If You Had To Choose..

YOur Decision?

  • Total voters
Dec 26, 2006
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You have one of two options:

1)Imprison an innocent man.
2)Let a guilty man go free.

Which would you choose? I'd let the guilty man go.

Edit:Oh god....I screwed up the poll....
Guilty Man free, then we can just subtly harass him.
I would never want to imprison an innocent.
What's he guilty of?

And how can we be sure the innocent man is entirely innocent?
Thinking of an innocent man in prison makes me feel terrible. Thinking of a guilty man free... well, there's already plenty of those. :P
Maps are never innocent. IMPRISON ALL MAPS.
Moral innocence is a joke. The only true innocence is innocence of crime determined by a fair and reasonable justice system.
imprisoning an innocent man is much worse than letting a guilty man go free.

Unless of course this guilty man is so guilty that he killed shit loads of people and will almost certainly do it again.

we all make sacrifices. that sacrifice could be me.

Of course then you have to look at the other side of the coin, like if that innocent imprisoned man would almost certainly discover the cure for AIDS or CANCER or UGLY people had he not been imprisoned.
It depends. If the innocent guy is only going in for a couple of years, and the guilty man is a crazy mass murderer, then I would let the innocent guy be imprisoned. If the other way around, almost certianly I would let the guilty guy go and save the innocent man.
Maybe the guilty man is the innocent man.

Then again, the choices don't say, imprison an innocent man, and also imprison a guilty man. Or, let a guilty man walk free, and ALSO let an innocent man walk free.

I don't like hypothetical questions.
I would not condone a loss of freedom of an individual when, in truth, it was not deemed to be deserved.
I mean, who the hell ever said the easter bunny laid the eggs himself?
imprisoning an innocent man is much worse than letting a guilty man go free.

Unless of course this guilty man is so guilty that he killed shit loads of people and will almost certainly do it again.

we all make sacrifices. that sacrifice could be me.

Of course then you have to look at the other side of the coin, like if that innocent imprisoned man would almost certainly discover the cure for AIDS or CANCER or UGLY people had he not been imprisoned.

The question is intended to put you in a situation where you are on the fence and unsure of whether or not a single person is guilty of a crime. You wont know much about his life, being part of a jury, so you wont know what his aspirations and talents or anything are. As far as you know, he is the same as any other normal person. So how do you play it? Assume he is innocent and let him go, thereby taking the risk of releasing a criminal back into the public. Or do you play it "safe" and assume the man is guilty and lock him up, thereby taking the risk of putting an innocent man in prison for something he didnt do?
So how do you play it? Assume he is innocent and let him go, thereby taking the risk of releasing a criminal back into the public. Or do you play it "safe" and assume the man is guilty and lock him up, thereby taking the risk of putting an innocent man in prison for something he didnt do?

In our court system, the man should be set free. You have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he is guilty

I'd have to see the facts to decide. .. and there are none in this case.

Case closed. :P

srs, OJ Simpson
A guilty man on the street probably wouldn't make any more trouble, I know I wouldn't if I got to walk. And if they did make more trouble, there's always the chance that they'll get caught again.

But an innocent man in prison is just plain ****ed. Literally. Up the ass. By thousands of big burly men. With giant 8 inch cocks. Some of the black. All being forced into his tight virgin ass at once. With shit dripping all over the bathroom floor.
If I were innocent, I'd certainly imprison myself over letting a paedo-rapist walk free, tbh.
Yeah, it's very situation based question, but generally i'd let the guilty man go. Hey, it might be one of my buddies!
Guilty man free and let me deal with him

*cracks knuckles*

How would you feel if he'd killed your sister, or wife, or daughter? You can't assume you can "deal" with him yourself, because the question says "free". Free means free. There's no beating up a free man. Assuming he's moved to another (unknown) country or taken another identity and you can't track him down, would you really want another person suffering the same as you had?
i'd put the innocent man in prison , from a purely sociological perspective this descision would have the least impact on our society as guilty criminals are more than likely to reoffend. so it would be better to put an innocent man in prison with little or no social consequence than to let him loose.

as krynn said its not that you know first hand that he is guilty or innocent but its rather the outcome you would have in any trial.