If You Have A Server!


Jul 23, 2003
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allways!!!!! put phys_impactscale to about 8...the ragdolls look MUCH BETTER and MUCH MORE realistic!


ie: someone ran towards me, i shotgunned his upper body, he fell on his knees and than slowly tips over on his face...it looked like a movie scene!
or if you shoot someones shoulder he will really turn in that direction and fall down sidwards! its REALLY good!
Yeah I noticed that there was something different on your server :)
i dont have a dedi server.. i just made one by myself ^^ (pings sucked ...)
thats mine and i have the phys cmd in there
also a public 16 slot server
i played with alot of commands but does anyone know if there is one that makes it so the objects dont push you back when you jump on them?
Spaz_McNasty said:
thats mine and i have the phys cmd in there
also a public 16 slot server
i played with alot of commands but does anyone know if there is one that makes it so the objects dont push you back when you jump on them?

There is no such command. It's a different entity and the mapper must change the map and recompile for this to change.