If you had to lose one of these senses, what wud it be?

Which sense would you sacrifice if forced?

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Mar 27, 2006
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so which would you get rid of, knowing that you would never get it back;( ?

I've already lost my sense of smell almost completely.
Taste...so I would only eat for supplement and not because it tastes good.
I can't taste very well anyway, so I lose that one by default.

It scares the shit out of me when I think about being blind, the views I'll never gaze upon or the faces I'd never see, or being deaf, sometimes just hearing certain peoples voices makes me happy, I feel damned lucky to have my eyes and ears, my world without them would be a cold, lonely place.
Voice because it's not a sense.
^ Yea...

Out of the 5 real senses though, I would have to say smell...but it's so connected with taste that it's hard to imagine taste without smell...
i chose 6 choices by mistake :p

i was going to do paranormal sense, but that would have been idiotic :p

so i chose voice.. lol

i agree with you though shod. tbh i would rather be dead, than deaf and blind.
Shodan said:
I can't taste very well anyway, so I lose that one by default.

It scares the shit out of me when I think about being blind, the views I'll never gaze upon or the faces I'd never see, or being deaf, sometimes just hearing certain peoples voices makes me happy, I feel damned lucky to have my eyes and ears, my world without them would be a cold, lonely place.

Yeah, someone once asked me whether I'd prefer to be blind or deaf, I honestly cannot imagine my life without either.
I would lose my sixth sense.

Or maybe Proprioception.
Smell definitely. Taste is a great thing to have, food is great. Everything else is soooo valuable too, I can't even imagine what it would be like if I had lost a sense such as hearing or seeing.
definitly taste. I'd eat spinach and tomatoes all day with no fear!
Taste. Well, it depends. If by losing taste you mean you've got a permament mouth-cold, and everything you eat just tastes plain unpleasant, then probably not. If it's just having no taste whatsoever, that wouldn't be so bad. But considering how much you eat every day - which is a lot - you might not realise at first just how important taste is to you.
If you give up taste, all you have is texture. Imagine how disgusting a mango might be.
after thinking about it, what would you do without:
sight? couldnt see the one you love, what you love or where you love.
touch? ...well, you know
hearing? life without music is no life at all imo
smell? you'd miss out on all the aromas life has to offer
taste? lots of things to taste :naughty: j/k :p
voice(mutness)? couldnt voice your opinion about anything...which sucks

so my conclusion is that i dont want to come to the multiple crossroads of which i would have to choose to lose D:

KoreBolteR- said:
a mango is disgusting anyway...:p LOL
I choose taste, my taste sense is good, but when I can't smell for some reason I can't taste anything, this way instead of losing 2, I lose just one and get to keep my smell.
It would have to be smell. I could not live without my vision and hearing but I could still maintain an almost normal life without smell.
Smell for me. Just like DrDevin said, I myself could not see living without sight or hearing.
In my head there is an orchestra finer than any heard among mortal men. I could lose my sense of hearing and never miss it, just to be alone with my orchestra.

In my mind I keep idealistic pictures of everyone I love. If I could never see again, they would stay young and beautiful to me forever.

But most of my career choices tend to rely heavily on hearing and sight; so, I'd have to go with Smell.
The though of losing any sense worries me.
I'd lose either taste or smell seeing as they are both the same sense really.......if you lost taste you could still sniff a bit of food to see what it was like.
smell isn't real big for me, so I'd lose it.
Losing smell could be potentially dangerous.
\Imagine not being able to detect smoke or natural gas.
I already lost my sense of smell. My nose is so screwed and I don't really know why. I literally can't smell shit... well unless is something super strong, like at a Thai restauraunt or something.
OvA said:
Losing smell could be potentially dangerous.
\Imagine not being able to detect smoke or natural gas.
I'd be able to taste it in the air.
Murray_H said:
Touch....unlimited stranger wanks!

But without the sense of touch your pepe would be broked :(
Who the f*** visiting a fansite for an extremely visual game genre and typing letters onto a monitor would choose sight?
I'd go with smell. Touch is probably the most important sense, even over sight or hearing. Not being feel anything would get you killed pretty quick.
Taste, why?
If you have had any decent science class you'd know we only taste 4 things: bitter, salty, sour and sweet.

Any other "taste" IS A SMELL FROM THE NOSE. Therefor I can show off by having really sour things in my mouth with no problems.
redpathogen said:
Who the f*** visiting a fansite for an extremely visual game genre and typing letters onto a monitor would choose sight?
There was a guy a while back who was trying to develop a mod for blind people. He claimed to be blind himself. Not sure if it was true or not but he posted at alot of mapping sites.
None. Because I'm that great, tbh.

I truthfully can't pick one. They're all important for one reason or the next.
I'd pick taste. If there was no longer an incentive to eat pizza, burgers, etc... more healthful foods would gain the advantage. I'd probably be much healthier if I lost the ability to taste my food. :LOL:
OCybrManO said:
I'd pick taste. If there was no longer an incentive to eat pizza, burgers, etc... more healthful foods would gain the advantage. I'd probably be much healthier if I lost the ability to taste my food. :LOL:

QFT it's the one I'd be most willing to give up if I really had too.
Guys, you've all voted for losing your sense of smell? Well that's a bad choice. It's bad because when you're around girls who are attracted to you they release pheromones to make you as horny as an antlion. Without a sense of smell you get denied the simple pleasures of flirting with girls. You could flirt but it wouldn't be the same. The pheromones make all the difference.

But if you lose your sense of touch you wouldn't feel anything down there!!! MY GOD DECISIONS DECISIONS.
I'd lose my sixth sense. I hate hearing women's thoughs ALL DAY! GRRR!:frown: