If you met God, what would you ask?

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Nat Turner

Sep 28, 2005
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I'd ask him what are the exact chances of an average healthy cat surviving a fall from the top of the Empire State Building, in normal weather conditions. :D

It's as good a question as any. What about you?
Who made you?
Why am I here?
How should I live?

Underlined for emphasis, the most important one to me.
Solaris said:
How should I live?

More specifically: What are the actual, complete minimum requirements for acceptance into the Kingdom of God?
Raeven0 said:
Yeah. More specifically: What is the actual minimum requirement for acceptance into the Kingdom of God?
5 A-Cs

Lol, Ye I'd wanna know that.
Are you real or just a figmant of my imagination?
Now on a more serious note, I would ask him how we were made is there such thing as life after death, And to see heaven
I would ask him "what is desire?"
but seriously I would ask him if our planet is the only with intellegent life and whether other creatures had souls.
It occurs to me that I'm not restricted to one question. Okay.

Obligatory: Can you make a burrito so hot that you yourself cannot eat it?

Also: Is there any sentient being besides a human?

Not forgetting: Are there any intellectuals around me, or am I really surrounded by idiots? If the latter, WHY?!
I'd slap him in the face just to see his reaction...would be so great :E
Idonotbelonghere said:
I'd slap him in the face just to see his reaction...would be so great :E
Like eternal damnation?

Edit: I'd ask him why his sons looking so cross :D
First of all i'd have to wonder wether i believe he is real or not before meeting him, however, say he is ... then i'd ask him that if he did create humans why he lets so many innocent ones die !!!
Ikerous said:
How do you approximate an indefinite integral ;)

Well, the integral from x=0 to x=2 is ~2.834.

You can use approximate it using Taylor polynomials.

(I just did stuff in my calculator and briefly looked at my Calc book :))
short recoil said:
I'd ask him for a fight.
I'd ask him how short recoil became such a beast and legend of a man.
But i dont want to approximate values :(
I want to know the antiderivative of x^x
(i've seriously been trying to find it for a year...)
Nat Turner said:
Well, the integral from x=0 to x=2 is ~2.834.

You can use approximate it using Taylor polynomials.

(I just did stuff in my calculator and briefly looked at my Calc book :))

Ah, see there icourous, you would have wasted a question to god there, when you could have asked Halflife2.net.
Ikerous said:
But i dont want to approximate values :(
I want to know the antiderivative of x^x
(i've seriously been trying to find it for a year...)
but why? :(

Funny you should say that, too, cuz my Calc Final had a question where I had to find the derivative of x^x. (lnx*x^x ;))
Solaris said:
Ah, see there icourous, you would have wasted a question to god there, when you could have asked Halflife2.net.
But he didnt answer my question :(
I want to know the indefinite intregral instead of approximate areas
Oh wait, you don't even need Taylor polynomials to approximate it. That does something else. You just have to use the trapezoidal rule.
Ikerous said:
But he didnt answer my question :(
I want to know the indefinite intregral instead of approximate areas
There are somethings mankind just isn't meant to know.
Erestheux said:
Funny you should say that, too, cuz my Calc Final had a question where I had to find the derivative of x^x. (lnx*x^x ;))
the derivative of c^x = ln(c) c^x
it's different if the base is a variable
you have to re-write it as e^(xln(x)) and the derivative of that is x^x * (1 + ln(x))
Ikerous said:
the derivative of c^x = ln(c) c^x
it's different if the base is a variable
you have to re-write it as e^(xln(x)) and the derivative of that is x^x * (1 + ln(x))

Bose-Einstein integrals are much more interesting than ∫x^x dx!
I wonder if Pie is infinately long.

And who would god vote for?
Found this somewhere (steps 1,2,3):



You can't then put that into an integral (I believe), but it's good enough. :D
Ikerous said:
I've seen that too :(
It doesn't help at all...

I think a solution where you can just substitute in X would have to be infinitely long.
Nat Turner said:
I think a solution where you can just substitute in X would have to be infinitely long.
Yea, i think it'd be some sort of summation
I've recently got something that I think could be close, but it's a double summation... o_O
I dont know how to use those...
Ikerous said:
the derivative of c^x = ln(c) c^x
it's different if the base is a variable
you have to re-write it as e^(xln(x)) and the derivative of that is x^x * (1 + ln(x))
do not tell me these things for i have already handed in my midterm you awful person. :(

The derivative of c^f(x) is ln(c)*c^x*f ' (x). I know that.
Ikerous said:
Yea, i think it'd be some sort of summation
I've recently got something that I think could be close, but it's a double summation... o_O
I dont know how to use those...

I wish there was an easy way to convert every summation into an equation or a solveable integral. That would make things so much easier.
"So, God, what's all this about Jack Thompson?"
"Well, you see, the universe is made out of matter and antimatter. Antimatter, for one..."
(This is where I fell asleep :()
(I wake up again)
"...And that's why an Ikerous and Cyberpitz flick should be made. This is all relative, though."
"I see. So, Jack Thompson?"
"Oh, yes, yes. Jack Thompson is made of all the antimatter in the entire universe."
"So everything we stand for, Jack Thompson is the exact opposite?"
"So we can't destroy him?"
"No, that would cause the universe to implode."
"I know. I've been working on some workaround the last few years. I think it's got something to do with indefinite integrals..."
Beerdude26 said:
"So, God, what's all this about Jack Thompson?"
"Well, you see, the universe is made out of matter and antimatter. Antimatter, for one..."
(This is where I fell asleep :()
(I wake up again)
"...And that's why an Ikerous and Cyberpitz flick should be made. This is all relative, though."
"I see. So, Jack Thompson?"
"Oh, yes, yes. Jack Thompson is made of all the antimatter in the entire universe."
"So everything we stand for, Jack Thompson is the exact opposite?"
"So we can't destroy him?"
"No, that would cause the universe to implode."
"I know. I've been working on some workaround the last few years. I think it's got something to do with indefinite integrals..."

Best. Post. Ever. Ever. Ever.
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