral though :E
(not sure of the order of these)
Carl Orff - O Fortuna
Cat Stevens - Father and son (not really if I died tomorrow though, thats more a future one)
Radiohead - pyramid song
The doors - indian summer
Pink floyd - goodbye cruel world
Mark lanegan - kingdoms of rain
Nirvana - Oh, me
The velvet underground - After hours
Antony and the johnsons - Hope there's someone
The Beatles - Across the universe
Blind melon - Change (!!)
Buffalo springfield - Expecting to fly
Gary Jules - Mad World
Jimi Hendrix - Angel
John Lennon - Love
Led Zeppelin - That's the way
Giacomo Pucinni - Nessun Dorma

And then, to finish it off, I would blast out Phish - Free

That may be a long funeral though :E

<3, Phish - Free was the song I had in mind while making this thread. Pyramid Song is a very viable choice too... I don't know, I have a ton of favorite songs.
I've considered a lot of Radiohead songs. But almost all their good ones are overwhelmingly sad. I dunno, I guess I'd just like it if those attending the funeral weren't driven to suicide. :P
I actually have no idea. I don't want to play a sad song on my funeral, would only make things worse for my family. They are already (I hope) sad. If I really need to pick a song, it would be something that shows who I was... in other words; happy chipmusic. Aww right.
Probably either Alice in Chains - Rain When I Die or Mogwai - We're No Here.
Hmm. Aphex Twin - Windowlicker would feel strangely good.
Flaming Lips - Waiting for a Superman
Radiohead - Talk Show Host
Mogwai - Stanley Kubrick
Beta Band - Dr. Baker
None..I'd rather not have any music played at my funeral
Never gave it much thought. Maybe something by Brian Eno, or something classical, like Air on the G string.
TV on the Radio - Blues from Down Here

I would also request that this be played as people starts dancing anarchically with colorful masks.
TV on the Radio - Blues from Down Here

I would also request that this be played as people starts dancing anarchically with colorful masks.

Listen to me, AntiAnto. Buy/acquire the Live at Amoeba EP by TV on the Radio. The live version of Blues from Down Here is a goddamn revelation.
Zeppelin, too - Heartbreaker if I'm feeling happy, or Ramble On if I'd prefer people to be reflective and sad.
Oh man, scratch everything I've said so far in this thread.

The song that will be played at my funeral is Davyan Cowboy by Boards of Canada.