If you had a headcrab on your head what would you do?

What would you do?

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I would say "Where's your pants?" And it will jump off and go and find them

LOL! :p
CombinePolice said:
I would say "Where's your pants?" And it will jump off and go and find them

LOL! :p
I've heard of dog sweaters, but headcrab pants...that's just pushing it...
Well it's a shame my country dosen't make 4 holed pants for headcrabs to fit there feet in

But i should of said boots instead of pants

Because of course there are more than 4 boots in this world!!
well after the initial uncontrollable shitting of my pants I would try to tickle it, do headcrabs tickle??
lol out of curiosity, if you saw the message box up for another post why not just click back instead of typing sorry for a post you just posted to say sorry about ?
Sgt.Murray said:
lol out of curiosity, if you saw the message box up for another post why not just click back instead of typing sorry for a post you just posted to say sorry about ?

He didn't do that. He hit the post button twice, and edited his last one.

L34R|/| 2 741|/||<
Catch it in mid-air before it hit my face, then play the music from Star Trek when Spock and Kirk had to fight to the death, roll around a few times, have it fly out of my grasp and then slowly walk towards me, then my sidekick sticks a knife into it and says "I hate spiders"

sinkoman said:
He didn't do that. He hit the post button twice, and edited his last one.

L34R|/| 2 741|/||<
Exactomundo, there is no "delete post" button... <<<*hint* *hint* mods>>>
I think we are all forgetting that its teeth would be firmly clasped around your head, embedded in your skull most likely, and would be injecting some kind of zombie poison by then.. so prying it off would most likely kill you. *shivers*. serioulsy id make sure i was wearing a stupidly large helmet before hand.
clarky003 said:
I think we are all forgetting that its teeth would be firmly clasped around your head, embedded in your skull most likely, and would be injecting some kind of zombie poison by then.. so prying it off would most likely kill you. *shivers*. serioulsy id make sure i was wearing a stupidly large helmet before hand.

man, that's gonna gimme nightmares.
It may be giving you nightmares but its turning me on, oo a headcrab love bite ... kinky :D
I think EVERYONE forgot that, well, GORDON CAN'T GET LATCHED ONTO!, and as a matter of a fact, ive never seen anyone in the game get latched onto, except for the guy before you get in the boat.. but we've ever seen it "Jump on him" maybe he was sleeping and it crawled on him!
OR, you may have read the title of the thread, "if YOU had a headcrab on your head" YOU PERSONALLY
If I had a headcrab on my head, I'd try to get my Mp3 player from my pocket and find any song on it to which I can do some decent headbanging. If the crab doesn't let go by then, I'll...well, be the first head-banmging zombie seen in the HL² world.

*Note to self*
"Make sure to have at least one Metallica song on Mp3 player."
Dog-- said:
I think EVERYONE forgot that, well, GORDON CAN'T GET LATCHED ONTO!, and as a matter of a fact, ive never seen anyone in the game get latched onto, except for the guy before you get in the boat.. but we've ever seen it "Jump on him" maybe he was sleeping and it crawled on him!
i beg to differ, the scie that was talking to the G-man in the first game, after the incident you walk by and you see him get owned by a headcrab from behind, it jumps and latches onto him.