If you had a headcrab on your head what would you do?

What would you do?

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I would just act cool and make out that the "Headcrab Hat" is a fashion statement, and encourage everyone to get one.
Duh, simple enough. Pull it off, debeak it and make a Lamar II.

Or make a pinata~ out of it.
riomhaire, a quality Metallica rip-off then :cheers: :bounce:

Got any other rip-off's in the works?
I'd join a rave party. No-one would notice.
If I were that T, I'd grab the deagle I just dropped to shoot it off my head. If it already latched to my head and I was becoming a zombie, I'd shoot myself.
i would ripp its balls off..

if its a female.. i would panic..
I would start quoting the dictionary, oxymorons, illiterations, onematapia, monty python etc. When it is lulled to sleep from boredom and being full of brain, I would proceed to rip it off and stake it to the floor with a crowbar. Then i would write, "The Devil Made Me Do It!" with its blood on the wall. I would then continue by dieing as I would have no brain.
Headcrabs remind me of the facehuggers from AVP, and these actually DO latch onto your face, gave me nightmares for weeks!!! I had to run past those sections with my eyes closed!!!
BITE IT IN THE.......brain...humping..section?
Well, firstly i'd attempt to avoid being attacked by one, and if that didn't work too well i'd start screaming insults at it and then eventually lower myself to the level of a chav and say something along the lines of, "If you don't get off right now i'll crowbar your mother!!!"
I'd ram my head into a wall, it always works on the movies :)
I would put my head on the barbie and eat it.

thank god their not called Nutcrabs. I wouldn't know what the hell to do in that case.
I'd brandish my shiny new switchblade!!

You do realise you would risk splattering your brains all over the walls aswell ?
Um for me i would be yelling and screaming because of the unthinkable pain it would be causing me.

* Make the pain stop *
>>FrEnZy<< said:
I would put my head on the barbie and eat it.

thank god their not called Nutcrabs. I wouldn't know what the hell to do in that case.

Lol, typical male attitude of 'nuts before life!'
In soviet russia, you headcrab the headcrab.

Dammit, that sounded funnier in my head :(

Edit: Or, what I would do- Open my mouth and get ready for some sweet sensual lovin'.
Apart from screaming and becoming a zombie. I'd try to show gordon what i think of him. mmmm. clawy.....
Darkwolf said:
when you get facehugged in AVP 2 my friend came up with an appropriate description: "AUGH!!! ITS A DICK O' DOOM!!!"


I know how he feels!!! Seriously, those facehuggers bring me out in a cold sweat!!!!:x :x
The headcrab would probably latch on then realise I've no brain in which for it to control my body from... so would skuttle off :) Unless its like the gut puppet in dnd.... Which just takes over your motor functions..... hmmmm brians....
Burn it with a cigarette until it lets go.
Hey, it works on ticks, doesn't it?
I would go out and start looking for a date, as obviously, I would be more attractive than before. Who knows, maybe I would meet a girl with a head crab on her head. It sure beats a paper bag, and probably wouldn't come off as easy. Better than double bagging.:stare:

I have dated girls with crabs before, they just weren't on their heads!!!!!!!!!:naughty:
I have dated girls with crabs before, they just weren't on their heads!!!!!!!!!
That's REALLY sick :x

I'd probably try to grab it and try to rip it off with my fingers. If that doesn't help , I'd jump off a cliff. If that doesn't help, I'd go see Doctor Gordon.
pick that gun back up and shoot myself in the face so my body is ruined as a host