If you had 24 hours to live...

Go bungee-jumping
Go hang-gliding
Give stuff away to friends & family
Go up to all the hot chicks on campus and try to hook up with at least one (might as well try)
Utterly destroy my RA's (Resident Assistant) stuff...I can't stand that kid...such an ass
Do some other stuff that I haven't done in a while I guess.. I dunno

When time is almost up: Go skydiving again but without a parachute
- or -
Rent a plane out from my school and do all sorts of aerobatics with it...fly down University Ave. under the walkways - just fly as high as I could in the middle of a field and just climb out, stand on the wing and put it into a pretty steep dive...see how long I can hold on.
To those who would commit suicide, do you think you'll live forever? You will all die someday, so why did you not already do it? Yeah yeah I know it's different, but I had to say it :P

Anyway the sleep idea doesn't sound too bad, and neither does going into Best Buy. Ahhh the bliss of taking anything you wanted with no consequences...