If you met a person with the same personality as yourself, would you like him/her?


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i'd think ...this guy tries too hard to impress...then call him a twat
Only if i didnt know about it, because then i would think its the perfect girl ever.
My boss is basically my brother from another mother, and we get along awesomely.
I'd love myself - are you kidding me?
No, I hate people who are like me. I need someone who is louder and more outgoing than me to keep a conversation going.
Are you sure you're not me? The exact same thing happened to me... except in the span of two weeks, not six :P

It also happened over a period of about 2 weeks, we've known each-other for about 6 weeks now, been dating for the last 4 weeks, everything is still great!

She's so amazing! Here's something things that most of you guys will drool over . . .

[1] She's the type of girl who has almost no drama & a very clear head on her sholders. Most "drama" we resolve in about 30 seconds & usually it's just a simple missunderstanding.
[2] She will pick up the phone and just call me whenever she wants to talk to me (versus sitting around bitching abouit how I won't call).
[3] She's just as creative (in many ways) as I am, DAAAAAYMN she's good.
No, I hate people who are like me. I need someone who is louder and more outgoing than me to keep a conversation going.

Take a lesson from dumb blondes: no one cares if you say stupid shit, just laugh it off like you were trying to be funny. Dumb blondes have the most friends anyway. Random craziness can be fun too! :bounce:
Fact is I probably wouldn't see much of him, I'm antisocial.
A while ago, a friend asked me what qualities my ideal woman would have.

"She'd like indie music, be intelligent and arty, like comedies like Monty Python and the Mighty Boosh, like videogames (or at least not find me weird for playing a lot of them), would be a hard drinker, she'd - "

"You realise you're pretty much describing yourself, yeah?"

"Hmmm... Oh yeah. What's your point?"

i r narcissist lol
It also happened over a period of about 2 weeks, we've known each-other for about 6 weeks now, been dating for the last 4 weeks, everything is still great!

She's so amazing! Here's something things that most of you guys will drool over . . .

[1] She's the type of girl who has almost no drama & a very clear head on her sholders. Most "drama" we resolve in about 30 seconds & usually it's just a simple missunderstanding.
[2] She will pick up the phone and just call me whenever she wants to talk to me (versus sitting around bitching abouit how I won't call).
[3] She's just as creative (in many ways) as I am, DAAAAAYMN she's good.
I'd be jealous, but we're basically dating the same girl :D
I'd be jealous, but we're basically dating the same girl :D

That's awesome! I sure as hell hope we aren't dating the same girl, lol.

Here's some things I really like about her, which would be problematic with most guys...
- She doesn't take ANY crap from anyone (especially horny guys). (I personally get sick of telling my female friends that they need to stick of for themselves and not take crap.)
- She's also brutally honest (like me).
- She's an angel, a reallllly nice girl, but she won't hesitate to push back harder when pushed (like me).

Just remembered another funny similarity:
- We both used to think we were aliens from another planet because of how different we were. I have to admit I still not sure if I'm an alien or not, just don't send any government people in black vans after me! (lol)
Actually, the guy I consider to by my best friend is very, very like me. I never even realised how much until recently (ie, today, but I'm not going into that). We have the same taste in comedy, books, games and broadly the same taste in music. We have a similar sense of hummour and we even like the same girl >_<

Edit: Infact, all my friends (That I can think of) share some of my personallity traits, but that's probably quite normal. Reflecting on it, I'd say that the more someone is like me (personallity-wise) the more I like then (despite the fact that I have a bit of self-hate for some of my traits, eg, lack of ambition)