If you think the Patriot Act is bad


Aug 25, 2004
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Putin said he would propose legislation abolishing the election of local governors by popular vote. Instead they would be nominated by the president and confirmed by local legislatures — removing the last vestiges of local autonomy.

Now that's a crack down... Imagine if the US Federal Govt. stopped State elections for Governor and said they were going to hand pick them from Washington.

(Maybe someone more familiar with a system of Paralment would put this in a correct analogy for the UK folks)
Putin's KGB roots are definitely showing through lately.
... And the fast decline of Russian politics causing a come back of the Soviet Union era government continues.

Putin is having a really easy time getting all of this.
not nice to speculate about, but I can see it could very well go along similar lines with the US federal government. But would people allow it?
Sgt_Shellback said:
Putin said he would propose legislation abolishing the election of local governors by popular vote. Instead they would be nominated by the president and confirmed by local legislatures — removing the last vestiges of local autonomy.

Sounds good, people will no longer be tricked into electing boneheads
DoctorGordon said:
Sounds good, people will no longer be tricked into electing boneheads

Yeah, the boneheads will be hand-picked for them instead.
can't wait to see what happens. either we get a new tyrant ruling over russia and some sweet cold war stuff or we get a strong central government there which isn't scared to take action and is beneficial for russia.

either way, I get a free t-shirt.