If you died tomorrow...

Oh god even the name Dragon Force makes my blood boil. WHO SIGNED THOSE CRAP BASTARDS!? Come on, own up.
I would find it kinda awkward to have music playing at a funeral. It really seems like the wrong time to do it.
Oh man, scratch everything I've said so far in this thread.

The song that will be played at my funeral is Davyan Cowboy by Boards of Canada.
You're a goddamn genius, Ennui.
Everybody and their mother likes Dayvan Cowboy.

If you're gonna do BoC, you could at least play "Alpha and Omega" and plan and pumping some kind of hallucinogen into the air. That would be a funeral to remember.
Everybody and their mother likes Dayvan Cowboy.
Mm, so everyone and their mother will appreciate it at my funeral.

The Campfire Headphase was the first BOC album I listened to. Dayvan Cowboy snagged my eye because of the name and it was the first song I listened to. I was blown away, BOC is my favorite band ever, etc etc. Regardless, I do seriously love that song.

It's my rescue song, if I'm starting to lose touch in a bad way on [hallucinogen here] I put it on on low volume and it saves me :p

Admittedly, there are a lot of other Boards of Canada songs that I could deal with being played at my funeral, but I think that Dayvan Cowboy still takes the cake. Requiring people to eat mushrooms upon entrance to the ceremony and then dimming the lights, turning up the volume, and playing The Beach at Redpoint might be kind of awesome though.

5.9.78 too, or as I like to think of it, the 'baby in the womb' song. I thank Harij for drawing my attention to it.
Listen to me, AntiAnto. Buy/acquire the Live at Amoeba EP by TV on the Radio. The live version of Blues from Down Here is a goddamn revelation.

Thanks for the hint. :thumbs:
I've got it.

I'll pay Jack Black to come play "The Metal" at my funeral.

At the end, he'll kick over my casket and dance me around on stage (well, that little stage thing they have at funeral homes), doing air guitar movements and such.

To enormous applause.
Mm, so everyone and their mother will appreciate it at my funeral.

The Campfire Headphase was the first BOC album I listened to. Dayvan Cowboy snagged my eye because of the name and it was the first song I listened to. I was blown away, BOC is my favorite band ever, etc etc. Regardless, I do seriously love that song.

It's my rescue song, if I'm starting to lose touch in a bad way on [hallucinogen here] I put it on on low volume and it saves me :p

Admittedly, there are a lot of other Boards of Canada songs that I could deal with being played at my funeral, but I think that Dayvan Cowboy still takes the cake. Requiring people to eat mushrooms upon entrance to the ceremony and then dimming the lights, turning up the volume, and playing The Beach at Redpoint might be kind of awesome though.
I'd rather have Redpoint played than Dayvan. Dayvan's nice, but feels a little... thin to me. Dunno.

Over the Horizon Radar would be nice to have played. In fact, most of Geogaddi. Maybe I'd have the whole album on.
There seems to be something of a spectrum of BOC fans between Geogaddi and Campfire Headphase. I like TCH a lot more, but I still love Geogaddi.
There seems to be something of a spectrum of BOC fans between Geogaddi and Campfire Headphase. I like TCH a lot more, but I still love Geogaddi.

I like TCH. It's a very accomplished album. But I personally think it lacked some of that intangible mystique that made Geogaddi and Music Has The Right what they were. TCH is more melodically impressive. But it was the simplicity of previous albums that made tracks feel like dream states.

That said, I felt it was a logical progression in a way. Hard to describe, but it's like each release chronicled a maturity in the human psyche.
If there was a funeral for a suicide I would reckon that Caribou - Hello Hammerhead should play.

Lyrics by Caribou
She told me to stay, Or go away. And I looked in her eyes and left her. Some people try, To tell me why, I made up my mind and left her.
(She = World, imo)

for my funeral, i would recommend U2 - In Your Blue Room. If anyone has heard this song, you can solitary agree it is one of the most moving songs by them.

Lyrics by U2
One day I'll be back... your blue room. Oh yeah, I hope I remember where it's at... your blue room. You see me slide on. Won't you bring me back home?