If you think your CS:S is F@cked, Look at This


Jan 3, 2005
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Hey guys for all the People who think their CS:S is Retarded... Look at This :thumbs:


Either you've overclocked your graphics card, or your files are corrupted, or your drivers are borked.... post what graphics card you have, and what drivers you are using, and whether it's overclocked.

To check that your game files are intact:
HAHAHA those pictures are brilliant, its like black sonic's running around! This is definately the worst of the glitches ive seen :D
i get those sometimes idk waht the cause is though
Haha, I like the guys name on the first picture.
Yeh, got that one when my graphic card failed :/
A bit of an incorrect title for the thread if you ask me, considering it is nothing to do with CSS, but a problem with your system :p
That used to happen to me in DM, just a driver problem. I updated and it was fine.
I have had parts of guns drag out and connect to certain parts of cs_compound, but nothing this bad.

Looks like spawn o_O
thethingexe said:
Hey guys for all the People who think their CS:S is Retarded... Look at This :thumbs:



Dang... that's a trip. :rolling:


Hasn't happened to me yet. :borg:
nah it wasn't really a problem, fixed by restarted CS:S. But my gfx card is a msi 6800 ultra with that new beta driver
Ah, right on then.... nice card... :thumbs:

I'm still stuck with a 9600 pro. :|

9600SE Here, but i can play it all on high on DX_9 ok so im happy, but when it comes to summer ill have a brand new PCI-E system so im extremely pleased :D

I keep model detail Medium, texture detail Medium, water detail reflect world, shadow detail on High, Antiliasing off, or none. Filtering mode Trilinear, shader detail on High, and vertical sync disabled...

When I run the stress test I get 70FPS about every time, sometimes like a little more... like 70. something.

Oh, and I'm playing at 1024x768 Resolution.

So, ALL of those on yours are on HIGH? like what about filtering mode...? What's your resolution? And what are your stress test results?

I've had that, a simple restart of the game fixed it I believe. It was either that or restarting the computer... cant remember.

Its kinda funny aint it :p
I get this sometimes, blamed it on my 56k cos the game would freeze and say connetion error, then THIS would happen.

Another one is where you can only see peoples guns and nades, and the are all upright, kinda makes you play bad :|
A mate of mine had that when he was on 56k aswell, but now he has upgraded to standard 512kbps Broadband and it's fine.
I used to get that kind of images in every 3d game I played. I found out later that the fan in my ati radeon 9800 pro stopped working :( Eventually the card fried it self. Fortunately for me it was still on warranty. Maybe you should check it out